Letter of Intent to Run for HOA Board

Homeowners living in the same locality in urban settings often join to form homeowner’s associations. These associations not only look after the rights of the homeowners but also ensure that any complaints from them are listened to and addressed immediately.

Every homeowner’s association has a board of directors that governs the running of its operations and ensures that all the rules of community living outlined in the policy documents are followed. The board usually consists of 3 to 5 members. These are the Head of HoA, the secretary of the homeowner’s association, and finally the treasurer. These members are elected by the homeowners through an election. The exact procedure for these elections is written in the policy of the HOA board.

When someone intends to run for an HOA board, they usually write a letter of intent addressed to the Head of the board but also aimed at everyone in the community so that they know what the options for the HOA board are. The person writing the letter can run for one of the three or five positions available on the board of directors. In this letter of intent, they would give a brief introduction.

They will mention how long they have been living in this society. They can also mention the problems or issues they see in the community which need to be addressed and which made them feel the need to run for a post on the HOA board.

They would clearly mention what post they intend to run for. They would also try to explain why they feel that they are eligible for running for this post and what difference they can make in this position.

Excuse Letter of Absence due to Family Together

An excuse letter is a letter of explanation in which a student or an employee explains the reason for their absence from work to the employer or the teacher. Since it is written to authority the tone is polite and respectful. Explain why you were absent and assure your employer that you will be regular from now onwards.

It is very important for students to be regular because if they come irregularly, they will miss studies and fall behind other students. Irregular students are not considered reliable, and they are not given any appointments like prefect or monitor, etc. In schools, frequent absentees are discouraged, and the students may even be fined for being absent without leave.

If a student misses school, they are usually required to take a leave beforehand. If they do not apply for a leave beforehand, they are required to write an excuse letter explaining their absence. This letter is addressed to the principal and its purpose is to ask forgiveness and assure the school authorities that you understand the importance of being regular and you were not absent unnecessarily.

As in all formal letters, thorough editing is compulsory to ensure that the letters do not have any spelling or grammatical mistakes. Also adding unnecessary information just lengthens the letter and makes it less impactful. At the same time, you should not miss out on any important information.

Excuse Letter for Being Late to School for Late Wakeup

Excuse letters are written when a situation arises in which you have to explain your conduct or some incident that might have happened. These are usually written to someone in authority like your superior at work or in the case of students, to the teacher or principal. Since the excuse letters are written to people in authority, the tone of these letters should be formal yet polite. The employee giving the explanation should mention all the relevant details and apologize for their mistake.

Coming late to work or to school/college is a very bad habit. It is discouraged everywhere as it shows disorganization and slackness. These habits if not checked in time lead to failure in life and even the brightest person can not go far in life if they have this habit.

Punctuality is the most important trait of a successful person. Doubt being punctual you cannot be organized or trustworthy audience trustworthy. Students who are punctual always get better grades and are more respected by teachers and their fellow students alike.

If a student gets late occasionally, they usually write an explanation letter to the teacher or the principal explaining the reason for their late arrival. In this letter, they explain why they were late and ask for the principal’s forgiveness and assure them that this mistake will not be repeated. All the important details of the matter should be added to the letter and edit it thoroughly before sending it.

Spelling and grammatical mistakes should be avoided as they may prove to be counterproductive.

Letter of Explanation of Relationship for Mortgage

A mortgage is a legal contract by which a person takes a loan usually to buy or build property on interest from the bank in exchange for the title of the property which is returned after the loan is paid back.

A mortgage is paid back in instalments which are decided in advance. The interest rate determines the amount that is to be paid. When people get married they often want to add their spouses to share the mortgage. Similarly, when people fall ill, they might include a sibling or their offspring in their mortgage.

In such cases, a letter is written to the bank to inform them about sharing the mortgage with another person. The purpose of this letter is to inform the bank that the person being named is trusted by the debtor and they can be trusted with all the mortgage details including information about the instalments paid and the amount pending etc.

Letters written in regards to your mortgage are very sensitive in nature just like all other financial issues and should be written very carefully after double checking all the facts and figures. There should be no grammatical or spelling mistakes.

Also, all the identity numbers, account numbers and other documents of the person being added to share the mortgage should be attached with the letter. The tone of the letter should be formal but polite. It should be kept brief, but no relevant detail should be left out.

Lastly, it should be addressed to the relevant authority to avoid ambiguity.


I had taken a mortgage from your bank, and I have been paying the instalments for the last two years. My remaining amount is [amount]. My amortization period is [number] years.

I got married in [year name] and I want to share the title of the property and the mortgage with my wife. Her name is [name] and identity number is [number]. She is an account holder in your bank. Her account number is [number].

I authorize you to give her full access to my mortgage account and provide her with any information she may require in this regard. I am attaching her full contact details. Please include her name in my mortgage account.

I want to assure you that there would be no delay in the repayment schedule. On the other hand, we intend to increase the number of our monthly instalments. We would come by the bank to discuss this in detail on [date] with our broker Mr. [name]. I am also attaching her documents which are required for sharing the mortgage.

These include copies of her identity card, her bank statement and proof of income documents along with our marriage certificate. If you have any more queries, please feel free to contact me on [phone number] or [email address].

Looking forward to your prompt response.


I had taken a mortgage from [ABC] bank on [date] and I want to include my sister in my mortgage. She is going to share the title of the property with me. We are going to share the instalments too. I have taken this decision due to some health issues.

I would be travelling from [month] for getting treatment from abroad. Since I would be out of the country and this may interfere with my payment schedule, having her on board will help me stay on track and ensure that I do not fall behind the schedule. She is a very responsible person and I trust her completely.

I authorize you to deal with her in my place and I am giving her the power of attorney to take any decisions which may be required. I want to assure you that there will be no delay in the repayment schedule and any issues that come up can be discussed with her. My sister’s complete contact details are as under.

[contact details]

I authorize you to share my mortgage details with her and if she requires any information regarding my mortgage arrangements, please facilitate her in this regard. I am also attaching her identity number and her bank account number and other financial details.

If any other documents are required or there are any further queries, feel free to contact me at [phone number] or [email address].

Looking forward to your cooperation and consideration.

Letter to Support Employee Immigration Application

When companies hire employees from other countries, they have to help them through the immigration process. This is a long and tedious process and writing a letter supporting the employee is just the first step of this process and it is not possible without the company taking a personal interest.

The employer must prove that it is a job that requires special skills and cannot be performed without the employee they are requesting to immigrate. They also must prove that the person they have hired has a good character and that letting them enter the country is not a security risk.

A letter written to support the immigration procedure of an employee should include the complete details of the employee Including their date of birth, place of birth, and educational qualification. The date on which they took the job test, their position on the merit list, and the date of their interview when they were finally selected.

Adding all these details would help the immigration officers in reaching a positive conclusion that the person being nominated should be granted immigration.

These are formal letters so the tone should be formal but polite. Edit the letter thoroughly before sending it and ensure that all the facts and figures mentioned are accurate and current.


I am writing to extend my support for Mr. (name) who has applied for immigration. Mr. (name) is a valued employee in our (country name) office and he has been working for us for the last (number) years. He was hired on (date) as (designation).

In (year) he was promoted to the (designation). He has headed many landmark projects for our organization including (Project name). He has proved his command in cloud programming, repeatedly in different projects and we feel that he would be best suited to head our new project based in (country name) branch. This project will not only help conserve energy but also be the first step in resolving the current energy crisis.

Mr. (name) has been working for us for a long time and we have found him to be an honest, competent and a very hardworking person. He is of good character and an excellent mentor.

His professionalism, attention to detail, thoroughness, and dedication is something we have witnessed over the years. He has proven himself to be a very valuable employee. We trust him completely or else we would not recommend his immigration.

We want to assure you that giving immigration to him and his immediate family, would be a very good step as competent and hardworking people like him help build our nation. His immediate family includes his wife and two children who are under ten years of age.

For any further queries, feel free to contact me at my phone number (phone number) or mail me at my (email address).


I am writing to you on behalf of (hospital name) in (city). As you must be aware that we have a huge and world-famous oncology department. We have just hired Dr. (name) as a consultant in pediatric cancer. He has a vast experience in this field and has a practice spanning over the last two decades.

It would be an honor to have all that precious experience at our disposal. We are especially excited because he is one of the pioneers in the use of plasma cell therapy. Our patients would greatly benefit from these targeted therapies and even patients from other cities would travel to our hospital to get these treatments as they are not available in our country.

We want to urge you to hasten the process of immigration for Dr. (name) and his wife. Apart from being an excellent doctor, he is also a wonderful human, and his philanthropic contributions are known to all.

His character needs no certificate from us as he is known the world over for his work and personality. In case of any further queries, feel free to get in touch with us on our official hospital number (Number) or email us at (email).

Looking forward to your positive response.

Home Loan Cancellation Letter

Often people have to take loans to build a home for themselves due to the unavailability of sufficient funds. In this case, there are many services that offer easy terms to take home loans. These loans are usually given at an interest rate and the lender has to pay the original amount plus the interest in easy installments which are decided at the time of granting the loan.

Home loans are very common these days but if someone comes up with sufficient funds or some other source of income that would enable them to buy the house without drawing a loan, they can cancel the loan they had requested originally. In such situations, they would write a letter to the lender and tell them that they no longer require the home loan, and they should communicate if there are any cancellation charges.

Letters of financial nature are formal letters, and they should be written very carefully. Giving out all the details without any ambiguity because they are very serious documents and in case of an issue, they can be presented in the court as evidence for or against the lender.

So, they should be written after thorough fact-checking. Also, the tone should be formal yet polite. Remember that you may have to draw a loan later in life and if you are impolite or rude now you will have difficulty taking a loan later. You should keep your relations with the bank civil and end the loan arrangement on a good note.

Save -1:

I’m writing this letter to cancel the home loan application I had given earlier. I had requested you for a home loan on (date) as I required an amount of (amount) to complete my home renovation. This loan had to be paid back by (date)and it was decided that I would return the (amount) back in (number) installations of (amount) each.

But now I have come into possession of some funds, and I feel that I will be able to complete the renovations without drawing a loan, so I would like to cancel my application for the home loan. I am sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused you and I’m willing to pay cancellation fees If there are any.

I would like to thank the bank officials who made this transaction very smooth and made it very convenient for us to draw the loan. If I ever need to take a loan again, I would be approaching your bank due to the convenience and the efficiency with which the entire thing was handled. Also, I have recommended your excellent services to friends and family. Keep up the good work!!

Looking forward to your understanding and consideration.

Save -2:

I had drawn a loan from your bank on (date) of the amount (number).  It was decided that I would repay this loan within a period of (number) in installations of (amount). My home loan application had gone for final approval. But the circumstances have changed a bit and I have come in possession of some amount. Basically, I have inherited some amount from a relative who passed away recently, and I feel that I would be able to complete my home renovations with this amount.

I want to cancel my loan application. I’m sorry for any inconvenience this might cause on your end. But trust me it was not intentional, and I only came to know of the money a little while back, and as soon as it’s confirmed I’m writing to you.

I am going to return the amount that I have drawn today on (date) and I am willing to pay cancellation charges according to the bank policy. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you for the quick processing and efficient handling of my loan request.

I was really impressed by the interest taken by your agent and the help that I was extended throughout the process. I would recommend your Bank for drawing loans if anyone in my friends and family needs one. keep up the good work.

Mortgage Authorization Letter

A mortgage is a legal agreement that enables a person to get a loan from a bank on interest while giving the bank the title of the debtor’s property in return. The title is shifted back to the debtor upon complete payment of the debt. It is a very common money lending procedure.

In order to apply for the mortgage, a proposal letter is written listing the details of the property the debtor wishes to mortgage against. It also includes the names and contact details of the people who know the person applying for a mortgage and are willing to act as his guarantors. The debtor has to give his credit details proving that he has a stable source of income and would be able to pay the loan back.

A mortgage authorization letter is written when the debtor wants to allow a trusted third party to have access to their mortgage loan repayment information and options. Sometimes when people get married or enter a business partnership they want to share their mortgage with their spouse/business partner.

Another scenario may be when they feel that they will not be able to repay their loans due to some financial crisis or health issue, they may bring in a third party who can buy their mortgage and pay the remaining amount.

As these are formal letters addressing a financial issue, they must be written very carefully and in a formal tone. The letter should not be unnecessarily long nor should the letter include unnecessary information but all relevant details must be included.

It must clearly state who is being authorized with what and for how long. As these are addressing a financial situation, they need to be proofread very carefully.

Spelling or grammatical mistakes would leave a very bad impression. The information shared must be accurate and all the receipts and any other proofs or important documents should also be attached.

Save -1

I took out a mortgage from your bank on [date] for starting home construction. As you know from my record that I have been regular in my repayments and have already paid the due amount but due to a recent development I feel that it is important that I share my mortgage with my son.

Recently I have been diagnosed with [disease name]. Due to the severity of my symptoms, my doctor has advised me to go for [name] surgery. After the surgery, the doctors would decide on a further course of action. I am told that I have a very high chance of making a full recovery but I do not want to take a chance.

I do not want my disease to delay the repayment schedule, so I am going to share my mortgage with my son. You are hereby authorized to share all details of my mortgage with him as he will be handling all financial issues from now onwards till I get better. I am sharing his contact details below.

I want to assure you that you will not face any inconvenience or delay in the repayments as he is a very responsible person and I am sure that everything will keep running smoothly. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me any time before [date] as that is the date of admission to the hospital.

Save -2

I took out some loan from your bank against my house as security on [date]. I have already made three repayments and as you know from my record I have been regular in my repayments. However, I recently got married and I want to include my wife [name]’s in my mortgage. I authorize you to share my payment details and any other information related to my mortgage with her.

I assure you that you would not face any issue with repayments in fact, as now we would be sharing the installment amount we intend to repay the loan sooner. I am sharing the details of my mortgage account for your convenience.

Looking forward to your cooperation.

See also:

Mortgage Proposal Letter

A mortgage is a system by which a debtor borrows money from a bank or some other moneylender and as security the bank keeps the title of the property purchased until the debt is paid off with interest. It is a fairly common way to buy a house for residence or as an investment.

In order to get a mortgage approved, a proposal letter is written. It is a formal letter in which the debtor introduces himself and gives the details that he feels qualify him for the debt. He/she may also give the names and references of some guarantors who would be people who know him well and are willing to guarantee that the debtor is a responsible person and is sure to return the loan in a timely manner.

The mortgage would be approved or rejected on the basis of this letter so it must be written very carefully. The language used should be formal but courteous and the applicant must ensure that they are adding all the points that go in their favor and which would help in convincing the bank to accept their mortgage proposal.

However, unnecessary information should be avoided and the proposal should be kept short and precise. All the information given should be accurate and current.

Also, the letter must be proofread before sending. Grammatical errors and spelling mistakes would damage the applicant’s position and increase the chances of rejection of their application.

Save -1:

Subject: Mortgage Proposal Letter

I am an account holder in your bank for the last five years. I have two accounts in your [name] branch. One is my salary account [account number] and the other one is a savings account [account number]. The reason for writing this letter is that I want to draw some loan from your bank.

As you can see that I have good credit and a stable monthly income. I would be able to pay the loan back timely. I am also attaching the documents of my house which I intend to take out a mortgage against. It’s a new property and it is situated in [address]. Its market value is around [number] which is more than the amount of the loan I am taking out.

I am attaching the contact details of Mr [name] who is my employer of fifteen years and knows me very well. He has agreed to be my guarantor.

The second guarantor would be Mr [name] who is a doctor by profession and my neighbor. Please go through my credentials and approve my loan as I need the amount urgently.

Looking forward to your positive response.

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Save -2:

I am an account holder in your prestigious bank since [year name]. I want to take a loan for buying a home. I have gone through your mortgage plans and I feel that plan [name] suits me the best.

I understand the terms of the lease and feel that the time period, amount, and other details of this plan would be most appropriate for me. You have my account information so you can verify that I have a stable income. I am attaching the plans for the house I am aiming to buy. It is a two-bedroom apartment in [name of the building].

I am a salaried person and it is not possible for me to buy a house without drawing a loan but I want to assure you that I will make all my payments on time and you will find me a very cooperative and responsible debtor.

I am attaching the testimonial my employer was kind enough to write for me. Also, I am attaching the contact information of my guarantors. As you can see from their credentials, these are respectable members of the community and they are willing to become my guarantors.

Please approve my mortgage proposal and process my application at the earliest as the apartment I intend to buy is in high demand due to its location and the amenities of the building. If my mortgage processing takes too long, I fear that I would end up losing it but I am sure that you will process my mortgage proposal on priority and I would be able to confirm my purchase with the realtor.

Looking forward to your positive response.

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See Also:

Complaint Letter for Illegal Parking

Every community follows some rules for smooth functioning so that the residents can live in a shared space without friction or conflict. Parking is often a contentious issue so every community has some parking laws in place. If the parking laws are not followed and others’ parking space is not respected there is bound to be friction among neighbors.

Usually, communities are monitored by a committee whose job is to ensure that everyone is following the rules and regulations and no one is bothering others. When conflict arises, these community elders or committees are approached by writing a complaint letter.

 A complaint letter is a formal letter that is written to communicate one’s problems to the authorities which can resolve the issue. When writing a complaint letter, the tone should be respectful but firm. Try to explain the problem without accusing anyone or offending anyone.

Share your concerns in detail and how the said issue is disturbing you but avoid getting emotional or confrontational. Try to communicate the gravity of the situation while being open to negotiating the solution.

Since it is a formal letter it would start with the sender’s name and address followed by the date and then the receiver’s name and address. After that, the receiver is greeted by their name or title. The subject line follows the greeting. Then comes the main body of the letter. It is in this part that you explain the problem you are facing and gives any evidence you might have along with dates and times. The letter is then concluded with the hope that the issue would be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties.

Save -1:

Subject: Complaint Letter on illegal parking at [XYZ]

I am a resident of [address] and as you know that the newly constructed shopping mall is present right across the road so a lot of people instead of parking their cars in the properly allocated parking space, park their cars in front of our house and leave for hours. Often they even block the entrance to my house.

Also, they throw litter out of their cars and our street is constantly dirty due to this. It is really causing us a lot of inconveniences and there is no privacy as strangers are roaming our street all the time. we are worried about the safety of our younger children and do not allow them to step out of the house alone.

In the master plan, the entrance for the plaza was kept away from the residential area and the opposite gates were to be opened. The road leading to the residential area was to be cordoned off so that people visiting the plaza could not enter or park in our street. I have no idea why this plan is not being put in place as this would immediately cater to a lot of our issues and solve a lot of our problems.

Please look into this matter at the earliest as it is causing a lot of stress and friction in our neighborhood and results in arguments every other day.

Looking forward to your swift response.

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Save -2:

Subject: Complaint Letter on illegal parking at [ABC]

I am a resident of [address]. I have been living in this apartment for the last [number] years. The residents always followed the parking laws and hence there was never an issue but now the new tenants in blocks [number] and [number] are very careless about these rules and this is causing a lot of problems for the rest of the community.

The cars are parked so haphazardly that it becomes difficult to take the car out of the parking and onto the main road and vice versa. There is no concept of a fixed parking space and people randomly park their cars in any spot they find empty. This problem is really getting out of hand as arguments break out every other day and it is only a matter of time before they result in a serious rift in the community. Please address this issue at the earliest as the situation is becoming increasingly worse.

Looking forward to your positive response.

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See also:

Request Email for Approval of Travel Expenses

Request letters or emails are written in various situations. Their purpose is to get some favor from the recipient. They may be written to ask for donations or volunteers in a charity drive or to get a loan approved. Request letters are also written to get a refund on a broken or damaged product.

They are also written to get any pending payments approved. One such case is when people travel on official assignments and they need to get their travel expenses released from the company.

Students traveling to other schools or cities to represent their school/college or university may also need to write request letters to get the travel expenses issued. Travel expenses include the cost of an air ticket or bus fare. They would also include the hotel charges and food expenses.

The letter would follow the format of a standard business letter and would begin with the contact information of the sender, followed by the date of sending the letter, and then the receiver’s contact information would be given. Mentioning the date is important for record-keeping purposes.

Then the subject of the letter is written so that the receiver can get to know what the letter is about in one glance. After that, the main body of the letter comes.

In this part, the sender explains the reason for writing the letter and after giving the background asks the receiver for a favor. If there is any time sensitivity to the demand, it is mentioned clearly. If you have any receipts, copies of the contract, or any other document which can help to strengthen your request, attach their copies to the letter.

The letter is then ended on a positive note and the sender puts his/her signature at the bottom. In the case of email, the digital signatures are added at the bottom.

It is always a good idea to edit and proofread the letter before sending as a poorly written letter is counter-productive and may end up harming the cause. As they are usually written to someone in an authoritative position, hence the tone should be polite and courteous yet formal.

The letter should be kept brief as that is more likely to be read and the request accepted if it does not take up too much of the receiver’s time.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. [name]

I [name], [designation] in [department name] am writing to request you to approve my travel expenses. I am going to [country name] on [date] to attend the [name] conference on behalf of our company. I will present our company’s contributions in this field and share our experiences with the other delegates. Since it is an official assignment so as per the contract, the travel expenses would be covered by the company.

I am sharing an estimate of the amount including the price of the air ticket along with hotel fare and food and transport charges. Please consider this matter at your earliest as the conference is on[date] and I have to get all the tickets and hotel room booked before [date]. I would really appreciate it if you could give this issue your attention at the earliest.

Looking forward to your cooperation.

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Save -2:

Dear Mr. Principal

I [name], the Head Coach of the football team, am glad to inform you that our school’s football team has qualified for the semi-finals of the Interschool football competition. The Semi-Finals are to be held in [city name] on [date]. Our team would be traveling there on [date]. I want to request you to please approve the travel expenses for the team which includes [number] students and [number] staff members.

The expenses would include the booking of air tickets, hotel reservations, food allowance, and transport charges for the vehicle to take us from the hotel to the venue and back.

Sir I would like to congratulate you once again on this achievement. It definitely has to do a lot with your personal interest, kind patronage, and encouragement that our Football team has come so far. The students are really excited and rooting for our team who are very motivated and excited. As their coach, I am very hopeful about reaching and winning the Finals. This is the first time our team has reached the semi-finals in the last ten years.

Sir the team has to reach [city name] by [date] so please approve the travel expenses so that we can proceed with the hotel reservations and ticket booking in time.

Looking forward to your consideration.

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See also: