Resignation Letter due to Bed Rest

When employees have to leave a job, they write a resignation letter.  A resignation letter is a formal request from the employee that they can not work for the organization any longer, due to one reason or another. There could be various reasons for that for example, they could be shifting to another country or moving out of the city. They may have found a better job opportunity, or it could be due to personal problems or health issues.

Whatever the reason may be, a resignation letter should always be formal and polite. It should have all the details about the employee so that there is no issue with their identification. It should also include all the relevant information like the last working day that the employee would be coming to the office. Along with the request to clear their dues. It is better the employee clearly states the reason for submitting a resignation letter.

A standard format of the letter is as under:


The employee would start by greeting the appropriate authority to whom their resignation letter would be submitted. It is usually submitted to the head of the human resource department who then forwards it to the relevant authorities.


At the beginning of the letter, the employee should give their complete identification such as employee number (if any), department name, etc.

Main body:

Then they should explain why they are leaving the job. what would be their last working day and if there were any particular date before which they would like their dues to be cleared, it should be mentioned. Especially in the case of moving to another city or country, the employee might want the financial issues and other clearance to be completed before a certain date. This date should be clearly communicated in the resignation letter.

Concluding paragraph:

In the end, the employee should thank the employer, for providing them with an opportunity to showcase their talent and helping them in their professional growth. They should wish them well for the future and end the letter on a positive note.

The letter should be checked thoroughly before sending, to avoid any grammatical or spelling mistakes.

Do not include any unnecessary information in the letter and neither should any important information be left out.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. (name)

I am writing this letter to resign from my current position as (designation) in (name of the) department. I have been working for this company since (year). In all this time I’ve learned a lot and have been blessed with some excellent mentors, whose able guidance and kind words have helped me through a lot of difficult times and taught me a lot, professionally and personally.

However, as you understand I had a horrible car accident last month which left my lower limbs paralyzed. My doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest to increase my chances of recovery. I cannot continue working in this condition and I feel that it is it would be appropriate to hand in my resignation.

I am extremely grateful to you for your compassion and the support you extended after my accident. I would forever be indebted to the compassion and kindness showed by the management and my colleagues during this difficult time.

Wishing you all the best for the future.

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Save -2:

Respected Mr. (name)

I (name) have been working as (designation) in (name) department since (date). I love my work and getting hired by this company was a dream come true. I had a wonderful experience working here but now I am writing to submit my resignation letter as my doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest and I cannot continue working due to my medical condition.

I am attaching all the relevant documents and a certificate signed by my doctor to this effect. It was an honor to serve in this company and I had a very enriching work experience. I have had good luck working with some excellent mentors who taught me a lot and guided me through a lot of very difficult projects.

I would be indebted to my team members who showed immense compassion and understanding during my disease, but I feel that to continue working in this condition would be unfair both to me and to the company as I will not be able to give my 100% to the work any longer.

(date) would be my last working day in the office and I would be very grateful if you could instruct the finance department to process my pending arrears and clearance before (date2) as I am traveling abroad to get treatment for my condition.

Wishing you all the best for the future and looking forward to coming back with good health and once again becoming a part of this wonderful institution.

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See also: