Excuse Letter for Being Absent from Work due to Wedding

Regularity is one of the most prized qualities in an employee. When an employee is regular, he is considered reliable and responsible which is a prerequisite for important positions and responsibilities.

When an employee is absent from work without taking a leave first, it disturbs their team and slows them down. It affects the office environment negatively and it is considered very unprofessional. Therefore, if someone is absent from work due to a genuine reason, they are advised to write an excuse letter for their absence.

In this letter, they should explain the reason for the absence and any other relevant facts that might support their case and convince their employer that they were absent due to a genuine cause. If they have any evidence to support their claims, they should attach that with this letter.

This letter should not be delayed unnecessarily and should be written as soon as you come back to the office. The letter should be kept short and precise. It should be edited for any grammatical or spelling mistakes as these would make the letter look unprofessional.

Letter Offering to become a Volunteer Teacher

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I am inquisitive about the window of opportunity to volunteer with ABC School System and Child Protection Bureau. I have extensive experience in working with special children and it will be a matter of great pleasure for me to give my services to your institute as a volunteer.

I volunteered last year as a teacher at Brooklyn school and had a great experience there. I was assigned to help children in understanding the basic concepts in the classroom. I also worked on classroom projects and provided individual attention to every child and escorted children on trips.

I also remained available apart from my assigned working hours and used to stay in school to help children in extracurricular activities. For the past couple of years, I volunteered as an assistant coach to help children in basic skiing and they became able to learn a lot.

I have come to know that you are also in need of such an enthusiastic, dedicated, and resilient volunteer and I would be happy to provide my assistance to you.

This is my belief that helping children in their early education provides them great ability to overcome all the challenges in their life. It would also be a great experience for me to develop my engrossment in children’s education. I want to pursue my career in the same field.

I can be available for morning and evening shifts on weekdays as well as on weekends and I have a flexible schedule. You can feel free to contact me through cell phone or email. I would be happy to meet you in person and discuss the potential latitudes I will provide in your organization.

I am looking forward to hearing a positive response from you. Thank you in advance for considering my request to work as a volunteer in your school.


Hello Sir, hope you have been doing great. With the help of his message, I want to let you know that I had experience of teaching in your school for six months and my experience was great.

I have come to know by my friend that there is a vacant post of English teacher in your school. I am willing to work as volunteer teacher in your school for the next semester. My previous performance as volunteer teacher in your school was a mesmerizing experience for me and you know well. I was given the responsibility to help students in learning English grammar skills, writing skills, mathematics, comprehension and basic reading.

It would be matter of great pleasure for me if I join as a volunteer again in your school. I am hopeful that my application will be considered as a volunteer teacher. I will never forget this act of kindness.

See also:

Maternity Leave Letter to Employer

Respected Sir, It is stated that I, Erica Hahn, have been associated with your company for 4 years. I work in the capacity of a manager and lead a team of 5 competent employees. I have always been punctual and hardworking at what I do and have secured major projects for the company.

I am writing this letter in continuance of my previous letter, in which I informed you about my pregnancy and expected date of delivery. Currently, I am in my 3rd trimester and my delivery date is approaching rapidly therefore I want to seek your approval for a maternity leave of 3 months from 15 Jan 20XX to 15 Mar 20XX because my expected delivery date is 20 Jan 20XX.

These 3 months will give me enough time to take care of my baby and keep him my priority without any other worries. As an infant, a child requires more time and effort therefore I will not be able to join work in person. I have already decided after my maternity leave is over.

During my pregnancy, I have tried to complete all my projects and some of the pending projects can be completed in my absence, by my team. My team is more than capable of handling all tasks that they might receive during my absence. If I am allowed then I am willing to work from home, a month after my delivery, if my assistance is required in any matter.

I will be available by phone or email to discuss projects or attend meetings. On the other hand, you can appoint my replacement to work in my stead and take on the projects with my team.

I wish to join the company after my maternity leave is over. Working after a baby will not be easy but I have high hopes that I will be back with more strength and a fresh mind and contribute greatly towards the company’s success. I assure to inform you beforehand if I plan on leaving or applying for an extended leave after my maternity leave.

I am unsure about the circumstances that I will face after I have my baby. I am sure you understand the gravity of the situation here and will give me leverage on this matter.

I am beyond grateful for your policy regarding pregnant employees because it not only provides me with 3 months’ leave but I will also receive my pay for these months and will be able to join my position, once I am back. For expecting women, it is the most stress-free situation as they do not need to worry about pay and their jobs during this time as it adds further to the difficulties of a mother. I thank you for your support and understanding during this difficult time.


Erica Hahn
Manager at XYZ Company
Contact: 494 566 566
Address: 45, Moon Street, Chicago, America

See also:

Cover Letter for Job to Previous Employer

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I am writing this application to you as I am engrossed in applying for the position of software engineer that has been announced recently on your official website. I have pursued my graduation from Oxford University and have remained your previous employee for the period of two years and the nature of my job was programming and decoding languages.

I firmly believe that I can be an asset to your organization regarding software development. I have a very challenging nature and I can work both individually and alone too, but I prefer most to work as a team, and for this obvious reason I am intended to apply to your organization.

I have also given my services to a travel agency while I was doing my graduation and I have a well-known apprehension of the requirements of the travel industry. My skills suitably match your prerequisites as I am experienced in ABC command line, JS, Apache, and XML. I have a good understanding of Laravel substructure, and I have been bestowed with shooting adroitness.

Along with this application is attached my resume so you may have gone through the list of projects I have accomplished and my three years of experience as well as my certifications list. You can contact me via email, or you can call me at [#]. Thanking you in anticipation for your time and consideration.


This application serves to apply for the executive manager position that has recently been vacated in your organization. I have the experience of previously working with you as an Internee and it has enhanced my interest to apply again in your office. I was appointed then to the management director unit.

After going through my resume, you can apprehend that currently I am majoring in finance and accountancy and I will be graduating by Mach, 20XX. I have voluntarily worked for ABC Organization as a program developer and through my internship, I have gained enough experience in my field, and I can deal with all kinds of projects.

Currently, my aim is to make use of this experience and stump up to the work you are dealing with in your organization. I am eagerly waiting to have a detailed discussion with you about this position. I will make sure by calling your office that either my application has been received and provide any additional information if needed. I can be contacted via email. I will wait for your response.


As you know well that I started working in XYZ Enterprises, but I could not cope with the duties and working environment that have been provided in the company. Therefore, I am writing you to ask about the chances of my coming back to the previous position in which I had been giving my services in your organization for the past five years.

I enormously apologize regarding my arbitration of resigning from your organization. I assure you that I will provide long-term allegiance to the organization if you provide me a chance.

During my experience with XYZ Enterprises, I have attained experience by making myself adept in social and communication skills. The post in which I was working before might have been filled but I am keenly interested in applying to any other field for which you have vacant positions.

I corroborate with you that with the help of my passionate and fervent approach I can contribute a lot to the organization’s success, and I am eagerly waiting to be a part of your company again.

I am anticipating correspondence to discuss in detail my resume with you during the interview. I can be reached through email or my contact number [#]. I would be highly thankful to you for considering my request.

See also: