Cover Letter for Job to Previous Employer

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I am writing this application to you as I am engrossed in applying for the position of software engineer that has been announced recently on your official website. I have pursued my graduation from Oxford University and have remained your previous employee for the period of two years and the nature of my job was programming and decoding languages.

I firmly believe that I can be an asset to your organization regarding software development. I have a very challenging nature and I can work both individually and alone too, but I prefer most to work as a team, and for this obvious reason I am intended to apply to your organization.

I have also given my services to a travel agency while I was doing my graduation and I have a well-known apprehension of the requirements of the travel industry. My skills suitably match your prerequisites as I am experienced in ABC command line, JS, Apache, and XML. I have a good understanding of Laravel substructure, and I have been bestowed with shooting adroitness.

Along with this application is attached my resume so you may have gone through the list of projects I have accomplished and my three years of experience as well as my certifications list. You can contact me via email, or you can call me at [#]. Thanking you in anticipation for your time and consideration.


This application serves to apply for the executive manager position that has recently been vacated in your organization. I have the experience of previously working with you as an Internee and it has enhanced my interest to apply again in your office. I was appointed then to the management director unit.

After going through my resume, you can apprehend that currently I am majoring in finance and accountancy and I will be graduating by Mach, 20XX. I have voluntarily worked for ABC Organization as a program developer and through my internship, I have gained enough experience in my field, and I can deal with all kinds of projects.

Currently, my aim is to make use of this experience and stump up to the work you are dealing with in your organization. I am eagerly waiting to have a detailed discussion with you about this position. I will make sure by calling your office that either my application has been received and provide any additional information if needed. I can be contacted via email. I will wait for your response.


As you know well that I started working in XYZ Enterprises, but I could not cope with the duties and working environment that have been provided in the company. Therefore, I am writing you to ask about the chances of my coming back to the previous position in which I had been giving my services in your organization for the past five years.

I enormously apologize regarding my arbitration of resigning from your organization. I assure you that I will provide long-term allegiance to the organization if you provide me a chance.

During my experience with XYZ Enterprises, I have attained experience by making myself adept in social and communication skills. The post in which I was working before might have been filled but I am keenly interested in applying to any other field for which you have vacant positions.

I corroborate with you that with the help of my passionate and fervent approach I can contribute a lot to the organization’s success, and I am eagerly waiting to be a part of your company again.

I am anticipating correspondence to discuss in detail my resume with you during the interview. I can be reached through email or my contact number [#]. I would be highly thankful to you for considering my request.

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