Request Email for Approval of Travel Expenses

Request letters or emails are written in various situations. Their purpose is to get some favor from the recipient. They may be written to ask for donations or volunteers in a charity drive or to get a loan approved. Request letters are also written to get a refund on a broken or damaged product.

They are also written to get any pending payments approved. One such case is when people travel on official assignments and they need to get their travel expenses released from the company.

Students traveling to other schools or cities to represent their school/college or university may also need to write request letters to get the travel expenses issued. Travel expenses include the cost of an air ticket or bus fare. They would also include the hotel charges and food expenses.

The letter would follow the format of a standard business letter and would begin with the contact information of the sender, followed by the date of sending the letter, and then the receiver’s contact information would be given. Mentioning the date is important for record-keeping purposes.

Then the subject of the letter is written so that the receiver can get to know what the letter is about in one glance. After that, the main body of the letter comes.

In this part, the sender explains the reason for writing the letter and after giving the background asks the receiver for a favor. If there is any time sensitivity to the demand, it is mentioned clearly. If you have any receipts, copies of the contract, or any other document which can help to strengthen your request, attach their copies to the letter.

The letter is then ended on a positive note and the sender puts his/her signature at the bottom. In the case of email, the digital signatures are added at the bottom.

It is always a good idea to edit and proofread the letter before sending as a poorly written letter is counter-productive and may end up harming the cause. As they are usually written to someone in an authoritative position, hence the tone should be polite and courteous yet formal.

The letter should be kept brief as that is more likely to be read and the request accepted if it does not take up too much of the receiver’s time.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. [name]

I [name], [designation] in [department name] am writing to request you to approve my travel expenses. I am going to [country name] on [date] to attend the [name] conference on behalf of our company. I will present our company’s contributions in this field and share our experiences with the other delegates. Since it is an official assignment so as per the contract, the travel expenses would be covered by the company.

I am sharing an estimate of the amount including the price of the air ticket along with hotel fare and food and transport charges. Please consider this matter at your earliest as the conference is on[date] and I have to get all the tickets and hotel room booked before [date]. I would really appreciate it if you could give this issue your attention at the earliest.

Looking forward to your cooperation.

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Save -2:

Dear Mr. Principal

I [name], the Head Coach of the football team, am glad to inform you that our school’s football team has qualified for the semi-finals of the Interschool football competition. The Semi-Finals are to be held in [city name] on [date]. Our team would be traveling there on [date]. I want to request you to please approve the travel expenses for the team which includes [number] students and [number] staff members.

The expenses would include the booking of air tickets, hotel reservations, food allowance, and transport charges for the vehicle to take us from the hotel to the venue and back.

Sir I would like to congratulate you once again on this achievement. It definitely has to do a lot with your personal interest, kind patronage, and encouragement that our Football team has come so far. The students are really excited and rooting for our team who are very motivated and excited. As their coach, I am very hopeful about reaching and winning the Finals. This is the first time our team has reached the semi-finals in the last ten years.

Sir the team has to reach [city name] by [date] so please approve the travel expenses so that we can proceed with the hotel reservations and ticket booking in time.

Looking forward to your consideration.

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See also:

Thanking Email for Receiving Laptop

Expressing gratitude is important because it deepens our relationships, both personal and professional. Research has proven that people who show gratitude are more optimistic and happier than others. When we appreciate others, our mental and physical health improves. There are many ways of expressing our gratitude, one of which is writing a thank you letter or email.

Thanking letters/emails are usually written by individuals, to a senior/boss or a mentor/teacher. it can be written to anyone who has done you a favor, helped or guided you in some way, or gifted you something.

Since a thankyou letter is usually written to someone higher in rank than you, the tone should be respectful and formal yet cheerful. Address the person by their name or designation, according to the situation. Explain why you are thanking them and tell them what difference their gift or favor, or help has made in your life.

Tell them how motivated you feel due to this and assure them that you will work harder in the future. End the note by thanking them once again. In the end, write your name and the date on which the letter is being sent. Be sincere in expressing your feelings and avoid flattery.

Avoid making the letter unnecessarily long. Check the letter for grammatical and spelling mistakes before sending it as a letter full of mistakes might have the opposite effect and offend the receiver.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. Principal,

I [name] from grade [number], am writing to thank you for the laptop I received, yesterday in recognition of winning the Interschool Debating competition. Sir, it was a huge responsibility for me to represent our school in the competition and I worked very hard in writing my debate and then did a lot of practice.

Winning the competition was an honor for me but your appreciation and the love and respect from my teachers and fellow students is what has made this win even more special.

I want to thank everyone both, for their support and prayers before the competition and for the love, they have showered me with, after the win.

I have always wanted a personal laptop and receiving it as a prize feels like a dream come true. This has motivated me to work harder and put in more effort in academic as well as extra-curricular activities. Your encouragement has inspired me to strive for excellence in everything I do because as they say, “Anything which is worth doing, is worth doing well”. I promise you that I will not let you down and strive hard to bring laurels to the school in the future too.

In the end, I would like to thank you once again for your generosity and appreciation and also for providing me and my fellow students with opportunities such as this debating competition. It is due to challenges like these that we explore our talents and try to put in our best.

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Save -2:

Dear Sir,

I [name] from [department name] want to thank you for the laptop the company has given me on passing [name] certification. It was my dream to work in this company with you as my mentor. When I was selected for this certification, I was honored but I was also under immense pressure as I realized that the company was making a huge investment in me, and I had vowed not to let you regret this decision.

It was not an easy path, and it took a lot of effort and hard work to reach this point. It was due to your guidance and help that I have been able to achieve this. I learned a lot during this certification course and hope to apply all that in my future projects.

Your appreciation and recognition of my hard work mean a lot to me and I want to express my gratitude both for my selection and for the prize given upon successful completion. I want to assure you that I will keep on working with the same enthusiasm and always try to be a source of pride for the company.

Thanking you once again for your patronage.

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See also:

Resignation Letter due to Bed Rest

When employees have to leave a job, they write a resignation letter.  A resignation letter is a formal request from the employee that they can not work for the organization any longer, due to one reason or another. There could be various reasons for that for example, they could be shifting to another country or moving out of the city. They may have found a better job opportunity, or it could be due to personal problems or health issues.

Whatever the reason may be, a resignation letter should always be formal and polite. It should have all the details about the employee so that there is no issue with their identification. It should also include all the relevant information like the last working day that the employee would be coming to the office. Along with the request to clear their dues. It is better the employee clearly states the reason for submitting a resignation letter.

A standard format of the letter is as under:


The employee would start by greeting the appropriate authority to whom their resignation letter would be submitted. It is usually submitted to the head of the human resource department who then forwards it to the relevant authorities.


At the beginning of the letter, the employee should give their complete identification such as employee number (if any), department name, etc.

Main body:

Then they should explain why they are leaving the job. what would be their last working day and if there were any particular date before which they would like their dues to be cleared, it should be mentioned. Especially in the case of moving to another city or country, the employee might want the financial issues and other clearance to be completed before a certain date. This date should be clearly communicated in the resignation letter.

Concluding paragraph:

In the end, the employee should thank the employer, for providing them with an opportunity to showcase their talent and helping them in their professional growth. They should wish them well for the future and end the letter on a positive note.

The letter should be checked thoroughly before sending, to avoid any grammatical or spelling mistakes.

Do not include any unnecessary information in the letter and neither should any important information be left out.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. (name)

I am writing this letter to resign from my current position as (designation) in (name of the) department. I have been working for this company since (year). In all this time I’ve learned a lot and have been blessed with some excellent mentors, whose able guidance and kind words have helped me through a lot of difficult times and taught me a lot, professionally and personally.

However, as you understand I had a horrible car accident last month which left my lower limbs paralyzed. My doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest to increase my chances of recovery. I cannot continue working in this condition and I feel that it is it would be appropriate to hand in my resignation.

I am extremely grateful to you for your compassion and the support you extended after my accident. I would forever be indebted to the compassion and kindness showed by the management and my colleagues during this difficult time.

Wishing you all the best for the future.

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Save -2:

Respected Mr. (name)

I (name) have been working as (designation) in (name) department since (date). I love my work and getting hired by this company was a dream come true. I had a wonderful experience working here but now I am writing to submit my resignation letter as my doctor has advised me to take complete bed rest and I cannot continue working due to my medical condition.

I am attaching all the relevant documents and a certificate signed by my doctor to this effect. It was an honor to serve in this company and I had a very enriching work experience. I have had good luck working with some excellent mentors who taught me a lot and guided me through a lot of very difficult projects.

I would be indebted to my team members who showed immense compassion and understanding during my disease, but I feel that to continue working in this condition would be unfair both to me and to the company as I will not be able to give my 100% to the work any longer.

(date) would be my last working day in the office and I would be very grateful if you could instruct the finance department to process my pending arrears and clearance before (date2) as I am traveling abroad to get treatment for my condition.

Wishing you all the best for the future and looking forward to coming back with good health and once again becoming a part of this wonderful institution.

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See also:

Letter of Absence due to Workload Demand

Save -1: Academic

Dear Sir, I am writing to request you to excuse my absence from the class on (date) and (date). As you know that I am doing this executive MBA, along with managing my personal business. As the festive season is approaching, we are receiving a lot of orders.

Although it is very good for business, it is becoming increasingly difficult for me to manage the workload along with attending the classes. I am fully aware of the importance of being regular but due to the increased frequency of orders and their time-sensitive nature, time management has become very difficult for me.

I intend to cover all the lessons I am missing out on and have already started gathering the notes. Also, I have started delegating responsibilities at work so that I can be regular in my studies and not miss out on any more lectures. I have completed the assignments which were to be submitted in these classes and I will submit them today to your teaching assistant.

I hope you would understand my problem and forgive me for the late submission of the assignments as I was late not because of slackness or neglecting my studies but due to workload demands.

Looking forward to your understanding and compassion.

Save -2: Professional

Rich Raymond,
Head of XYZ Company
23, Hall Road
New York, US

Subject: Leave of absence due to enormous workload demands

Date: 28th October 20XX

Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I, Martin Josh, have been working with XYZ company for 5 years. I joined this company as an intern after my graduation and with the passage of time, I have been promoted to the rank of manager.

Currently, I am heading for a team of 5 members under the name of the marketing department. All of us have been working in coordination with other departments to secure more projects and head in the direction of success.

We have suffered a lot due to the negligence of a few employees but their absence from their respective departments has made our company stronger and ready to face challenges.

In the last 2 months, we got 5 projects from multinational companies that contributed massively to our progress, but it was very hard work. Most of the departments remained at the office till 2 am, discussing strategies and making action plans. These past few months have been a roller coaster ride for me and team members as well because we had to make marketing strategies, test their outcomes, share them with clients, and then make changes.

It was a very long process but after a few trials and errors, all strategies were approved by the clients, and they were very happy with the results. Securing these projects had positive impacts on our portfolio and many other mega projects might be secured in the future as well.

Because of the immense workload, my health has suffered a great deal. I work continuously and didn’t keep my health in check which is why I am suffering from back pain and muscle contraction. I have visited a specialist and my reports suggest I take a complete bed rest of 2 weeks.

Therefore, I seek your permission to excuse me from work for 2 weeks so that I can regain my health and work again with full strength and a healthy mind. I know you treat your employees with empathy and understand their situation. Your kind nature allowed me to write this letter of absence.

During my absence, any member of my team can step up and lead. I will always be available by phone or email for any important discussion or meeting. I hope you consider my letter and allow me to rest.

Anxiously waiting for your response.


Martin Josh
Manager at Marketing Department
Contact: 789 789 469

See also: