Letters to Parent Requesting Payment for Damages

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This letter aims to inform you that your son, Robinson Paul, is a student in grade 6th in our School and he is involved in destructive convictions and is very obdurate. He has been involved in very mischievous activities and becoming very arduous to handle the situation. This is resulting in ruining the system of schools and damaging its property.

He has been found making scratches on class walls, uprooting assortments in the ground, writing with inks on walls and throwing board markers here and there, and other activities like this. All this was becoming uncontrollable for us.

He has been warned by many teachers to not do this. I had also told him that he will get a severe punishment for these acts.

Despite all warnings, he did not take it seriously and showed rattles’ behavior. The only option we were left with was to inform you as you are his guardian and the situation can be handled by you. Even it also didn’t work, and we see no changes in him and now we are forced to take action against him.

Yesterday, during school break, he has broken three chairs in his class and you are asked to pay the payment for the damage. I hope that you can understand well what I am saying. In case you do not pay for the damage then we will not allow him to sit in the class. Moreover, the principal is also wanting to meet you and you can visit him during office hours. Thank you.


This letter serves as a complaint against your daughter, who is a student in grade 8th in our school for mutilating repeatedly the property of the school.

Jessica has always been an intelligent, exuberant, bright, and smart student in curricular as well as extracurricular activities. Whether it was getting the first position or winning an award in competitions she always stood first and showed a caring attitude towards her fellow mates. We always loved her a lot as she was our pride and very brilliant.

With the help of this message, I am drawing your attention to the matter that she has been involved in very careless activities. She is found drawing sketches on the walls and benches. She has been warned many times, but nothing affected her. What has been the more unbearable situation is that she scratches the benches with a divider and ruler. I found her yesterday doing this and I am compelled to write this letter to you.

As it has been mentioned earlier that she is one of the most distinguished and promising students in the class and has positive potential. With the help of this potential, she can pave the way for success. I like to draw your attention to this matter to let her understand that such actions require severe punishment. Moreover, involved in damaging the school’s property she has been fined 1000 USD and you can submit the amount to the accounts office tomorrow.


I am quite disappointed by writing this letter to let you know about Steward who is studying in 9th grade in our school.

I had always found him performing very well in the class as well as in other healthy activities. Although he was performing satisfactorily in his studies, this letter has been written with the purpose of informing you that he is involved in bad activities, and he is showing an aggressive and naughty attitude in the class.

He is an apple of the eye of every teacher, but his disobedient attitude has made every teacher very shocked. He has been involved in damaging the property of the school and we had warned him numerously to not do so but he didn’t pay heed to what we said to him.

He was drawing repeatedly on the door handles and benches. Two days ago, he threw ink on the glass walls. We tried our best to not let him do so, but he did not pay any attention to it. We cannot bear search attitude of him as he is a brilliant student.

Kindly take this message as a warning and a request to take this matter seriously and ensure us that he will not repeat such an act again. Moreover, for damaging the school wall he has been fined $500 and you can submit the payment to the accounts office. If he is involved next time in such activities, then we will be forced to take strict action against him, and it can cause his suspension from the school. Thank you.

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