Warning Letter against Defamation

Having a good atmosphere in the workplace is very important because it directly affects the job satisfaction level of the employees and hence their productivity. If the office environment becomes negative, it affects the employee’s mental and physical health. Backbiting, biased attitudes, racism and defamation are all factors which affect the workplace environment.

When someone deliberately tries to harm another employee’s reputation by spreading rumours and lies about him/her, it is called defamation and it is a crime punishable by law.

Defamation is dealt with very firmly and strictly in work environments. This is because it can damage a person’s reputation and affect their mental health negatively. Ranging from depression to even being suicidal, it may have a very strong impact on the person being targeted. It is very important to nip this evil in the bud and deal with the perpetrators very harshly so that no one dares to think of this to deal with opponents or competition in the office.

Usually, when an employee is found guilty of this behaviour, a warning letter is issued which informs the culprit that they must stop the defamation immediately and in case of noncompliance they would be fired. Any proof of the employee’s involvement must be mentioned and evidence should be attached so that there is no ambiguity.

It is a formal letter and would be written in a firm and serious tone. The language used must show the displeasure of the management and the consequences of non-compliance must be stated very clearly. Before sending the letter it should be edited very carefully because any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors left in the work would undermine the letter’s authority.

Save -1:

Subject: Warning against defamation of [ABC]

This letter is being written to convey the extreme displeasure of the management over the rumours you have been spreading about Ms. [name]. This is an extremely unprofessional and unethical attitude and we have zero tolerance for such behaviour.

It has come to our notice that you have been badmouthing her, ever since she was promoted to [designation]. Ms[name] is a very responsible and competent employee and she was promoted due to her exceptional overall performance and particularly her role in the [name] project.

Our company prides itself on being inclusive and tolerant. We aim to make our workplaces safe spaces for women and minorities where they can work comfortably and polish their talents and explore their full potential without fear of judgement or any bias or negativity.

Your actions stand in direct contradiction to this policy. It is very disappointing that a person of your calibre can fall so low in professional jealousy.

Please consider this your first and last warning and stop this despicable slander campaign or your contract would be terminated with immediate effect.

Looking forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely.

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Save -2:

Subject: Warning for defamation of [XYZ]

It has come to our knowledge that you have been spreading rumours about the [name] community who work in our [department name] and that it is not an isolated incident but a well-planned campaign aiming to harass them into leaving their jobs.

This is extremely despicable and dangerous behaviour as you are inciting hate against the said community which can escalate to violence at any time. The consequences of spreading rumours and hate-mongering are very grave and they can result in some very dangerous incidents as we have witnessed in other factories and workplaces.

[community name] is very hardworking and competent people which is the only criteria by which we judge people in this factory. The prosperity of a factory depends on harmony and a peaceful environment. If the workers feel threatened or unsafe, they can never give their best.

Also, the mental and physical health of our employees is very important to us and your activities are causing tension and extreme stress. We pride ourselves on being inclusive and tolerant. Your behaviour has shocked us and it has no place in our company.

Please be warned and stop this campaign immediately. If one more instance of gossip-mongering is reported or if we find a single inflammatory poster on the factory premises, your contract will be terminated with immediate effect and legal proceedings will be initiated against you.

We hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and mend your ways. Looking forward to improved behaviour.

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Mortgage Proposal Letter

A mortgage is a system by which a debtor borrows money from a bank or some other moneylender and as security the bank keeps the title of the property purchased until the debt is paid off with interest. It is a fairly common way to buy a house for residence or as an investment.

In order to get a mortgage approved, a proposal letter is written. It is a formal letter in which the debtor introduces himself and gives the details that he feels qualify him for the debt. He/she may also give the names and references of some guarantors who would be people who know him well and are willing to guarantee that the debtor is a responsible person and is sure to return the loan in a timely manner.

The mortgage would be approved or rejected on the basis of this letter so it must be written very carefully. The language used should be formal but courteous and the applicant must ensure that they are adding all the points that go in their favor and which would help in convincing the bank to accept their mortgage proposal.

However, unnecessary information should be avoided and the proposal should be kept short and precise. All the information given should be accurate and current.

Also, the letter must be proofread before sending. Grammatical errors and spelling mistakes would damage the applicant’s position and increase the chances of rejection of their application.

Save -1:

Subject: Mortgage Proposal Letter

I am an account holder in your bank for the last five years. I have two accounts in your [name] branch. One is my salary account [account number] and the other one is a savings account [account number]. The reason for writing this letter is that I want to draw some loan from your bank.

As you can see that I have good credit and a stable monthly income. I would be able to pay the loan back timely. I am also attaching the documents of my house which I intend to take out a mortgage against. It’s a new property and it is situated in [address]. Its market value is around [number] which is more than the amount of the loan I am taking out.

I am attaching the contact details of Mr [name] who is my employer of fifteen years and knows me very well. He has agreed to be my guarantor.

The second guarantor would be Mr [name] who is a doctor by profession and my neighbor. Please go through my credentials and approve my loan as I need the amount urgently.

Looking forward to your positive response.

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Save -2:

I am an account holder in your prestigious bank since [year name]. I want to take a loan for buying a home. I have gone through your mortgage plans and I feel that plan [name] suits me the best.

I understand the terms of the lease and feel that the time period, amount, and other details of this plan would be most appropriate for me. You have my account information so you can verify that I have a stable income. I am attaching the plans for the house I am aiming to buy. It is a two-bedroom apartment in [name of the building].

I am a salaried person and it is not possible for me to buy a house without drawing a loan but I want to assure you that I will make all my payments on time and you will find me a very cooperative and responsible debtor.

I am attaching the testimonial my employer was kind enough to write for me. Also, I am attaching the contact information of my guarantors. As you can see from their credentials, these are respectable members of the community and they are willing to become my guarantors.

Please approve my mortgage proposal and process my application at the earliest as the apartment I intend to buy is in high demand due to its location and the amenities of the building. If my mortgage processing takes too long, I fear that I would end up losing it but I am sure that you will process my mortgage proposal on priority and I would be able to confirm my purchase with the realtor.

Looking forward to your positive response.

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See Also:

Letter Complimenting a Hotel Services

A letter complimenting a service serves to inform the service provider that their efforts are appreciated. The customer’s appreciation motivates them to perform even better in the future.

A complimentary letter is a formal letter written to appreciate a service provider if you have a good experience at their restaurant, carwash, laundry, or salon. Similarly, if a customer enjoys his/her hotel stay, they may write a complimentary letter to the hotel management.

As it is a formal letter so it will follow the standard format of a formal letter. In the main body of the letter, the customer would start with the date when they visited the hotel and write about the highlights of their visit i.e., what did they enjoy the most and what is the reason for appreciating the service.

They may mention the name of a waiter or receptionist or any other hotel employee who helped them out or who made their stay comfortable. The letter is usually ended on a positive note with the customer expressing the wish to visit them again soon and wishing them all the best for the future.

Save -1:

Subject: Compliments on excellent service

I stayed in your hotel with my family from (date) to (date). The purpose of my visit to (city name) was some professional commitments but my family came along in the hope of sightseeing. I was concerned that they would get bored because I had a busy schedule at work. When we reached your hotel, the manager on duty greeted us and showed us our rooms.

When I enquired about any local attractions or tour groups that my family could join while I was busy attending official meetings, he assured me that he would look for something appropriate and let me know soon.

The next morning, he sent up plans for 2 different trips and asked my family to select the one that they fancied more. My family chose to go on a visit to the nearby fish farm. When I joined them in the evening, I was delighted to hear that they had a very good time.

It was only possible due to the manager’s personal interest that all the days of our stay were full of interesting events and similar outings for my family. I would also like to mention one more thing that made our stay very enjoyable.

My daughter has food allergies, which were communicated at check-in, and we are glad to report that during our entire stay all those points were kept in mind, and we had no complaints regarding food. We want to compliment you on the excellent service that you provide.

 Your entire staff and especially your manager Mr. (name) is very well-trained and efficient. They take an active interest in the hotel guests and treat them with the utmost respect.

We enjoyed our trip and if we visit (name of the city) again, we would love to stay at your hotel again. Please pay our compliments to all the hotel staff and keep up the good work!!

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Save -2:

I stayed in your hotel from (date) to (date) with my elderly parents as we were attending a wedding in the city. I was very concerned about my parent’s comfort during their stay. As I had heard a lot of good things about your hotel, I selected it for our stay. I’m glad to say that we found it up to the mark and the hype to be correct.

My parents have a lot of health issues, and I was really concerned that their stay should be as comfortable as possible so that they can enjoy the wedding festivities without getting overtired and without being disturbed by other issues. Your staff ensured that their stay was comfortable, and they did not face any inconvenience.

I would especially like to compliment Mr.’s name. On the night of (date), as we came back from the wedding, my father felt a sudden sharp pain in his left arm. We got worried but Mr. (name) who was the manager on duty at the time called the hotel doctor and ensured that my father was well taken care of. We would always remember the concern and care that he showed.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all the hotel staff who took such good care of my parents and ensured that we had a very comfortable stay. Whenever we visit the city again, (hotel name) would be our first choice to stay. Keep up the good work!!

Wishing you all the best for the future.

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See also:

Complimentary Letter to Employee who Handled Difficult Situation

Complementing an employee on good performance encourages and motivates them to perform better.  It boosts their self-esteem and raises their morale. Genuine appreciation can do wonders for an employee’s confidence level. A person who feels valued would always give more and work harder.

It would also serve as a morale booster for other employees and motivate them to put in their best. It would affect the office atmosphere positively and reduce the communication gap between the employees and the administration as the employees would feel that their input is heard and their work is valued so they become more open in sharing their ideas and more relaxed with each other.

When writing a complimentary letter, the language must be very positive and pleasant. Since it is a formal letter it would be written in a formal language and it should be kept precise and should not be too long.

After greeting the employee, you should write the reason which has earned them this appreciation. The praise should be genuine and the employee should know why they are being praised as encouraging good behavior is very important.

Save -1

Subject: Complimentary for handling a difficult situation

I am writing this letter to appreciate the tact and skill you showed in handling the awkward situation which came up during the client meeting on [date]. When the client showed up for the progress meeting and due to power failure and some issue with the generators, there was no electricity and no way to give them the formal presentation prepared by your team. It was a very embarrassing situation for all of us.

But you made the best out of it by thinking out of the box and taking the client to the site and showing them the progress on the ground. You did it so smoothly and smartly that they did not even figure out that it was not pre-planned.

We have received a letter from them complimenting your innovative method and the freshness of your approach. We value it even more because we know that you thought of it on your feet and there was no preplanning involved.

Innovative thinking is the key to progress and it is always appreciated and encouraged in our company. This is what makes us stand apart from our competition and the credit goes to our talented team.

We are proud to say that you are an asset to the company and this incident along with past contributions to the project are proof of that.

Keep up the good work.

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Save -2:

Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Appreciation for handling a difficult situation

We want to appreciate you for the way you handled the situation on [date] when you along with five other members got stuck in the elevator during the earthquake. You did not lose your calm and instead helped others to stay calm and not panic.

You contacted the emergency services and guided them accurately to your location. Then you proceeded to help the people who were stuck with you, get out of the elevator safely and without getting terrified. All of them are full of praise for you and extremely grateful to you for stepping into a leadership position and guiding them to safety.

It is not easy to keep one’s wits around in a time like this and even sensible people lose their calm it is also true that panicking in emergencies like these causes more harm than good. Life is full of good and bad times.

Staying unflappable is a rare and very precious habit. It is the habit of the most successful people because when you stay calm under pressure, you are able to think clearly about what steps to take, and thinking in a logical manner enables you to overcome the problem. If you panic, it makes an already difficult situation more difficult.

As a token of our appreciation for your handling of this awkward situation, the company is awarding you with a bonus. You are a very valued employee and your contributions are acknowledged and appreciated. keep up the good work!!

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Invoice Request Letter with How to Details

An invoice commonly known as a bill is a document that contains a list of products or services a customer has purchased from a company. This document mentions the total amount to be paid by the consumer. For the customer, having an invoice is important because it lets him know how much amount he has to pay, whether the company has included all the items he has purchased and many other relevant details. In case the invoice is missing, the consumer can write an invoice request letter.

What is a bill request letter?

It is a formal business request letter in which the consumer makes a request and humbly asks a business to issue the billing statement.

What does the request for a bill letter do?

This letter conveys a message from the buyer to the business that the consumer needs the invoice for a purpose stated in the letter. It helps the company collect money because the consumer will never pay unless the company issues the billing statement.

When to write?

A few common situations to ask for the statement of the bill are:

When the invoice is lost:

Sometimes, the shopper has the bill lost and when it is time to pay the money, he forgets how much he was supposed to pay.

When the business does not issue:

Although it rarely happens, there are chances that a business does not issue the bill. In some cases, the business issues it but then the customer asks for some corrections that are not made.

Why it is important to request due payment?

It is a common practice for a business to make a bill and calculate the total bill to be paid by those who shop products from that business. Consumers usually don’t pay money without getting the billing statement because this statement helps them tally what they have purchased with what the business is claiming to have sold.

In case the shopper wants to request for exchange or return, he will have to show the invoice to prove that he has purchased the products from the brand. Therefore, even if it is convenient and possible for a shopper to pay without having an invoice in hand, it is never recommended to pay as it might lead to many disputes later on.

Guide for writing:

Follow the guidelines given below for writing an effective letter:

Give reference to your purchase:

It is not possible for a business to remember all the purchases carried out in a day as it deals with a surfeit of people in a single day. So, when you are referring to your purchase, you should give the reference number of that purchase so that the business can easily trace it in its system.

Mention that you have not received the bill:

Before you formally make a request for the issuance of the bill, you should describe the fact that you have not received the billing statement. This will help the reader look into the matter in case he has already issued the invoice.

Make a request:

Request the reader to issue the invoice to you because you want to pay the money for all the products that you have been supplied by the reader. Usually, the invoice comes with the expiry date and after that, the penalty is also charged. So, this letter will help you clear your position in a better way.

Save Sample Letter

Subject: Request letter for charge statement

Respected Sir,

With reference to the last purchase made by me from your company, we have come to know that you have not issued the billing details against our recent purchase. All the products that you have supplied to my store in the month of March have not been charged by you. Therefore, you are requested to share the charge details of my all recent purchases from your company.

It is a humble request from me to share the bill details at your earliest convenience. It would be very easy for us to close our accounts with the payment of all the pending dues. A quick response from your side will always be appreciated.

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See also:

Warning Letter for Leaving Work Premises without Permission

Leaving work premises without permission is a serious offense and comes under the category of grave misconduct. It does not matter how early the employee left, even if it was a little before the off-time it is considered very improper. In many private sector companies, the employer holds the right to fire an employee for leaving work without prior permission.

However, most companies do not fire an employee for a one-time offense instead they may call the employee for an explanation or issue a warning letter. Warning letters are formal letters written to employees to reprimand them for some misconduct or offense.

They come with the condition that if the employee does not change his attitude or stop whatever behavior became the reason for the warning letter, serious disciplinary action would be taken against them.

These are formal letters written in the proper format of professional letters. They start with the sender’s name and address followed by the date and the recipient’s name and address and then after greeting the receiver, the subject is given. Then the sender explains the reason for issuing the warning.

If there are any dates or evidence, they are listed clearly and in detail. These letters are also for the record and go in the employee file which is another reason why the sender needs to be elaborate and thorough.

After this, the sender explains the consequences of unchanged behavior and ends the letter on a positive note by saying that they are hopeful that the employee would take heed and improve their behavior.

The letters have the signatures of the person on whose authority, the warning is being issued.

Save -1:

Subject: Warning for leaving work premises without permission on [DATE]

It has come to our notice that on [date], you left the office without permission. The reason that your absence was noted almost immediately was due to a call from the Head office who needed your input on something related to the project on which our branch is collaborating with them. When they could not get in touch with you on your workstation they contacted your supervisor, who inquired about your whereabouts and discovered that you were not present in the office.

The Entry card swipe record and an inquiry from your colleagues showed that you had arrived on time in the morning but left before the off-time without informing anyone. Your team leader and the department head had no clue about your whereabouts.

Needless to say that this entire episode was very embarrassing for us and left a very bad impression on the Head office about our office discipline and work ethics. Your carelessness has led all of us into a very awkward position and made the head office question our branch’s efficiency and office decorum.

Even if there was an emergency, you should have informed someone before leaving and if your boss was unavailable when you had to leave, you should have left a note for him. This goes against our office culture, and we strongly condemn this practice.

The company policy is very clear in this regard, and we have zero tolerance for such reckless and irresponsible attitudes. Be warned that this attitude would not be tolerated and in case of a repetition of this offense, serious disciplinary action would be taken against you. We hope that you understand the seriousness of this transgression and change your ways for the better.

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Save -2:

Subject: Warning for leaving the workplace without permission of the manager

It has been reported that you left the school early on [date]. The students of grade eight, who had a class with you, were looking all over the campus for you and when they did not find you, they started roaming the school, making noises, and started getting into fights.

Their rowdiness caught the attention of the vice-principal Mrs. [name], who called them into her office and upon inquiry, it was discovered that you had left the campus without informing anyone. This is an extremely unethical and unprofessional attitude.

Parents, after sending the kids to school are satisfied that they would be safe in our hands. In turn, the school dispenses this responsibility to the teachers. The students are the teacher’s responsibility in the time during which the teacher is assigned to take their class.

Leaving them unattended is a serious breach of this trust. Also, the students look at their teachers as role models, If the teachers act so irresponsibly what would the students learn? The students when left unsupervised get extremely rowdy and if a student had got hurt in your absence, you would have been held responsible for that.

I am extremely disappointed by the carelessness that you have shown. I had much higher expectations from a teacher of your stature and experience. Even if there was an emergency, you could have informed the vice principal or a fellow teacher at the very least.

Please be warned that this is the first and the last time we are overlooking a transgression like this. If another such instance arises, your employment would be terminated as per the employment contract you signed at the time of hiring.

I really hope that you realize the gravity of your actions and the seriousness of the offense. Looking forward to a change in your behavior.

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See also:

Warning Letter for Misuse of Company Vehicle

Often companies give certain perks to their employees to reward them for good performance. Some perks are permanently attached to certain posts to make the post attractive enough so that the best talent in the market comes and joins your firm instead of your competitors.

These perks may include a company vehicle given to the employee for personal use, it may include company mobile or laptop. Then there are certain privileges like office commute that are provided by the company. Some companies give out free internet and mobile packages.

All of these perks are given with the assumption that they would be used conscientiously. If the employee is found to be guilty of misuse they are given a warning. Continued misuse results in disciplinary action against the employee.

Warning letters are written in a variety of situations and their aim is to caution the employee about the consequences of their actions and to reprimand them. They are written by an HR official in a formal and firm tone. They explain the issue at hand clearly and ask for an explanation. Also calling for an immediate change of behavior and informing about the consequences if the practice is not changed.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: warning letter for misuse of company vehicle during [XYZ]

You were appointed as [designation] on [ date] and one of the perks of this post is a company vehicle which is given to you for your personal use. There is a ceiling on the fuel that would be provided by the company, any additional fuel used and the vehicle’s maintenance is the employee’s responsibility.

In addition, the vehicle is to be reviewed by the company to confirm that it is not being misused and is being maintained properly.

It was during these routine check-ups that it was discovered that you are not maintaining the vehicle properly and it is in really bad condition. The seats are ripped and stained. The AC vents have been damaged and the doors are scratched. The front bumper has dents. You were given the car in very good condition and this is not acceptable at all. It is a highly unethical and irresponsible attitude and we expected better from a professional like you.

The expenses incurred in getting the car repaired would be deducted from your pay over a period of two months. Due to this incident, your vehicle checking would now be monthly. In case of a repetition of this behavior, disciplinary action would be taken against you.

Looking forward to more responsible behavior from now onwards.

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Save -2:

Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Warning letter for misuse of a company vehicle on [XYZ]

We offer our employees different benefits in reward for good performance. You were given a commuting facility and an official vehicle for traveling on official commitments. These perks are given in good faith with the assumption that they would be used responsibly and carefully.

However, we have been informed by the finance department that you have been using the vehicle very irresponsibly and you cross your monthly ceiling on fuel consumption and then send claims for more fuel.

Also, this vehicle is for official use strictly however there have been complaints that you have been using it for personal use which is highly unethical and inappropriate. As you are well aware that all company vehicles are installed with dashboard cameras which allow us to monitor and track the movement of the vehicle. The installation of these cameras and tracking software was communicated to you in written form still such recklessness is very disappointing.

This letter is to warn you against the ill use of the company vehicle as this is a perk that comes with the post and when you are promoted or leave this post, it would be passed on to the next employee. Be reasonable in its use and pay for the fuel bills (above the ceiling) yourself as they would not be footed by the company.

We hope that you realize the gravity of the matter and try to change for the better and that we do not have to take disciplinary action against you. In extreme cases, this may result in withdrawing this privilege as per the contract.

Looking forward to your consideration and understanding.

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Query Letter for Misconduct

Every company operates under some rules and regulations. These rules and regulations govern the everyday running of the office, the interaction of the employees, and power and work distribution. These SOPs also address how to proceed in case of a conflict or disagreement.

Whenever something goes wrong the team leaders first investigate the incident and then report it to HR who proceed with the investigations and decide what needs to be done. The employee is given a chance to defend themselves and give an explanation. A letter written to the employee asking them to give an explanation is called a query letter.

The letter is written by someone in authority so the tone is formal and serious. It is important to convey the gravity of the situation to the employee and inform them about the consequences of their actions. However, it is important to give them a chance to explain their position and that is exactly what a query letter is about. It not only informs the employee about the displeasure of the management but also asks them to explain their actions.

Usually, a time frame is given within which the employee has to respond to the query letter. these letters may be written in a variety of situations such as, in response to an employee’s tardiness or extended lunch bread, irregular attendance, a confidentiality breach, or unprofessional attitude.

In short, any situation in which the employee’s performance is not up to the mark or due to some act of theirs, the office atmosphere is getting affected, they can be called for an explanation.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Query Letter for misconduct at [XYZ]

I [name], [designation] from the HR department am writing to inquire about a complaint we have received regarding your slackness at work. you have been a valued employee for the last [number] years and your performance over this period has been exemplary.

However, it has been reported by your team leader Mr. [name], that recently you have become very tardy and it is affecting your work. You frequently extend your lunch breaks to twice the allocated time. Despite frequent reminders, you still have not shown any improvement in this regard.

On [date] there was an important progress meeting with the client. Your team kept waiting but you did not arrive even an hour after the lunch break was over. This is very unethical and unprofessional and left a very bad impression on the clients and embarrassed your team.

The company policy is very clear in this regard, there is to be no tolerance of such carelessness. All the team works in tandem and the absence of one member slows everyone down client meetings are very important and no carelessness can be tolerated in this regard.

This letter is being written to inform you that you have to give an explanation for your absence from the meeting by [date] in written form. If the administration is not satisfied with your explanation, disciplinary action would be initiated against you.

We hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and respond appropriately and in time. looking forward to more responsible behavior from your side in the future.

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Save -2:

Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Query Letter for misconduct during [ZBZ]

I [name], [designation] from the [department name] am writing to you regarding a very serious matter which has been brought to our notice. [company name] is an old and trusted client of ours and we have been handling their account for the last [number] years. Recently there has been a serious breach of information regarding their account which has caused them a considerable loss and they have contacted us to identify the source of the leak.

Since on our end, you handled the account and were privy to the confidential information, you are being called for a written explanation. This is a very serious matter as it puts in question our company’s reliability and trustworthiness in safekeeping our client’s information.

It has the potential to seriously hurt our business. We hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and respond at the earliest with sound defense.

Looking forward to your timely response.

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See also:

Complaint Letter for Illegal Parking

Every community follows some rules for smooth functioning so that the residents can live in a shared space without friction or conflict. Parking is often a contentious issue so every community has some parking laws in place. If the parking laws are not followed and others’ parking space is not respected there is bound to be friction among neighbors.

Usually, communities are monitored by a committee whose job is to ensure that everyone is following the rules and regulations and no one is bothering others. When conflict arises, these community elders or committees are approached by writing a complaint letter.

 A complaint letter is a formal letter that is written to communicate one’s problems to the authorities which can resolve the issue. When writing a complaint letter, the tone should be respectful but firm. Try to explain the problem without accusing anyone or offending anyone.

Share your concerns in detail and how the said issue is disturbing you but avoid getting emotional or confrontational. Try to communicate the gravity of the situation while being open to negotiating the solution.

Since it is a formal letter it would start with the sender’s name and address followed by the date and then the receiver’s name and address. After that, the receiver is greeted by their name or title. The subject line follows the greeting. Then comes the main body of the letter. It is in this part that you explain the problem you are facing and gives any evidence you might have along with dates and times. The letter is then concluded with the hope that the issue would be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.

Save -1:

Subject: Complaint Letter on illegal parking at [XYZ]

I am a resident of [address] and as you know that the newly constructed shopping mall is present right across the road so a lot of people instead of parking their cars in the properly allocated parking space, park their cars in front of our house and leave for hours. Often they even block the entrance to my house.

Also, they throw litter out of their cars and our street is constantly dirty due to this. It is really causing us a lot of inconveniences and there is no privacy as strangers are roaming our street all the time. we are worried about the safety of our younger children and do not allow them to step out of the house alone.

In the master plan, the entrance for the plaza was kept away from the residential area and the opposite gates were to be opened. The road leading to the residential area was to be cordoned off so that people visiting the plaza could not enter or park in our street. I have no idea why this plan is not being put in place as this would immediately cater to a lot of our issues and solve a lot of our problems.

Please look into this matter at the earliest as it is causing a lot of stress and friction in our neighborhood and results in arguments every other day.

Looking forward to your swift response.

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Save -2:

Subject: Complaint Letter on illegal parking at [ABC]

I am a resident of [address]. I have been living in this apartment for the last [number] years. The residents always followed the parking laws and hence there was never an issue but now the new tenants in blocks [number] and [number] are very careless about these rules and this is causing a lot of problems for the rest of the community.

The cars are parked so haphazardly that it becomes difficult to take the car out of the parking and onto the main road and vice versa. There is no concept of a fixed parking space and people randomly park their cars in any spot they find empty. This problem is really getting out of hand as arguments break out every other day and it is only a matter of time before they result in a serious rift in the community. Please address this issue at the earliest as the situation is becoming increasingly worse.

Looking forward to your positive response.

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See also:

Letter to Thankyou Boss for Probation

When new employees are hired, they are often put on probation. This means that they are hired on a trial basis and after observing their performance for the probationary period, they would either be let go or a contract would be signed with them. This observation period may last three months, six months, or a year. From the employer’s point of view, it is easy to terminate people hired on probation instead of the long and tedious process required by HR for the termination of a contractual employee.

Employees may be terminated if they are not punctual or act irresponsibly. Incompetence or lack of the skills required for the job can also result in termination.

For a person looking for work for the first time like a fresh graduate or a person coming back into the workforce after a long break, getting a job on probation is an attractive option as it gives them an opportunity to show their skills and earn a place in the organization.

The job market is saturated and finding a place in a good reputable company that offers a good package is very difficult so a person who finds themselves in this position may want to thank the employer for considering them for the job.

Writing a thank you letter is a good way to show your gratitude. It would be written in the format of a typical business letter starting with the sender and receiver’s contact information and date, followed by the greetings and subject line.

After that, the main body of the letter is written, in which the sender expresses their gratitude. The letter would be concluded with a wish to be very productive and come up to the employer’s expectations. In the end, the writer would put their signatures.

The following points should be kept in mind when writing a thank you letter.

  1. This is a professional letter so keep the tone formal and polite.
  2. Keep the letter brief and to the point.
  3. Be genuine and honest in your gratitude.
  4. Check the letter for grammatical mistakes before sending it.

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Subject:  Thank you letter for Probation at [XYZ]

I want to thank you for considering my job application and selecting me as a junior research officer on probation. I realize that due to the huge gap in my work experience, my selection was not a straightforward decision and you are putting a lot of trust in me.

I want to assure you that you will not regret this decision. I have always been a hard-working person and with my complete dedication and commitment to work, I will prove to you that your decision to hire me, was correct.

IC design and implementation have always been a field very close to my heart and to work in this field practically, in state-of-the-art laboratories is like a dream come true. I am particularly interested in the [equipment name] and wish to learn the maximum during my training period.

I am excited to learn under the mentorship of Mr. [name], whose research in this area has been recognized the world over. I am sure that this would be a really great learning experience and I intend to utilize it to increase my knowledge and enhance my skills.

In the end, I would like to thank you once again and assure you that I would try my best not to let you down. Instead, prove myself to be profitable for the company.

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Subject:  Thank you letter for Probation at [ABC]

I am writing to express my gratitude for hiring me on probation in [department name]. As a fresh graduate, it is a wonderful opportunity and I intend to give it my best. I am looking forward to the Basic Training course, my performance in this course would prove my commitment and dedication to the job.

As the trainers are seniors who have vast experience in this field, everyone joining the Basic Training course is getting a once in a lifetime opportunity and whether we are selected after the probation period or not, the experiences and the coaching, we would get during the training are invaluable and I am thankful to you for giving me this chance.

Looking forward to a very interesting and educating experience.

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