Absence Excuse Letters for Various Common Reasons

#1 Due to injury

Subject: Absence excuse due to injury

Dear Sir, I know we had planned to see the last rugby match together. I am extremely sorry for I did not accompany you due to a severe injury. Due to this reason, I had to cancel this program. To me, this was the most awaited event because we were meeting after a long time.

I was going back to my home on 10th of March when I met with an accident. My car collided with a truck and I got some serious injuries to my head and neck. My 3 ribs were also broken. I remained unconscious for the whole week due to the injury. When I regained my senses, I was kept in ICU for three more days. I lost my all contacts due to this accident because my cellular phone was also damaged.

The severity of the matter did not allow me to inform you because I was out of my senses and even after gaining my senses I was not allowed to talk.

Now, I want to offer my sincerest apology for missing our meeting. I hope you will forgive me for keeping in view the whole situation. By the grace of God, I am able to communicate and walk a little bit. I am recovering fast but doctors have advised me complete bed rest for two months. Our meeting is still a priority for me because we have never met after graduation. I would appreciate it if we could reschedule our meeting after I get complete relief.

I am waiting for your response.

#2 Death in the family

Subject: Excuse from work due to death in the family

Dear Sir, I am feeling embarrassed and offering my apology for the misconduct in the form of sudden and uninformed leave. It all happened unconsciously, and the situation was beyond my control.

Last Friday, when I was busy executing my duties, my son called me and told me the shocking news that my aunt has passed away. Her sudden demise made me extremely sad and I, in a state of emotional stress, left the office without informing you. While doing so, I completely forgot that you have nominated me for attending the annual company meeting which was held the next day after the death of my aunt.  

My aunt lives in a remote area, and I had to travel there with my family. I was caught up in necessary burial ceremonies and my presence was essential. I was unable to contact you because I was out of the connectivity area. I reckon I should have informed any senior before leaving. The reason for such misconduct was that I completely forgot what to do in haste.

I know that my misconduct has made me eligible for your wrath. Even then I submit my sincere apology and want to compensate for the great loss which was born by the company owing to my absence.

I request you to overlook my mistake and look again into the matter before making any hard decision. At the same time, I ask for your pardon. Alternatively, I am ready to accept any additional duty assigned by you.

I assure you that such misconduct will never be repeated in the future.

#3 Due to internet connection

Subject: Excuse due to internet connection

Dear Sir, I sincerely apologize for missing my yesterday’s class due to a poor internet connection. It was not working well.  I know it was the most important class of the semester scheduled by you before the final exams. This was the class I wanted to attend.

I had no idea that I would be stuck in the internet connectivity problem. You have arranged this special class for us and I realize that I have missed a great opportunity to clarify all the confusing concepts.

Although I have completed the whole course, I needed some guidance on some topics. I have talked with one of my best friends and he is agreed to help me in this regard. I acknowledge that you covered the whole syllabus on time and explained all the concepts in detail. You left no stone unturned to make us understand the advanced concepts of biology.

Thank you for being with us for the whole academic session and in the end, I again offer my apology for not attending the most important class of the semester.

Your sincere efforts are highly appreciated.

#4 Due to interrupted power

Subject: Excuse of work due to interrupted power

Dear Anderson, I would like to communicate about the delay in the final date of the project submission. According to our agreement, I was supposed to complete the project on [date]. Due to unavoidable circumstances, it took a little longer and was completed one week later than the deadline.

I can understand your inconvenience which has been caused due to late submission of the project, but it all happened due to long and frustrating interruptions in the power supply. For the past three weeks, an extreme power outage was being faced by us. It drastically affected the whole working schedule.

The feasibility report of the project required a continuous supply of power, but the shutdown was so intense and frequent. The power interruption lasted between 3 to 4 hours and was as frequent as four times a single day. This practice continued till the real fault was detected. Such a long interruption is enough to disturb the smooth functioning of any official entity.

When the power supply turned normal, there were left a few days till the arrival of the deadline. I restarted working but it was impossible for me to complete it within such a short span of time. Even then I tried hard with the sincere efforts of my team, but it took us one week more than the deadline.

I have sent the project to your official mailing address. If you require any amendments, please let me know during official working hours.

See also: