Leave Application for Travelling Abroad

We often write leave applications when we need to stay away, and we cannot do that without getting permission from concerned authorities. This application allows us to stay away without any tension as we get freedom from work during this time period. It is important to remember that this is the basic human right of every employee to obtain leave. 

All those people who are working under someone and have made commitments to fulfill cannot leave the country and take a break without fulfilling those commitments. However, if it is urgent, then they can write the leave. The following people can write this application:

  1. Students who are enrolled in a full-time study program and their absence from the institute can put their academic career in danger can write this application and ask for the permission of their supervisor or teacher before they leave the country
  2. Employees who are working as full-time workers in the company are also required to ask for leave in advance as the work that they are supposed to be doing can be affected if they go without informing anyone


Anyone who has committed with someone is not allowed to leave the country and disappear without informing and seeking permission appropriately. Those who don’t write the leave application show that they don’t know what a professional attitude is like, and also pay the price. For instance, when employees leave the country and don’t write their leave, their boss has a right to terminate them from the company and hire someone else in their position. To avoid such circumstances, it is better to come up with an application.

Writing letter…

Whenever you write an application to higher authorities, you always have a purpose to get it accepted in mind. You know that you cannot get your purpose fulfilled unless you write the application in an efficacious way. You can follow the tips given below:

Write your purpose:

An application is more formal than a letter and it includes only pertinent details. Therefore, as soon as you start the body, make the reader know your purpose. Although the subject in the application already does this job, the body elaborates the subject and makes the reader sure about what you are asking for.

Give specifics of your traveling abroad:

Mention in the application that you are going abroad. Mention the name of the country and also tell the reader about the type of visa you have got. Tell me the date on which you have booked the ticket. The duration of the visa must also be mentioned since it will give a clear idea to your boss as to when you will return.

If you must go, do mention it in the letter. This will help you get your application accepted. Make sure that you don’t try to be overdramatic in an attempt to get approval to go abroad.

Make a request:

In the end, ask the reader to accept your leave application and allow you to go abroad for a specific time period.

Read the sample application given below:

Sample leave application for traveling abroad:

It is stated that I am required to travel to the United Kingdom as I have got my visit visa application approved. My ticket has been booked for 24th December 20XX. My visa is for two weeks, and I will return to the country on 6th January, 20XX.

This visa has been sponsored for me by my elder brother and I am required to visit him as he is not feeling well and cannot travel. I am requesting you to kindly grant me the leave for 2 weeks so that I can travel abroad and get some important matters resolved.  I shall be highly obliged. 

See also: