Letter to Professor about Absence

Students have to be regular otherwise they would miss out on important lectures and notes. If students miss classes due to some valid reason, they usually have to give an explanation to the teacher in writing. The explanation letter should be precise and you should avoid unnecessary details but explain why you could not make it to the class on time. The tone of the letter should be apologetic and respectful as you are asking the teacher to overlook your mistake.

In these letters as you know the name of the person you are addressing you can address them by name for example, ‘Respected Professor [name]’ or you can address them as Sir or Madam.

At the beginning of the letter introduce yourself. This would include your name and course details. Since professors take multiple courses for students in different years so it is important that you give your complete introduction. After that explain the reason for writing the letter. Write down which class you missed and then give the reason for missing the class.

In the concluding paragraph, suggest how you are planning to make up for the missed class. Apologize again and assure the professor that this would not happen again.

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My name is [name] and I am from [batch number]. Sir I am writing to apologize for missing your class yesterday. [subject] is my favorite subject and I never miss your class but yesterday when I was on my way to college I had an accident.

The vehicle coming from another side broke the signal and bumped into my bike as I was crossing the road. I fell and although my bike was damaged very badly, I was lucky to escape serious injury. But this accident delayed me and I could not reach the university on time and ended up missing your class.

Sir, I realize that this was a very important class as we had our monthly test planned for this date. I had prepared very thoroughly for the test and can take it whenever you can spare some time. I can come to your office whenever it is convenient for you.

Sir, I would be very grateful if you could accommodate me as I missed the test due to a genuine reason and it was not slackness on my part. My previous record is with you so you can confirm that I have never been negligent or careless in my studies. I hope that you will understand the problem I faced and accommodate me.

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Dear Sir,

My name is [abc] and I am in [course number]. Sir, I am taking your [subject name] class although my department is different this subject is one of the pre-requisites for the research project I am aiming to undertake as my final year project. I am writing to apologize for missing your lecture on [date].

Sir the reason why I missed your class was that there was a slight mix-up in my timetable. As I come from [name] department only for your subject to [name2] department, so my timetables clashed as it is the beginning of the semester. I have informed the course advisor about this issue and he has promised to resolve it before the coming week.

To complete the work I missed, I took the class notes from a friend but there are a few points I do not understand. I would be extremely grateful if you could take some time out of your busy schedule and clarify my concepts or guide me to some appropriate resources online. I can come to your office any time after [time] as all my classes are scheduled before that.  

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