Employee Writeup to Boss for Unprofessional Behavior

Workplaces are run by hundreds or thousands of employees working tirelessly to achieve goals decided by their employers. The requirements of every employer are different, and employees are bound by contract to provide according to demands.

Although employees are paid for their services, they are paid workers, and their rights can be violated by any employer. To minimize these issues, every workplace devises policy to ensure certain rights for their employees. These rights should be given to every employee otherwise employers can become a victim of the law. All these steps are taken to make sure that employees are treated with respect and are considered individuals.

At many workplaces, employees are allowed to raise their voices against violence, abuse of power, injustice, and other such issues. If any employee becomes a victim at the hands of senior staff, then they can become vocal and forward their complaint to higher authorities.

Employees have the right to write a letter to the Director or CEO of the company about the unprofessional behavior of senior staff. Following tips should be considered while writing the letter,

  • Address the director by using proper salutations.
  • The letter should be concise and relevant. Lengthy letters put a bad impression.
  • Describe all the attributes of your complaint about a better understanding.
  • If needed, proofs can be attached with the following letter as additional information.
  • Use the company’s letterhead for writing a letter to put a good impression.
  • Prefer printed letters compared to handwritten letters.
  • Provide detailed information about the person to track him easily.
  • Do not use any code words or guess games in the letter.
  • Wait patiently to receive a response or action from the director.

Sample Letter

Subject: Complaint against the manager for unprofessional behavior.

Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I, Adam Moore, have been the newest employee of this company. During graduation, I joined this company as an intern to gain some knowledge and later I applied for the job of an assistant after my graduation was completed. I secured this job with flying colors and was very happy on that occasion.

During my internship, I met with excellent mentors who not only shaped my career but also helped me in shaping my life. My internship was a memorable period for me as I gained practical knowledge of the field that I was studying.

For my permanent job as an assistant, I was asked to work under the manager of the marketing department, Mr. Eric Dane. I never got a chance to work with Mr. Dane during my internship, so I was looking forward to this opportunity. But I was devastated to suffer his unprofessional behavior with me from the very beginning. I outdid his relative during the job interview and secured this job that is why he was very angry with me although I had not pulled any favors for this selection.

Firstly, I tried to ignore his behavior by being focused on my work, but it didn’t work because he would bash me in front of my colleagues, intentionally exclude me from office meetings, and would point out useless mistakes in my work. Over time, I tried to achieve his trust, but he is not planning to give me an easy time any sooner.

I would request you to kindly investigate this matter as it has been stated to affect my mental well-being. I feel ashamed in front of my colleagues and this situation is constantly eating my self-confidence.

I am unable to give 100% to my job which can have negative effects on my resume. In another scenario, I would accept my mistake and change my narrative, but this situation is not in my control.

I would request the management to take the required action and save me from the troubles of unprofessional misconduct at my workplace. I have huge respect for this pace because of the internship but I am very close to leaving this job if this matter continues any further.

I hope you will consider this matter a priority and take the necessary steps. I would always be grateful to you.

See also: