Request Letter for Replacement of Equipment

A request letter may be written in multiple situations, for example, you may need to request someone for an appointment, or you may request a contribution to your charity. Request letters are also written to ask the applicants in any academic program for their previous academic records.

Before actually writing the letter, think carefully about what you want to say. Think about all the arguments you can give to convince the recipient. Make an outline and ensure that the flow of information and argument is organic and does not feel forced or random. Decide the tone of the letter and the amount of information to be shared according to the recipient.

Try to learn a little more about the recipient so that you can shape your arguments according to them. These would vary according to your request but generally, the letter would follow this outline:

  • At the beginning of the letter, the sender would mention their complete name, address, and date, followed by the name, date, and address of the recipient.
  • Then comes the greeting part. If you know the name of the person you are writing to, greet them by their name otherwise the titles Sir/Madam, etc. can also be used. In certain situations, ‘To whom it may concern may be the most appropriate greeting. In short, the greeting part varies according to the situation.

After that, the subject of the letter is mentioned. However, this is optional and may be skipped.

  • Now comes the first paragraph of the letter. In this paragraph, you would give your complete introduction. The recipient should know who is writing the letter on behalf of which organization or if it is from an individual. The main purpose of writing the letter should also be mentioned briefly. If you have interacted with the recipient before, do give a reference to that. This would remind the addressee of any positive impression he/she might have of your organization/you.
  • After this write the main body of the letter which would clarify the reason you are writing the letter. Write down your request in clear, unambiguous words and convince the person receiving the letter why they should agree to your demands. Be consistent and thorough but do not give out unnecessary information. Stay focused on the subject of the letter and use a firm but polite and professional tone. State any relevant facts in complete detail and do not leave out any argument favorable to your demand.

In the concluding paragraph in a courteous tone by thanking the recipient for taking out the time to read your letter. If there is any important information for example if the matter is time-sensitive or any other fact that they should keep in mind when making a decision, mention it here.

This should be followed by a closing statement. ‘Sincerely’, ‘Best Regards’ etc. are good options to choose from according to the situation and recipient. End the letter with your name and signatures.

Edit the letter and proofread thoroughly for any grammatical and spelling mistakes before sending it. Ensure that nothing important has been left out and at the same time no extra information has been added. The entire letter should follow a clear train of thought focused on convincing the recipient to accept your request.


I am writing on behalf of [name] gymnasium in reference to the replacement of the damaged equipment we received on [date]. We have been your clients since [year] and have always found the quality of your products and your customer service to be excellent which is why we entered into a contract with you and selected you as our primary supplier and it is safe to say that we have never been disappointed. Your professionalism, quality of service, and after-sales support have been excellent.

Last week we placed an order for two elliptical machines model number[number] and one set of weights. We received the delivery today but the dials on the machines were damaged which was pointed out to your delivery team on the spot who guided us to send this request in writing.

According to our contract, you are obliged to replace any equipment damaged during delivery within one week. So we would like to request you to replace these damaged elliptical machines within this timeframe.

Thank you for taking the time to read the letter. We are looking forward to a positive and speedy response from your side.

See also: