Three Months’ Probation Completed Letter to Employee

Often companies hire employees on probation. This probation period may last from 3 months to a year. During this period the employee’s performance is monitored and evaluated. If at the completion of this period, the employer feels that the employee is suitable for the company and is appropriate for the position for which hiring is being done, the company signs a contract with the employee.

The need for a probation period arises from the fact that even the most thorough interview cannot guarantee that the employee is appropriate for the job but during the probation period it is easy to evaluate and monitor the employee’s work habits and temperament.

Whether or not they can work in a team effectively and whether they have the required skill set for the job or not. When the probation period is over the employer informs the employee, if they have been selected or not.

In the letter the employer would first congratulate the employee on the completion of the probation period and then it will go on to explain briefly what points were noticed during the evaluation. It would list the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, and, in the end, it would be announced if the company wants to hire the employee or not.

It is a formal letter, and it will be written in the standard format of a formal letter. Even if the employee is not hired, the letter should be ended on a positive note wishing the employee the best for the future and congratulating them on the successful completion of the probation.

Save -1:

I (name), (designation) from (department name) am writing to congratulate you on the successful completion of your probation. Your three months probation started on (date). Your performance over this period has been exemplary. You were evaluated based on your team leader’s assessment report and your score on the basic training test. We are glad to inform you, that you have come second on the merit list.

Another criterion for evaluation was your ability to work in a team. You have proved that you are a good team player along with having the required skill set for the job. It is due to this reason that the company has decided to offer you a contract.

You would be hired as (designation) in the department (department name). You would be working under Mr. (name). He is a great mentor and has trained a lot of newcomers. We are sure that with your hard work and his guidance, you will learn a lot and would be able to explore your full potential.

In the end, I would like to congratulate you once again on your selection and hope that you make the best of this opportunity. We have very high hopes from you and I am sure you will prove us right.

Welcome to the team.

Save -2:

I (name), (designation) from (department name) am writing to inform you that your three months probation, which started on (date) has been completed. During this time, you worked on our software development platform. Mr. (name) was your team leader and project supervisor. Based on his assessment report and your performance in the (basic training test) you have come on the sixth place on the merit list.

We would like to congratulate you on your score on the basic training test taken at the end of your probation. It shows your expertise in this field and your aptitude. We appreciate the hard work you have put in and the dedication with which you have completed your probation but as you know that currently, we only have five vacancies to fill so we would not be offering you a place at the moment.

However, if any of the first five selected employees decide not to join, their place would be offered to you. Also, we would keep you on our list and as soon as some vacancy opens, you would be contacted.

We want to wish you all the best in your future endeavors. We are sure that with your talent and hard work, you have a very bright future in front of you.

See also: