Request Letter to Release Pending Arrears

Request letters are often written both in individual and professional capacities. The purpose of these letters is to ask the receiver for something, so the tone should be formal but polite. A request letter may be written to demand a salary raise or leave. Request letters are also written to request a promotion. Charity organizations also write request letters to ask for donations.

In short, request letters are written in various situations for different purposes. One such occasion is when half the payment is made before the product or service is delivered and it is committed that the remaining payment would be done afterward. In such cases after the completion of the project, request letters are written to get the remaining payment released.

The following points must be kept in mind when writing request letters.

  1. The letter should be addressed to the correct person i.e. to someone who can authorize the transfer of the remaining funds. You can address them by name or by their designation.
  2. Give your complete introduction including your name, designation (in case of a business letter), address, and any other relevant information required to identify you.
  3. The entire matter should be explained clearly. Give all the necessary information so that the receiver knows which product/service you are referring to.
  4. Attach the invoices of the previous payments, a copy of the contract, and any other relevant documents to remove any ambiguity.
  5. If you have a time frame within which you expect a payment, clearly mention that.
  6. End the letter on a positive and hopeful note.
  7. Mention the date on which the letter is being written. This is important for record-keeping.
  8. Edit the letter carefully before sending it. Check for grammatical or spelling mistakes as these would undermine the solemnity of the letter.
  9. Keep a copy of the letter with you, for the record to be used in the future if required.

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Respected Sir,

I [name], the [designation] at [business name] am writing to request you to release our remaining payment for the ceramic tiles you bought from us.

As you know that we signed a contract on [date], for delivery of [amount] tiles to [address]. Half the payment was given in advance and the remaining amount was to be paid after the complete delivery. The first batch was delivered on [date].

The second batch was delivered on [date] and the final delivery was made on [date]. On all these occasions, your site supervisor’s signatures were taken on the delivery receipts. As your order is complete from our side, please release the pending arrears.

Attached with the letter are a copy of the signed contract and the receipts for the earlier payment. We are also attaching the papers signed by your site in-charge Mr. [name] at the time of the last and final delivery along with previous delivery receipts.

The bill for the outstanding payment is attached which also has the complete breakdown of the order. Please deposit the said amount in account number [bank details] or as a Bankers cheque by [date]. If you have any queries, please contact Mr. [name] at [phone number] or [email address].

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Dear Sir

I [name] was serving as [designation] in your reputable company for the last three years. I am a [name]national and now due to some personal reasons, I have to go back to my country which is why I resigned from my post last month. I have completed my notice period and I was assured that my dues would be cleared by the end of the month.

I am writing to request you release my pending payment which includes the bonus I was given last year and my overtime wage. I would be very grateful if all this could be processed before [date] as I have to leave for [country name] on [date] and it would be very inconvenient for me to handle the money transfer from there.

In the end, I would like to thank you for your hospitality. I had a great experience working here and I learned a lot. I made some great friends here and am leaving with memories I would always cherish. I want to wish you and my colleagues all the best for the future.

See also: