Complimentary Letter to Employee who Handled Difficult Situation

Complementing an employee on good performance encourages and motivates them to perform better.  It boosts their self-esteem and raises their morale. Genuine appreciation can do wonders for an employee’s confidence level. A person who feels valued would always give more and work harder.

It would also serve as a morale booster for other employees and motivate them to put in their best. It would affect the office atmosphere positively and reduce the communication gap between the employees and the administration as the employees would feel that their input is heard and their work is valued so they become more open in sharing their ideas and more relaxed with each other.

When writing a complimentary letter, the language must be very positive and pleasant. Since it is a formal letter it would be written in a formal language and it should be kept precise and should not be too long.

After greeting the employee, you should write the reason which has earned them this appreciation. The praise should be genuine and the employee should know why they are being praised as encouraging good behavior is very important.

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Subject: Complimentary for handling a difficult situation

I am writing this letter to appreciate the tact and skill you showed in handling the awkward situation which came up during the client meeting on [date]. When the client showed up for the progress meeting and due to power failure and some issue with the generators, there was no electricity and no way to give them the formal presentation prepared by your team. It was a very embarrassing situation for all of us.

But you made the best out of it by thinking out of the box and taking the client to the site and showing them the progress on the ground. You did it so smoothly and smartly that they did not even figure out that it was not pre-planned.

We have received a letter from them complimenting your innovative method and the freshness of your approach. We value it even more because we know that you thought of it on your feet and there was no preplanning involved.

Innovative thinking is the key to progress and it is always appreciated and encouraged in our company. This is what makes us stand apart from our competition and the credit goes to our talented team.

We are proud to say that you are an asset to the company and this incident along with past contributions to the project are proof of that.

Keep up the good work.

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Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Appreciation for handling a difficult situation

We want to appreciate you for the way you handled the situation on [date] when you along with five other members got stuck in the elevator during the earthquake. You did not lose your calm and instead helped others to stay calm and not panic.

You contacted the emergency services and guided them accurately to your location. Then you proceeded to help the people who were stuck with you, get out of the elevator safely and without getting terrified. All of them are full of praise for you and extremely grateful to you for stepping into a leadership position and guiding them to safety.

It is not easy to keep one’s wits around in a time like this and even sensible people lose their calm it is also true that panicking in emergencies like these causes more harm than good. Life is full of good and bad times.

Staying unflappable is a rare and very precious habit. It is the habit of the most successful people because when you stay calm under pressure, you are able to think clearly about what steps to take, and thinking in a logical manner enables you to overcome the problem. If you panic, it makes an already difficult situation more difficult.

As a token of our appreciation for your handling of this awkward situation, the company is awarding you with a bonus. You are a very valued employee and your contributions are acknowledged and appreciated. keep up the good work!!

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