Query Letter for Misconduct

Every company operates under some rules and regulations. These rules and regulations govern the everyday running of the office, the interaction of the employees, and power and work distribution. These SOPs also address how to proceed in case of a conflict or disagreement.

Whenever something goes wrong the team leaders first investigate the incident and then report it to HR who proceed with the investigations and decide what needs to be done. The employee is given a chance to defend themselves and give an explanation. A letter written to the employee asking them to give an explanation is called a query letter.

The letter is written by someone in authority so the tone is formal and serious. It is important to convey the gravity of the situation to the employee and inform them about the consequences of their actions. However, it is important to give them a chance to explain their position and that is exactly what a query letter is about. It not only informs the employee about the displeasure of the management but also asks them to explain their actions.

Usually, a time frame is given within which the employee has to respond to the query letter. these letters may be written in a variety of situations such as, in response to an employee’s tardiness or extended lunch bread, irregular attendance, a confidentiality breach, or unprofessional attitude.

In short, any situation in which the employee’s performance is not up to the mark or due to some act of theirs, the office atmosphere is getting affected, they can be called for an explanation.

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Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Query Letter for misconduct at [XYZ]

I [name], [designation] from the HR department am writing to inquire about a complaint we have received regarding your slackness at work. you have been a valued employee for the last [number] years and your performance over this period has been exemplary.

However, it has been reported by your team leader Mr. [name], that recently you have become very tardy and it is affecting your work. You frequently extend your lunch breaks to twice the allocated time. Despite frequent reminders, you still have not shown any improvement in this regard.

On [date] there was an important progress meeting with the client. Your team kept waiting but you did not arrive even an hour after the lunch break was over. This is very unethical and unprofessional and left a very bad impression on the clients and embarrassed your team.

The company policy is very clear in this regard, there is to be no tolerance of such carelessness. All the team works in tandem and the absence of one member slows everyone down client meetings are very important and no carelessness can be tolerated in this regard.

This letter is being written to inform you that you have to give an explanation for your absence from the meeting by [date] in written form. If the administration is not satisfied with your explanation, disciplinary action would be initiated against you.

We hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and respond appropriately and in time. looking forward to more responsible behavior from your side in the future.

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Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Query Letter for misconduct during [ZBZ]

I [name], [designation] from the [department name] am writing to you regarding a very serious matter which has been brought to our notice. [company name] is an old and trusted client of ours and we have been handling their account for the last [number] years. Recently there has been a serious breach of information regarding their account which has caused them a considerable loss and they have contacted us to identify the source of the leak.

Since on our end, you handled the account and were privy to the confidential information, you are being called for a written explanation. This is a very serious matter as it puts in question our company’s reliability and trustworthiness in safekeeping our client’s information.

It has the potential to seriously hurt our business. We hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and respond at the earliest with sound defense.

Looking forward to your timely response.

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