Quotation Letter for Construction Work

A quotation is referred to as a specific offer for the sale of any product or service. It is generally defined as the price of a given article. Quotation letters are written by suppliers or service providers to potential customers upon inquiry about their products.

When people are interested in any product or service but are not aware of its price and features, then they write to the provider for details.

Providers or suppliers write quotation letters in hopes of making business and state all information to the buyer. These letters can be written to potential buyers without their inquiry. In this situation, providers use letters as a marketing strategy for providing information about their services and products.

Quotation letters provide all information about any product or service. It includes the price of the product, mode of payment, terms, and conditions of execution and delivery, and other minor details about the product and its purchase.

Quotation letters for construction work state the service asked by the customer and provide the amount of service, time frame, the requirement of labor and materials, etc. Contractors provide all details to the customers so that they are aware of all the situation.

Some tips that should be followed while writing a quotation letter are given below,

  • The letter should be formal, and it should be address customers with proper salutations to show professionalism.
  • It should be relevant and not too long to make sure a good first impression.
  • Provide detailed postal addresses and contact information to help customers for making contact, if they want any information.
  • Appreciate customers’ interest in your work and assure them that you would do a good job.
  • Tell customers how your services will prove beneficial to them.
  • List all services provided to customers to help them decide what other services they may want.
  • All the prices should be mentioned clearly to make sure that the buyer understands.
  • Define all terms and conditions in detail as labor work might take longer than usual if any mishap occurs.
  • Discuss the mode of payment and how it should be given.
  • Quotation letters can be used as a marketing strategy for attracting customers in addition to writing as a response to an inquiry.

Sample Letter

It is respectfully stated that I, Patrick Dempsey, have been running my business of construction company for 5 years. I have trained hundreds of laborers during this time and honed their skills to perfection.  With a huge team of labor, I have completed numerous megaprojects of shopping malls and office buildings. Because all laborers are trained by me, therefore they provide similar and exceptional service.

I, recently received your letter asking about some of the services provided by my company. Firstly, I appreciate your inclination towards my company for your construction work. I assure you that you would not be disappointed after seeing what my team can do.

Your letters tell me that you want to make a swimming pool in your backyard to remain cool in summer. You want to install a heat and cool plant to change the temperature of water according to your liking. I studied the dimensions you provide but I would have to see the ground myself.

Steps and prices for complete installation of a temperature-controlled swimming pool are given below,

  1. Digging up the ground with shovels and cranes.
  2. Cementing the pool for making a grey structure.
  3. Lining the pool with tiles to make it hard and complete.
  4. Installation of temperature controlling device.
  5. Installation of machinery for cleaning and emptying the pool.

Prices of

Required raw materials. $800

Labors cost. $2000

Temperature controlling device. $700

Machinery for emptying the pool. $500.

Total cost: $4000

Terms and conditions of construction work are given below,

  • The raw material will be purchased by my team and any previous material will not be used.
  • One year warranty would be given to this project.
  • The time frame for pool construction is 2 months but it may take longer due to weather conditions.
  • No money would be refunded in any scenario.

See also: