Authorization Letter for Salary Deduction

An authorization letter is a letter written to give someone the authority to perform some tasks. For example, an authorization may be given to someone to collect important documents on someone else’s behalf. A person may authorize someone to receive payment on their behalf. When people move goods across the city, need to give the driver the authorization letter to move the goods.

It is a formal letter returned by someone in authority hence the tone is formal and serious. The letter should include all relevant details like the name of the person who is being authorized and the task for which the authorization is granted. If the authorization is for some time only, then the period should also be mentioned clearly.

Sometimes an employee makes a mistake for which they are given a penalty like a deduction in salary. This may happen when an employee damages office property due to negligence. Sometimes disciplinary faults like late arrival, not being regular, etc also result in salary deduction.

Many organizations have Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to deal with such situations. The employees are informed in advance about the consequences of their negligence and incompetence. When such a situation arises, the department head writes a letter to the finance department, authorizing the deduction of the salary of the employee.

All the important details like the exact amount to be deducted, the period for which the amount is to be deducted from the salary like one month, two months etcetera should be clearly mentioned in the letter.

Acknowledgment Letter for Lending Money

An acknowledgment letter is written as a receipt of something you have received. It may be written after you have received your payment or collected the dues someone owed you.

An acknowledgment letter is also written when goods or products are delivered to the buyer. These may be written after you get a loan from someone. It is important to mention that these letters may be produced in Court as legal documents hence they should be written very carefully after being certain about all the facts and figures.

The documentation of financial interactions is very important to ensure transparency and fairness in dealing. When you lend money, you need to acknowledge this through a letter so that if any misunderstanding arises it can be used as a reference or evidence.

Money lending and borrowing is a very common practice in businesses, but it needs to be handled very carefully in such a way that there is no ambiguity and confusion as to the exact terms of lending. It is a formal letter written to recognize that you have borrowed money from a lender.

The amount you have taken, the date by which you have to return the loan, the interest rate everything should be clearly mentioned. These facts and figures should be double-checked for accuracy before sending the letter.

Also, no important detail should be left out. The debtor may also thank the lender for providing them with the funds they required at the time of need. They should also assure the lender that they will pay the loan back timely and the lender will face no issues in this regard.

See the samples below

I am writing this letter to acknowledge the fact that I have received an amount of (amount) on (date) from your Bank. As per the contract, I would return this loan within the next two years i.e., by (year) and an interest rate of (amount) percent would be charged on this amount. The loan would be returned in quarterly payments. In case the payment is not completed in two years, the interest rate would rise to (amount).

I need this loan for buying some machines, I am importing these from (country name) for my cotton factory. These machines are essential for the expansion of our operations. I am extremely grateful to your staff for making the entire process so swift and convenient. Without their efficiency, the entire process would have suffered an unnecessary delay.

I would refer my family and friends to your bank if they ever require a loan. Also, I would like to assure you that all the installations would be paid on time, and you will face no issue in this regard.

 In case of any queries please feel free to get in touch with me. You can call me at my phone number (phone number) or email at (email address).

Another sample…

I’m writing this letter to acknowledge receiving the amount from you on (date). This amount would be returned in monthly installments of (amount) over a period of (number) months at an interest rate of (rate). In case of a missed installment, the amount would be paid with the next month’s payment.

I am grateful to you for lending me the money in this emergency.

My father had a sudden heart attack and when he was rushed to the hospital, the cardiologists insisted that he must undergo open-heart surgery within a month or else there was an imminent danger to his life. I did not have the funds to pay for the surgery and was very worried as to how I would gather the required amount. When I requested funds, you were very kind and generous. I would never forget the way you helped me out in this difficult time.

I am happy to report that my father’s surgery is scheduled for (date) and the doctors are hopeful that he would make a full recovery. This wouldn’t have been possible without your generous help.

I assure you that I would return this loan on time, and you would have no issues in this regard. Forever in your debt.

Greeting Email (letter) to New Business Partner

Greeting emails are written to welcome someone or congratulate someone on religious festivals for example Christmas or Eid. When a new employee joins your firm or you have some visitors from another firm, you may write a greeting email to welcome them and give them an overview of the company. You should also give them the contact information of the employee who will be their contact person in the office. These emails help break the ice and help the new person get settled.

Greeting new business partners and welcoming them to the company is important so that they feel comfortable in the new environment. Also in these emails, basic information regarding the company and the program for their first day is shared. As the email is being written to welcome the new partner, the tone would be congratulatory and polite.

The letter must be edited thoroughly, and it should not be very long. Ensure that there is no grammatical or spelling mistake as it would leave a bad impression on the new partner and make the organization look unprofessional and the workers slack. Add contact information for clarity or for making any changes the partner may require.

Save File -1

I want to welcome you to our company as a business partner on behalf of all the employees and the board of directors. I would start by congratulating you on your selection.

When we had announced that we were going to take on a new partner we had more than fifty applicants who wanted to be a part of our organization. Your selection came after a thorough vetting process. In the subsequent interviews, it was clear that you are the best person to join us as a partner as your vision is in line with our goals for the future.

Also, your magnificent record including the way you pulled (name) company out of losses and made its place in the market despite fierce competition is a corporate legend. Similarly, the (brand) you launched gained record success in a very short time.

We at (organization name) value these experiences and we are sure that they would prove to be an asset to our organization’s growth.

We have planned an orientation session for you. The board of directors would be in attendance, and you would be formally introduced to them. After that, we have planned a welcome lunch which would be followed by a tour of the main office in which you would meet the people who would be working for you, and you would also be shown your office space.

If you want to make any changes to the date or time, please get in touch with me at (phone number) or (email address).

We are excited to have you and look forward to many years of a mutually beneficial working relationship.

Save File -2

We are glad to announce that our board of directors has approved your proposal and we want to welcome you as our business partner. As you know that our company is one of the oldest and most respected names in the textile industry of our country. We are governed by a board of directors having shares in the industry. All major decisions are taken after consultation with these directors. The day-to-day running is managed by executive directors.

Your experience of working with the latest machinery and new techniques is one of the highlights for us and we really look forward to growing with your expertise and kind guidance when you join us as a partner in the business.

We are planning an orientation session for you on (date) at (time). In this session, you would be given an overview of all our major ongoing projects and the goals we have in mind for the future. We have a very specific project in mind for your special consideration involving the incorporation of the latest printing techniques.

In case of any query or if you want some change in the date or time of the orientation, please feel free to get in touch with me by call (on phone number) or mail me at (email address).

Mortgage Thank you Letter

A mortgage is a legal agreement in which the debtor keeps the title of the property in their name until the debts are not paid back. The bank employees who help you secure the mortgage put in a lot of effort and once a person gets his mortgage proposal approved, it is common that they write a thank you letter to the person who has facilitated them. It is a long procedure involving a long documentation process including attaching proof of income, pay slips, etc. The broker’s help and guidance make it easier to secure the mortgage.

Appreciating the efforts of an employee always encourages them to perform even better. Appreciation makes them feel recognized and they feel that their efforts are valued which motivates them to do better. Showing your gratitude also warms up the relationship between the client and the service provider and they take a personal interest in your case. Writing a thank you letter is the most common way to show your appreciation for a business or a service provider.

A thank you letter is a formal letter that is addressed to the broker who has facilitated you. It should be kept brief and precise. Avoid unnecessary information. Show your genuine gratitude for the help you were given. Proofread the letter thoroughly before sending it so that there are no errors in it. documents of financial nature need more thorough editing than normal business letters. It is a formal business letter but the tone should be cordial.

Save -1:

I want to express my gratitude for all the help you extended in securing my mortgage. I realize that my case was not a simple one and it is due to your personal interest that I was able to get this mortgage and for that, I would be forever grateful to you. I had heard of your firm’s reputation for facilitating their customers and making the mortgage process smooth.

Now I have experienced this first hand and I agree with others that you have made a tedious process much simpler and if I had gone anywhere else this process would have taken much longer. Also, the different options available were too confusing for me and I could not decide which was the best-suited plan, it was only through your help that I was able to select a plan that suited me both in terms of interest rate and installment amount.

Your guidance and assistance in this regard have been invaluable. You perfectly understood my situation and found me a lender whose interest rate and other terms suit me well. I am very grateful to you for all your efforts and want to thank you for being so cooperative and on top of everything having such a reasonable commission. I look forward to a mutually beneficial working relationship.

Thanks again for your assistance and guidance.

Save -2:

I want to thank you for your tireless efforts and dedication which you helped me complete my mortgage application. Without your guidance, it would have been very difficult for me to know which documents to attach and to complete the documentation in time. Without it, it would have been impossible to secure the mortgage.

Your professionalism and dedication are reflected every step of the way. The lender you selected and the interest rate you got me, were not possible without extensive market research. I realize that it is out of respect and a good past experience with you, that the lender has offered such a reasonable interest rate to me. I would like to assure you that I would pay all the installments on time and you would not face any problems in this regard.

Your help in getting this loan approved means a lot to me as we urgently required this amount for getting our house renovated which is currently in very bad shape. I appreciate your efforts and am sure to recommend you to my friends and family if they require any mortgage services.

Looking forward to a good working relationship.

See also:

Letter Complimenting a Hotel Services

A letter complimenting a service serves to inform the service provider that their efforts are appreciated. The customer’s appreciation motivates them to perform even better in the future.

A complimentary letter is a formal letter written to appreciate a service provider if you have a good experience at their restaurant, carwash, laundry, or salon. Similarly, if a customer enjoys his/her hotel stay, they may write a complimentary letter to the hotel management.

As it is a formal letter so it will follow the standard format of a formal letter. In the main body of the letter, the customer would start with the date when they visited the hotel and write about the highlights of their visit i.e., what did they enjoy the most and what is the reason for appreciating the service.

They may mention the name of a waiter or receptionist or any other hotel employee who helped them out or who made their stay comfortable. The letter is usually ended on a positive note with the customer expressing the wish to visit them again soon and wishing them all the best for the future.

Save -1:

Subject: Compliments on excellent service

I stayed in your hotel with my family from (date) to (date). The purpose of my visit to (city name) was some professional commitments but my family came along in the hope of sightseeing. I was concerned that they would get bored because I had a busy schedule at work. When we reached your hotel, the manager on duty greeted us and showed us our rooms.

When I enquired about any local attractions or tour groups that my family could join while I was busy attending official meetings, he assured me that he would look for something appropriate and let me know soon.

The next morning, he sent up plans for 2 different trips and asked my family to select the one that they fancied more. My family chose to go on a visit to the nearby fish farm. When I joined them in the evening, I was delighted to hear that they had a very good time.

It was only possible due to the manager’s personal interest that all the days of our stay were full of interesting events and similar outings for my family. I would also like to mention one more thing that made our stay very enjoyable.

My daughter has food allergies, which were communicated at check-in, and we are glad to report that during our entire stay all those points were kept in mind, and we had no complaints regarding food. We want to compliment you on the excellent service that you provide.

 Your entire staff and especially your manager Mr. (name) is very well-trained and efficient. They take an active interest in the hotel guests and treat them with the utmost respect.

We enjoyed our trip and if we visit (name of the city) again, we would love to stay at your hotel again. Please pay our compliments to all the hotel staff and keep up the good work!!

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Save -2:

I stayed in your hotel from (date) to (date) with my elderly parents as we were attending a wedding in the city. I was very concerned about my parent’s comfort during their stay. As I had heard a lot of good things about your hotel, I selected it for our stay. I’m glad to say that we found it up to the mark and the hype to be correct.

My parents have a lot of health issues, and I was really concerned that their stay should be as comfortable as possible so that they can enjoy the wedding festivities without getting overtired and without being disturbed by other issues. Your staff ensured that their stay was comfortable, and they did not face any inconvenience.

I would especially like to compliment Mr.’s name. On the night of (date), as we came back from the wedding, my father felt a sudden sharp pain in his left arm. We got worried but Mr. (name) who was the manager on duty at the time called the hotel doctor and ensured that my father was well taken care of. We would always remember the concern and care that he showed.

We would like to extend our gratitude to all the hotel staff who took such good care of my parents and ensured that we had a very comfortable stay. Whenever we visit the city again, (hotel name) would be our first choice to stay. Keep up the good work!!

Wishing you all the best for the future.

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See also:

Request Letter to Release Pending Arrears

Request letters are often written both in individual and professional capacities. The purpose of these letters is to ask the receiver for something, so the tone should be formal but polite. A request letter may be written to demand a salary raise or leave. Request letters are also written to request a promotion. Charity organizations also write request letters to ask for donations.

In short, request letters are written in various situations for different purposes. One such occasion is when half the payment is made before the product or service is delivered and it is committed that the remaining payment would be done afterward. In such cases after the completion of the project, request letters are written to get the remaining payment released.

The following points must be kept in mind when writing request letters.

  1. The letter should be addressed to the correct person i.e. to someone who can authorize the transfer of the remaining funds. You can address them by name or by their designation.
  2. Give your complete introduction including your name, designation (in case of a business letter), address, and any other relevant information required to identify you.
  3. The entire matter should be explained clearly. Give all the necessary information so that the receiver knows which product/service you are referring to.
  4. Attach the invoices of the previous payments, a copy of the contract, and any other relevant documents to remove any ambiguity.
  5. If you have a time frame within which you expect a payment, clearly mention that.
  6. End the letter on a positive and hopeful note.
  7. Mention the date on which the letter is being written. This is important for record-keeping.
  8. Edit the letter carefully before sending it. Check for grammatical or spelling mistakes as these would undermine the solemnity of the letter.
  9. Keep a copy of the letter with you, for the record to be used in the future if required.

Save -1

Respected Sir,

I [name], the [designation] at [business name] am writing to request you to release our remaining payment for the ceramic tiles you bought from us.

As you know that we signed a contract on [date], for delivery of [amount] tiles to [address]. Half the payment was given in advance and the remaining amount was to be paid after the complete delivery. The first batch was delivered on [date].

The second batch was delivered on [date] and the final delivery was made on [date]. On all these occasions, your site supervisor’s signatures were taken on the delivery receipts. As your order is complete from our side, please release the pending arrears.

Attached with the letter are a copy of the signed contract and the receipts for the earlier payment. We are also attaching the papers signed by your site in-charge Mr. [name] at the time of the last and final delivery along with previous delivery receipts.

The bill for the outstanding payment is attached which also has the complete breakdown of the order. Please deposit the said amount in account number [bank details] or as a Bankers cheque by [date]. If you have any queries, please contact Mr. [name] at [phone number] or [email address].

Save -2

Dear Sir

I [name] was serving as [designation] in your reputable company for the last three years. I am a [name]national and now due to some personal reasons, I have to go back to my country which is why I resigned from my post last month. I have completed my notice period and I was assured that my dues would be cleared by the end of the month.

I am writing to request you release my pending payment which includes the bonus I was given last year and my overtime wage. I would be very grateful if all this could be processed before [date] as I have to leave for [country name] on [date] and it would be very inconvenient for me to handle the money transfer from there.

In the end, I would like to thank you for your hospitality. I had a great experience working here and I learned a lot. I made some great friends here and am leaving with memories I would always cherish. I want to wish you and my colleagues all the best for the future.

See also:

Inquiry Letter for Mortgage

Inquiry letters, as the name indicates, are written to inquire about something from the lender or provider. These letters are written by potential customers to a service provider to gather detailed information about the subject of interest. Inquiries can be a formal business letter, or they can also be sent in the form of mail. Before writing inquiries, it is made sure that no other source of information i.e., website, can fill in the blanks except for the company itself.

Inquiry letters can be written for several purposes. They can be written by corporate firms to new businesses in 9rder to inquire about their products and their related features. They are sent to individuals to inquire about a specific event and the reason for their behavior to settle a dispute.

A mortgage is defined as the agreement between an individual and a moneylender to buy or finance a home when the individual does not have the money upfront. Individuals take loans from banks or other individuals for making or financing a home. This loan is returned in installments along with profit. Terms and conditions of mortgage are determined by both parties, and they should stick to them otherwise they might face hold of their property and severe legal actions as imposed by the lender.

An inquiry letter for a mortgage is written by the individual to inquire about the mortgage and its related information in detail. The buyer requests the lender to explain all requirements about the loan and other essential details. The information may include installments, criteria of selection, major red flags during selection, etc.

Some tips that should be followed while writing an inquiry letter for a mortgage are given below,

  • Use a formal tone and write a to-the-point letter explaining all details.
  • Keep the letter relevant and do not make it too long to put a good first impression.
  • Although hand-printed letters are preferred but use a letterhead printed document or an email.
  • Use proper and formal salutations for addressing lenders.
  • Mention the correct address and contact information for easy access.
  • Describe briefly your job and credit history.
  • Share your essential documents with the lender so that no time is wasted on gathering documents.
  • Show patience as these matters take a lot of time.
  • If an inquiry appears, try to reason it proof rather than being upset about it.
  • Do not use any floral patterns on letterhead to keep it professional.


Subject: Inquiry letter for mortgage

Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I, Dexter Reed, have been working as an assistant at XYZ company for 5 years. I have worked hard to get to the place where I am today. I know, my position at the company is not prominent but I am sure that it will not remain the same. I aspire to do great things and reach a certain position. But for now, this job provides for me and my family, so I respect it a lot.

5 years ago, my father died in a car accident, and I was burdened with the upbringing of my family. Due to certain circumstances, we had to sell our house and move to a rental. It has been fine but seeing a big chunk of my salary is used as rent hurts a lot therefore, I want to have a house of my own.

I saw advertisements for your policy to provide loans to youngsters for financing their dreams. I have looked at a few 4-bedroom apartments and would finalize one of them. I would request you to provide details of the mortgage, installments, time frame, and other essential details that are required for the loan.

I have already attached a file of my credit history, salary statement from the company, and bank slips of my online freelancing job to help you in narrowing down the list. I am always available at the provided contact information if you have any queries. I would be extremely grateful if you provide me with details of the mortgage and consider me for it.

See also:

Complaint Letter to School Administration about Infrastructure

The infrastructure of a school plays a big role in providing a favorable environment to students who spend a reasonable amount of time in the school to fulfilling the objective of learning. Due to this, the infrastructure should always be the priority of the school. Unfortunately, some schools don’t care about the physical structures and facilities that are provided to students and staff members. Doing so, they fail to deliver effective teachings to the students.

It is a formal letter in which the sender of the letter protests due to unavailability or lack of sufficient resources in the institute. This letter draws concerns about the entire structure and the system of the school.

Who writes the criticism letter about the system of the school?

In general, there is no restriction as to who can write this letter or who cannot. In most cases, students of the school write this complaint when they fail to get the necessary facilities in the school. The faculty members also suffer when the system of the institute is not according to their expectations therefore, they also write often to address their issues and concerns.

Parents or guardians of kids also write to the school authorities when they notice that their child does not have sufficient resources in the school that other schools do provide. The stakeholders of the school need to know who has come up with the complaint.

Who can be written this letter?

The authorities of the school are often sent the complaint because they have the authority to get things corrected. Usually, the principal of the school is referred to whenever there is any issue regarding the infrastructure.

If the school is one of the franchises of the big system, the authorities of that system are sent the complaint so that they can intervene in the working of the school and take necessary measures to ensure that children are studying in a suitable environment without facing any problem.

When to write?

A complaint letter is a kind of feedback and schools generally give a lot of importance to such complaints as they allow them to improve their services. However, the complaint should be written at an appropriate time. When you feel that the system of the school has deteriorated and it needs immediate attention, you must write a complaint. The complaint can also be written when you learn that students in the educational institute are suffering due to a lack of sufficient facilities.

What should be included?

The main elements of this complaint letter are:

Introduction to the letter:

The reader should not be confused when he starts reading the letter. Therefore, he should be informed at the very start that this letter is to protest not having good infrastructure in the institute.

Description of the complaint:

Another component of the letter describes the complaint briefly. It must tell what made you feel like writing this letter. You can mention the problems with the physical structure of the school and many other issues that you think are required to be addressed.

Discuss what needs to be done:

In this part of the letter, you should describe what the reader should do to improve the system. You can simply ask the authorities to pay attention to the school and take steps to bring improvements.

Sample complaint letter:

Subject: Complaint letter about the infrastructure

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the poor infrastructure of the school. The building of the school is too old and worn out and it needs immediate repairing. I have been teaching in this school for more than 4 years and I have been noticing that the condition of the school is getting worse with each passing day. The students are also unable to access clean drinking water in the school.

I would like to request you to come and inspect the entire building of the school so that you can see how much funds are needed to repair the school.

See also:

Quotation Letter for Construction Work

A quotation is referred to as a specific offer for the sale of any product or service. It is generally defined as the price of a given article. Quotation letters are written by suppliers or service providers to potential customers upon inquiry about their products.

When people are interested in any product or service but are not aware of its price and features, then they write to the provider for details.

Providers or suppliers write quotation letters in hopes of making business and state all information to the buyer. These letters can be written to potential buyers without their inquiry. In this situation, providers use letters as a marketing strategy for providing information about their services and products.

Quotation letters provide all information about any product or service. It includes the price of the product, mode of payment, terms, and conditions of execution and delivery, and other minor details about the product and its purchase.

Quotation letters for construction work state the service asked by the customer and provide the amount of service, time frame, the requirement of labor and materials, etc. Contractors provide all details to the customers so that they are aware of all the situation.

Some tips that should be followed while writing a quotation letter are given below,

  • The letter should be formal, and it should be address customers with proper salutations to show professionalism.
  • It should be relevant and not too long to make sure a good first impression.
  • Provide detailed postal addresses and contact information to help customers for making contact, if they want any information.
  • Appreciate customers’ interest in your work and assure them that you would do a good job.
  • Tell customers how your services will prove beneficial to them.
  • List all services provided to customers to help them decide what other services they may want.
  • All the prices should be mentioned clearly to make sure that the buyer understands.
  • Define all terms and conditions in detail as labor work might take longer than usual if any mishap occurs.
  • Discuss the mode of payment and how it should be given.
  • Quotation letters can be used as a marketing strategy for attracting customers in addition to writing as a response to an inquiry.

Sample Letter

It is respectfully stated that I, Patrick Dempsey, have been running my business of construction company for 5 years. I have trained hundreds of laborers during this time and honed their skills to perfection.  With a huge team of labor, I have completed numerous megaprojects of shopping malls and office buildings. Because all laborers are trained by me, therefore they provide similar and exceptional service.

I, recently received your letter asking about some of the services provided by my company. Firstly, I appreciate your inclination towards my company for your construction work. I assure you that you would not be disappointed after seeing what my team can do.

Your letters tell me that you want to make a swimming pool in your backyard to remain cool in summer. You want to install a heat and cool plant to change the temperature of water according to your liking. I studied the dimensions you provide but I would have to see the ground myself.

Steps and prices for complete installation of a temperature-controlled swimming pool are given below,

  1. Digging up the ground with shovels and cranes.
  2. Cementing the pool for making a grey structure.
  3. Lining the pool with tiles to make it hard and complete.
  4. Installation of temperature controlling device.
  5. Installation of machinery for cleaning and emptying the pool.

Prices of

Required raw materials. $800

Labors cost. $2000

Temperature controlling device. $700

Machinery for emptying the pool. $500.

Total cost: $4000

Terms and conditions of construction work are given below,

  • The raw material will be purchased by my team and any previous material will not be used.
  • One year warranty would be given to this project.
  • The time frame for pool construction is 2 months but it may take longer due to weather conditions.
  • No money would be refunded in any scenario.

See also:

Quotation Letter for Supply of Goods

A quotation is known as a specific offer for sale. A quotation letter is a formal letter written in response to a query or quotation format letter by a potential buyer. Many customers write to the supplier of products or services to enquire about their prices. Before availing of any facility, customers make sure that they have enough money to spend.

In response to the letter of a potential customer, suppliers or providers write a quotation letter stating the number of articles or services, their price, terms, and conditions of buying, mode of transportation, exchange or refund policy, and other valuable detail which would be asked by the customer. All these details allow customers to put all facts before them and make a purchase.

A quotation letter for supplying goods can be written by any supplier of goods. Goods can be a number of articles and various suppliers can provide them. Most buyers are interested in handmade goods such as furniture, home decor, decorative articles, jewelry, clothes, and much more. These goods may also include toys, machines, sportswear, or sports goods. This range has no limit.

Some of the tips that should be followed while writing a quotation letter are given below,

  • The letter should be written in a formal tone to show professionalism.
  • Address buyers with proper salutations to make a good first impression.
  • Handmade letters are good but the printed letters on the letterhead of the business are more appreciated.
  • Make sure to provide the postal address, contact information, and social media handles of the business.
  • List each item along-with prices and variety available.
  • Make sure that letter is not too long, and that the information provided is relevant.
  • Quotation letters can be written as a marketing strategy, without any inquiry from the buyer.
  • The letter must be written to the point with conciseness and a complete tone.
  • It should appreciate buyers for their interest in the goods.
  • Do mention any sales or discounts that may happen in the future.
  • Explain to buyers how these goods will make a positive difference in their daily routine.

Sample Letter

It is respectfully stated that I, Rick Martin, have been successfully running a business providing furniture for 5 years. Before starting this business, I worked as a carpenter acquiring knowledge and experience in the same field. Working as a carpenter has allowed me to see this business from a different perspective and it has contributed a lot to making my business successful.

Recently, I received a letter from your agency in which inquired about the quotation of certain goods. I am very delighted to see your inclination toward my business. The articles you are interested in are all made up of high-quality wood and their carvings are done with hands.

We have hired a bunch of skilled artisans who can create masterpieces from wood by using their carving techniques. These are the highest bought articles and customers are still interested in them. Handmade articles always surpass ready-made articles.

From your letter, I understood that you also want regular desks and chairs for office use in addition to the handmade articles. We assure you that you will receive high-quality products. We take pride in making our customers happy and satisfied. Prices of the inquired articles are given below,

  1. Handmade Chess boards $500 each
  2. Polished Wooden Desks $100 each
  3. Comfy black chairs with carvings $150 each
  4. Wooden ply computer table $200 each
  5. Wooden storage cabinets $400 each
  6. Faux Wooden panels for wall $50 each

These are all the articles you mentioned in your letter. For all our walk-in customers, we accept full cash only and our team themselves help in assembling furniture at its destination. Customers from different cities are asked to pay 40% amount of the furniture while the rest 60% is paid after they have received the shipment.

We have never faced any issues of damaged or faulty articles but in case anything happens we have a very flexible exchange policy.

In case you want to move ahead and purchase, just contact us at the provided number. We will be anxiously waiting to hear from you.

See also: