Apology Letter after Resignation

Apology letters are written to express one’s regret over a mistake or an error. They may be written on a variety of occasions. They may be written by an organization or by an individual. Since in an apology letter you are asking for someone’s forgiveness so the tone should be formal yet polite.

You should clearly convey what you are apologizing for. As this conveys the impression that you have realized your mistake. Be genuine in your apology. The letter should not be very long.

In fact, it should be kept short and precise. However, it should include any important information you might have related to the incident. In the end, you should always assure the other person that you have learned from your mistakes and that your apology will reflect in your actions.

Sometimes when an employee makes a mistake in the workplace which is not forgivable the company requests them to put in their resignation. So that they are not fired and can still claim benefits. In such cases, the employee may write an apology letter after handing in their resignation.

In this letter, the ex-employee should clearly explain the incident from their point of view and tell the employee what they have learned from the incident. He/she should assure them that they will not repeat their mistakes and thank the employer for the opportunity to work for them.

In case of more grave offenses, the ex-employee can thank the employer for not initiating any legal proceedings against them.

The File

I wish to express my deepest regret over the incident that took place on (date). I was on duty that day as the head nurse. The doctor had informed me that the condition of patient number 13 was to be monitored very closely and in case of any change in his oxygen saturation levels or pulse, I was to inform Dr. (name) immediately.

It was a very busy shift as a lot of patients were coming in due to the heatwave. We were getting a lot of patients suffering from heat stroke and it was a very busy shift. So, I could not focus on the patient on bed number 13, and I was unable to notice when his condition worsened.

I realize that this is no excuse for ignoring the doctor’s direct command. I also realize that if the doctor (name 2) had not spotted the patient’s pulse rate falling below (number) and initiated the emergency procedure, the patient may have lost his life. I cannot put in words how ashamed and shaken I am by this incident.

I joined this profession with the intent to serve humanity and I have always tried to put my best into my work. This incident is as shocking to me as it is to you. I should not have let my attention wander. I fully realize that it was a very grave mistake that could have had very serious consequences. I respect the disciplinary committee’s decision and I have rendered my resignation.

In the end, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to work in your wonderful hospital. I have learned a lot during this time. I wish that I was parting on a happier note. I will always remember the lessons I learned in this hospital.

I hope that you would be able to forgive my mistake and remember me for any good that I might have done here. I have always treated all my patients with utmost care and attention. I hope that this one incident of negligence will not wipe out all the good that I have tried to do while working for you.

Hostile Work Environment Complaint Letter to Boss

Complaint letters are formal letters written to communicate a problem or an issue, the sender is facing someone in authority who has the power to resolve the issue. Complaint letters are a very effective way to resolve a problem you are facing. They are written for a variety of reasons.

They may be written to a company or a service provider by an individual or a company. These letters should have a formal and firm tone. The problem should be stated clearly while avoiding any extra details. All the facts and figures relevant to the issue should be mentioned. Any receipts or any proofs in the sender’s possession should be attached to the letter.

People belonging to different ethnicities, races, genders, and political and religious beliefs come together to work in an organization. To have a good work environment, it is very important that everyone is treated equally and if anyone says or does anything to offend or hurt another employee they are apprehended and reprimanded very strictly. A positive work environment affects the productivity of the employee and their mental peace and physical health.

It is very important to have a fair and positive work environment. If someone feels threatened, ridiculed, or insulted in the workplace, they have a right to write a complaint letter to the authorities and report the incident to the administration who are then supposed to deal with the complaint according to the company policy.

when someone is writing a complaint letter about a hostile work environment they should try to include as much evidence and witnesses of the different incidents as they can to make their case strong.

Letter to Thankyou Boss for Probation

When new employees are hired, they are often put on probation. This means that they are hired on a trial basis and after observing their performance for the probationary period, they would either be let go or a contract would be signed with them. This observation period may last three months, six months, or a year. From the employer’s point of view, it is easy to terminate people hired on probation instead of the long and tedious process required by HR for the termination of a contractual employee.

Employees may be terminated if they are not punctual or act irresponsibly. Incompetence or lack of the skills required for the job can also result in termination.

For a person looking for work for the first time like a fresh graduate or a person coming back into the workforce after a long break, getting a job on probation is an attractive option as it gives them an opportunity to show their skills and earn a place in the organization.

The job market is saturated and finding a place in a good reputable company that offers a good package is very difficult so a person who finds themselves in this position may want to thank the employer for considering them for the job.

Writing a thank you letter is a good way to show your gratitude. It would be written in the format of a typical business letter starting with the sender and receiver’s contact information and date, followed by the greetings and subject line.

After that, the main body of the letter is written, in which the sender expresses their gratitude. The letter would be concluded with a wish to be very productive and come up to the employer’s expectations. In the end, the writer would put their signatures.

The following points should be kept in mind when writing a thank you letter.

  1. This is a professional letter so keep the tone formal and polite.
  2. Keep the letter brief and to the point.
  3. Be genuine and honest in your gratitude.
  4. Check the letter for grammatical mistakes before sending it.

Save -1:

Subject:  Thank you letter for Probation at [XYZ]

I want to thank you for considering my job application and selecting me as a junior research officer on probation. I realize that due to the huge gap in my work experience, my selection was not a straightforward decision and you are putting a lot of trust in me.

I want to assure you that you will not regret this decision. I have always been a hard-working person and with my complete dedication and commitment to work, I will prove to you that your decision to hire me, was correct.

IC design and implementation have always been a field very close to my heart and to work in this field practically, in state-of-the-art laboratories is like a dream come true. I am particularly interested in the [equipment name] and wish to learn the maximum during my training period.

I am excited to learn under the mentorship of Mr. [name], whose research in this area has been recognized the world over. I am sure that this would be a really great learning experience and I intend to utilize it to increase my knowledge and enhance my skills.

In the end, I would like to thank you once again and assure you that I would try my best not to let you down. Instead, prove myself to be profitable for the company.

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Save -2:

Subject:  Thank you letter for Probation at [ABC]

I am writing to express my gratitude for hiring me on probation in [department name]. As a fresh graduate, it is a wonderful opportunity and I intend to give it my best. I am looking forward to the Basic Training course, my performance in this course would prove my commitment and dedication to the job.

As the trainers are seniors who have vast experience in this field, everyone joining the Basic Training course is getting a once in a lifetime opportunity and whether we are selected after the probation period or not, the experiences and the coaching, we would get during the training are invaluable and I am thankful to you for giving me this chance.

Looking forward to a very interesting and educating experience.

File: Word (.docx)
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See more:

Resignation Letter due to Bed Rest

When employees have to leave a job, they write a resignation letter.  A resignation letter is a formal request from the employee that they can not work for the organization any longer, due to one reason or another. There could be various reasons for that for example, they could be shifting to another country or moving out of the city. They may have found a better job opportunity, or it could be due to personal problems or health issues.

Whatever the reason may be, a resignation letter should always be formal and polite. It should have all the details about the employee so that there is no issue with their identification. It should also include all the relevant information like the last working day that the employee would be coming to the office. Along with the request to clear their dues. It is better the employee clearly states the reason for submitting a resignation letter.

A standard format of the letter is as under:


The employee would start by greeting the appropriate authority to whom their resignation letter would be submitted. It is usually submitted to the head of the human resource department who then forwards it to the relevant authorities.


At the beginning of the letter, the employee should give their complete identification such as employee number (if any), department name, etc.

Main body:

Then they should explain why they are leaving the job. what would be their last working day and if there were any particular date before which they would like their dues to be cleared, it should be mentioned. Especially in the case of moving to another city or country, the employee might want the financial issues and other clearance to be completed before a certain date. This date should be clearly communicated in the resignation letter.

Concluding paragraph:

In the end, the employee should thank the employer, for providing them with an opportunity to showcase their talent and helping them in their professional growth. They should wish them well for the future and end the letter on a positive note.

The letter should be checked thoroughly before sending, to avoid any grammatical or spelling mistakes.

Do not include any unnecessary information in the letter and neither should any important information be left out.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. (name)

I am writing this letter to resign from my current position as (designation) in (name of the) department. I have been working for this company since (year). In all this time I’ve learned a lot and have been blessed with some excellent mentors, whose able guidance and kind words have helped me through a lot of difficult times and taught me a lot, professionally and personally.

However, as you understand I had a horrible car accident last month which left my lower limbs paralyzed. My doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest to increase my chances of recovery. I cannot continue working in this condition and I feel that it is it would be appropriate to hand in my resignation.

I am extremely grateful to you for your compassion and the support you extended after my accident. I would forever be indebted to the compassion and kindness showed by the management and my colleagues during this difficult time.

Wishing you all the best for the future.

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Save -2:

Respected Mr. (name)

I (name) have been working as (designation) in (name) department since (date). I love my work and getting hired by this company was a dream come true. I had a wonderful experience working here but now I am writing to submit my resignation letter as my doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest and I cannot continue working due to my medical condition.

I am attaching all the relevant documents and a certificate signed by my doctor to this effect. It was an honor to serve in this company and I had a very enriching work experience. I have had good luck working with some excellent mentors who taught me a lot and guided me through a lot of very difficult projects.

I would be indebted to my team members who showed immense compassion and understanding during my disease, but I feel that to continue working in this condition would be unfair both to me and to the company as I will not be able to give my 100% to the work any longer.

(date) would be my last working day in the office and I would be very grateful if you could instruct the finance department to process my pending arrears and clearance before (date2) as I am traveling abroad to get treatment for my condition.

Wishing you all the best for the future and looking forward to coming back with good health and once again becoming a part of this wonderful institution.

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See also:

Letter of Absence due to Workload Demand

Save -1: Academic

Dear Sir, I am writing to request you to excuse my absence from the class on (date) and (date). As you know that I am doing this executive MBA, along with managing my personal business. As the festive season is approaching, we are receiving a lot of orders.

Although it is very good for business, it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to manage the workload along with attending the classes. I am fully aware of the importance of being regular but due to the increased frequency of orders and their time-sensitive nature, time management has become very difficult for me.

I intend to cover all the lessons I am missing out on and have already started gathering the notes. Also, I have started delegating responsibilities at work so that I can be regular in my studies and not miss out on any more lectures. I have completed the assignments which were to be submitted in these classes and I will submit them today to your teaching assistant.

I hope you would understand my problem and forgive me for the late submission of the assignments as I was late not because of slackness or neglecting my studies but due to workload demands.

Looking forward to your understanding and compassion.

Save -2: Professional

Rich Raymond,
Head of XYZ Company
23, Hall Road
New York, US

Subject: Leave of absence due to enormous workload demands

Date: 28th October 20XX

Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I, Martin Josh, have been working with XYZ company for 5 years. I joined this company as an intern after my graduation and with the passage of time, I have been promoted to the rank of manager.

Currently, I am heading for a team of 5 members under the name of the marketing department. All of us have been working in coordination with other departments to secure more projects and head in the direction of success.

We have suffered a lot due to the negligence of a few employees but their absence from their respective departments has made our company stronger and ready to face challenges.

In the last 2 months, we got 5 projects from multinational companies that contributed massively to our progress, but it was very hard work. Most of the departments remained at the office till 2 am, discussing strategies and making action plans. These past few months have been a roller coaster ride for me and team members as well because we had to make marketing strategies, test their outcomes, share them with clients, and then make changes.

It was a very long process but after a few trials and errors, all strategies were approved by the clients, and they were very happy with the results. Securing these projects had positive impacts on our portfolio and many other mega projects might be secured in the future as well.

Because of the immense workload, my health has suffered a great deal. I work continuously and didn’t keep my health in check which is why I am suffering from back pain and muscle contraction. I have visited a specialist and my reports suggest I take a complete bed rest of 2 weeks.

Therefore, I seek your permission to excuse me from work for 2 weeks so that I can regain my health and work again with full strength and a healthy mind. I know you treat your employees with empathy and understand their situation. Your kind nature allowed me to write this letter of absence.

During my absence, any member of my team can step up and lead. I will always be available by phone or email for any important discussion or meeting. I hope you consider my letter and allow me to rest.

Anxiously waiting for your response.


Martin Josh
Manager at Marketing Department
Contact: 789 789 469

See also:

Leave Application for Travelling Abroad

We often write leave applications when we need to stay away, and we cannot do that without getting permission from concerned authorities. This application allows us to stay away without any tension as we get freedom from work during this time period. It is important to remember that this is the basic human right of every employee to obtain leave. 

All those people who are working under someone and have made commitments to fulfill cannot leave the country and take a break without fulfilling those commitments. However, if it is urgent, then they can write the leave. The following people can write this application:

  1. Students who are enrolled in a full-time study program and their absence from the institute can put their academic career in danger can write this application and ask for the permission of their supervisor or teacher before they leave the country
  2. Employees who are working as full-time workers in the company are also required to ask for leave in advance as the work that they are supposed to be doing can be affected if they go without informing anyone


Anyone who has committed with someone is not allowed to leave the country and disappear without informing and seeking permission appropriately. Those who don’t write the leave application show that they don’t know what a professional attitude is like, and also pay the price. For instance, when employees leave the country and don’t write their leave, their boss has a right to terminate them from the company and hire someone else in their position. To avoid such circumstances, it is better to come up with an application.

Writing letter…

Whenever you write an application to higher authorities, you always have a purpose to get it accepted in mind. You know that you cannot get your purpose fulfilled unless you write the application in an efficacious way. You can follow the tips given below:

Write your purpose:

An application is more formal than a letter and it includes only pertinent details. Therefore, as soon as you start the body, make the reader know your purpose. Although the subject in the application already does this job, the body elaborates the subject and makes the reader sure about what you are asking for.

Give specifics of your traveling abroad:

Mention in the application that you are going abroad. Mention the name of the country and also tell the reader about the type of visa you have got. Tell me the date on which you have booked the ticket. The duration of the visa must also be mentioned since it will give a clear idea to your boss as to when you will return.

If you must go, do mention it in the letter. This will help you get your application accepted. Make sure that you don’t try to be overdramatic in an attempt to get approval to go abroad.

Make a request:

In the end, ask the reader to accept your leave application and allow you to go abroad for a specific time period.

Read the sample application given below:

Sample leave application for traveling abroad:

It is stated that I am required to travel to the United Kingdom as I have got my visit visa application approved. My ticket has been booked for 24th December 20XX. My visa is for two weeks, and I will return to the country on 6th January, 20XX.

This visa has been sponsored for me by my elder brother and I am required to visit him as he is not feeling well and cannot travel. I am requesting you to kindly grant me the leave for 2 weeks so that I can travel abroad and get some important matters resolved.  I shall be highly obliged. 

See also:

Employee Writeup to Boss for Unprofessional Behavior

Workplaces are run by hundreds or thousands of employees working tirelessly to achieve goals decided by their employers. The requirements of every employer are different, and employees are bound by contract to provide according to demands.

Although employees are paid for their services, they are paid workers, and their rights can be violated by any employer. To minimize these issues, every workplace devises policy to ensure certain rights for their employees. These rights should be given to every employee otherwise employers can become a victim of the law. All these steps are taken to make sure that employees are treated with respect and are considered individuals.

At many workplaces, employees are allowed to raise their voices against violence, abuse of power, injustice, and other such issues. If any employee becomes a victim at the hands of senior staff, then they can become vocal and forward their complaint to higher authorities.

Employees have the right to write a letter to the Director or CEO of the company about the unprofessional behavior of senior staff. Following tips should be considered while writing the letter,

  • Address the director by using proper salutations.
  • The letter should be concise and relevant. Lengthy letters put a bad impression.
  • Describe all the attributes of your complaint about a better understanding.
  • If needed, proofs can be attached with the following letter as additional information.
  • Use the company’s letterhead for writing a letter to put a good impression.
  • Prefer printed letters compared to handwritten letters.
  • Provide detailed information about the person to track him easily.
  • Do not use any code words or guess games in the letter.
  • Wait patiently to receive a response or action from the director.

Sample Letter

Subject: Complaint against the manager for unprofessional behavior.

Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I, Adam Moore, have been the newest employee of this company. During graduation, I joined this company as an intern to gain some knowledge and later I applied for the job of an assistant after my graduation was completed. I secured this job with flying colors and was very happy on that occasion.

During my internship, I met with excellent mentors who not only shaped my career but also helped me in shaping my life. My internship was a memorable period for me as I gained practical knowledge of the field that I was studying.

For my permanent job as an assistant, I was asked to work under the manager of the marketing department, Mr. Eric Dane. I never got a chance to work with Mr. Dane during my internship, so I was looking forward to this opportunity. But I was devastated to suffer his unprofessional behavior with me from the very beginning. I outdid his relative during the job interview and secured this job that is why he was very angry with me although I had not pulled any favors for this selection.

Firstly, I tried to ignore his behavior by being focused on my work, but it didn’t work because he would bash me in front of my colleagues, intentionally exclude me from office meetings, and would point out useless mistakes in my work. Over time, I tried to achieve his trust, but he is not planning to give me an easy time any sooner.

I would request you to kindly investigate this matter as it has been stated to affect my mental well-being. I feel ashamed in front of my colleagues and this situation is constantly eating my self-confidence.

I am unable to give 100% to my job which can have negative effects on my resume. In another scenario, I would accept my mistake and change my narrative, but this situation is not in my control.

I would request the management to take the required action and save me from the troubles of unprofessional misconduct at my workplace. I have huge respect for this pace because of the internship but I am very close to leaving this job if this matter continues any further.

I hope you will consider this matter a priority and take the necessary steps. I would always be grateful to you.

See also:

Missing Work Excuse Letter to Boss

Employees are the individuals who lay the foundation of a business/company/organization or any other form of workplace.  Employees are hired by employers for reaching a specific set of goals in a particular period. Although these employees are paid for their efforts and are also awarded benefits and services based on their performances, many workplaces follow a set of rules and policies for treating their employees in a proper manner.

While setting up a business or an organization, different departments are made that work in connection with each other to achieve similar goals. These departments are led by employees and deal with clients by providing services and products.

Policies benefiting employees are devised by the HR department of the organization to make sure that employees are treated as individuals on payroll and not as slaves. These policies are read by employees while signing contracts with the workplace. Internationally, many laws are for conserving the rights of employees in the workplace so that they are not exploited in the name of money.

Employees are entitled to enjoy a few luxuries of vacations or paid leave for a purpose which may include attending weddings, urgent work, or calling in sick. Every employer is supposed to provide a few paid leaves to each employee in case of emergency. These leaves can also be used by employees for resting for a few days at home.

It is important to write a letter to your boss about missing work due to any reason. This letter is formal and concise. It should explain the reason for missing out on work. Some of the tips that should be considered while writing a letter to the boss are given below,

  • Use proper salutations for addressing the boss.
  • It is a formal document; therefore, writing should be formal, and appropriate font size and style should be chosen.
  • Keep the letter relevant and concise to put a good impression. Do not provide excess information as it will make the letter lengthy.
  • Always use letterhead for writing letters.
  • Do not use hand-written letters instead print letters on official letterhead.
  • If necessary, provide additional documents to reason your missing work excuse.
  • Provide proper designation and department information to avoid inconvenience for the boss.


Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I, Adam Gilbert, have been an active and integral part of the marketing department for 4 years. I joined the department as a fresh graduate to gain some experience. I met excellent mentors here who not only helped me in my projects but also guided me regarding my career. It is because of their kindness and my hard work that I was able to secure the position of manager at your company.

I have always given my 100% to my job and never considered it a burden. I only miss work in case of an emergency otherwise I don’t take leaves. I was unable to join the office and work for 2 weeks due to a severe case of food poisoning.

Unfortunately, 2 weeks ago I dined out with my family at a famous restaurant and the next day we were all very ill and unable to move. It was difficult to manage everything at home as everyone was suffering and nobody could take care of us or provide us with food.

I couldn’t inform the office about my absence which is very wrong on my part because many projects needed my attention. I wouldn’t have made such a mistake of missing work without formal notice so that the department could manage without me, but I was in no condition to think about my job and work. I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience you suffered because of delayed projects. I will make it up to you in the future.

I am well and healthy now; therefore, I have joined the office. I have already started working on previous projects along with new ones to compensate for the loss of our clients. I hope you understand my situation and will allow me to continue work.

See also:

Complaint Letter for Salary Deduction

Companies and businesses hire employees for performing tasks and achieving goals set by the employer. Many multinational companies hire hundreds of employees working in different countries to reach their goals. Higher management overlooks all these employees and makes sure they are performing well.

Employees working in any field are not only given salaries in exchange for their work but they are awarded for their efforts and enjoy various benefits and services. Every business has set up a separate department for employees which is known as HR.

HR is responsible for devising policies for the betterment of employees. They provide ideas, make policies, implement rules, keep a check on irregularities, and much more.

In addition, HR also receives and reviews complaint letters of employees and answers them accordingly. HR at any organization is also supervised by higher management but they are given rights to carry out some action. If complaints letters are not justified by them, employees forward those letters to other authorities.

Why complaint?

Complaints may arise due to various issues such as objectionable behavior of another employee, warning letters, and issues related to salary. All employers are responsible for entertaining all complaints of employees.

These letters are concise and formal. Employees provide all the details in a single ago to avoid any inconvenience for the reader. Formal language is used by employees and the complaint is presented respectfully. After submission of the letter, employees wait patiently for a response or any other action.

Some key points that should be considered while drafting a letter are given below,

  • Printed letters have more impact on the receiver as compared to handwritten letters.
  • Use the letterhead of the company for printing letters to make them official and professional.
  • Use a professional title for addressing seniors or higher authority to keep the matter peaceful.
  • Address the issue in simple words and provide details.
  • Attach all proofs with the letter to avoid any inconvenience.
  • Do not mention any warnings or time limits in the letter.
  • Use professional font size, style, and color for printing.


It is respectfully stated that I, Patrick Adams, have been associated with XYZ company for 5 years. After completing graduation, I joined as an intern to gain some experience. I became very good at my work and was offered the job of assistant manager.

Over the years, knowledge and experience have only been invested and contributed a lot to upgrading me in my rank. I have always been a fan of employee policies that are practiced at the company. Employees are given benefits and awarded generously for their efforts. There never has been a complaint against higher authorities.

I am writing this letter to lure your attention to a serious matter that I have been facing for several months. Employees are always paid on a specific date; therefore, I receive my salary on time but in the past few months there have been unknown deductions.

For 2 months, I didn’t do anything and considered it a glitch or mistake but when it continued for the 3rd month, I contacted HR to resolve this issue or justify these deductions.

According to HR, I have taken several leaves without prior notice, which is not true as I only took two authorized leaves a few months back. I informed management about my absence and the reason behind it. I replied to HR, but they are not entertaining my complaint as a priority therefore, I am writing to you to kindly look into this matter and resolve or ask HR to check their records about my absence.

I belong to a middle-class family and these deductions have disturbed my budget. I’m in debt of a few thousand which will continue to increase if these deductions continue.

Kindly provide me the reason for the deduction so I can know if it happened by mistake or system issue, then kindly provide all the amount that has been deducted in the previous few months. I hope you will consider my issue a priority and help me through this problem.

See also:

Letter to Reduce Hours at Work

This is a formal letter in which you request your boss to reduce your number of working hours. This happens because of many reasons. People write the request letter to ask for decreasing working hours in different ways depending on the situation in which they are writing this letter.

This letter is deemed a professional way to communicate a request to your manager.  You should try to gather enough information regarding the procedure that must be followed to convey the message. 

People request a reduction in their time of work because of many reasons. One of the most common reasons is that they want to balance their personal and work life which has become difficult for them because of long work routines. Some people also want to work less because of their health issues. In some cases, people try to pursue their passion by working less and focusing more on their goals. 

What are the benefits?

There are many advantages to writing this letter to the manager. Some of these advantages are:

  1. People can focus more on their personal life when they get a reduction in working hours. When you don’t have to spend a long time in the office, they can get ample time to stay with their family. In addition, they can also spend time focusing on their health. This way, they can improve their life. 
  2. People become more social when they have to be away from work and live more around their family and friends. 
  3. People get the opportunities to get rid of the unnecessary burden they have to shoulder at the workplace just because their manager believes that they spend a long time in the office and they should utilize every minute of their time serving the company. 

Main points to remember:

Following are some basic points that should be kept in mind:

Discuss the reason why you need decreased working hours:

Some people don’t get the approval of their request and have to work in the same routine because they fail to tell why they need this to happen. When the manager is not convinced about reducing the number of hours, it will never approve the request. Therefore, never forget to mention the reason. Also, make sure that the reason you give makes sense to the reader.

Discuss how you will cooperate:

When the employee requests to spend less time in the office, he should prove that he will remain cooperative and loyal to the company. The willingness of the employee to cooperate with the company should be demonstrated in the letter. 

Sample letter:

I am Mr. ABC, working in the sales department of the company for 10 years. I am writing this letter to make a humble request to you to reduce my work hours. I am compelled to ask for this favor because of the new addition to my family. I have been blessed with a baby girl recently and I believe that my family needs more time of mind. I think that I must pay more attention to my wife and my daughter. 

As of now, I am working 50 hours a week. However, I want a reduction in working hours by up to 20 hours. I trust my abilities and believe that I can easily manage my work responsibilities in 30 working hours also without disturbing anyone. I assure you that the reduction will not impact the company at any level. In addition to it, there are also some extra duties that I have been fulfilling and now I want all these responsibilities to be delegated to others. 

I am so thankful to you for providing me with enough opportunities to work and grow. Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We can meet and discuss how a new schedule can be created and implemented. I am looking forward to hearing from you.