Workplace Harassment Policy Letter Samples

One of the most difficult aspects of office administration is how to keep discriminatory attitudes in check and keep the work environment positive. when people from different religious, cultural, and social backgrounds come together to work in a company or organization, they bring their own biases and mindsets to the job.

It is important to have an environment of mutual respect and understanding where everyone is given space so that they feel comfortable and can perform their best.

As an employee’s job satisfaction is deeply related to their productivity and hence the organization’s success, hence it is important to keep them satisfied and to investigate a harassment complaint, very seriously.

Different organizations have devised their anti-harassment policies for this very reason. These policies cater to different aspects of this issue. The organization is bound by law to inform all the employees about its harassment policies so that when they are apprehended, no one can claim that they did not know about the policy.

Harassment can be in different forms and ways. if an employee or a group of employees feels discriminated against, based on their race, colour, ethnicity, gender, or religion; it is the organization’s responsibility to ensure that the guilty party gets punished for their behaviour and that the harassment stops immediately.

A letter announcing the company harassment policy is a formal letter and it needs to be written in a very firm and formal tone. The purpose of this letter is to clearly convey:

  • what would be considered an act of harassment.
  • How would a harassment complaint be processed?
  • What actions would the administration take against the person found guilty of harassing another employee or a group of employees?


We are writing this letter to clearly convey the company policy regarding harassment in the workplace. We would also like to clarify that if you are on a work trip and face any such incident, it would come under workplace harassment too. Please read the following points very carefully and acknowledge that you have received the letter.

  • Our organization prides itself on its inclusivity and the diversity of our workforce. We aim to provide a safe place for everyone who joins our organization. We understand that when a person is completely at ease they perform their best and only then their full potential can be achieved. We have zero-tolerance for harassment of any kind or form in our office.
  • Anyone found to be disturbing the workplace environment by their words or actions would be dealt with harshly.
  • Any employee who faces discrimination or abuse or any unwanted behaviour from any other employee or group of employees is encouraged to report it to the HR department. This can be done over the phone or through email or by personally visiting the (designation).
  • If such an incident is reported, it would be dealt with by the disciplinary committee comprising of the complainant’s immediate boss (unless they are nominated as guilty), the department head, the HR head, and the Head of the administration.
  • This committee would hear both sides and interview the colleagues of the complainant. It would also go through any relevant evidence the complainant is able to produce.
  •  After a thorough investigation, the committee would decide whether the complainant is correct in his/her claim and if their complaint is found valid, the guilty party would be dealt with very harshly, with penalties ranging from a warning letter to immediate termination depending upon the gravity of the situation.

Remember teamwork makes dreams work. It is very important to show tolerance and compassion in a workplace as it improves the overall work environment of the office and affects the productivity of the team.

Looking forward to your cooperation and understanding.


Our company has employees belonging to different ethnic groups and religious and political beliefs. It is important for the administration that the workplace environment is such that everybody is respectful and tolerant of others’ beliefs and the employees can perform their duties in a safe and secure environment and there is no unpleasantness of any type. Company policy in this regard is very clear.

We have zero tolerance for discrimination or harassment of any type all the employees are equal in the eyes of the administration and all of them have an equal right to promotion and benefits. If it is reported that any gender, ethnic, religious or minority group is being mistreated or anyone is being targeted due to their gender or religion or due to any other reason, the matter will be dealt with very strictly.

An administrative board has been made for this purpose. The duties of this board are to investigate any complaint regarding harassment or discrimination. This complaint can be of harassment in the form of physical harm or slander, backbiting, taunts or jokes meant to insult or hurt an ethnic or religious group.

The board after performing a fair investigation would suggest a penalty for the guilty. In case of severe transgression, immediate termination is suggested.

Remember that all our employees are important to us and if you feel stressed or pressurized by anything, please feel free to get in touch with the administration. We have an open-door policy, and it is our aim to facilitate our employees in any way we can.

Looking forward to your cooperation and understanding.

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Commendation for a Good Suggestion from an Employee

When the employer compliments or appreciates an employee, it increases the employee’s confidence level and makes them feel appreciated. It is important that the employees are praised for good performance and if they do anything that adds value to the company it should be acknowledged as an employee who is appreciated always puts in more effort and works with more dedication in the future.

Praise makes them realize that their work is seen, and their efforts are valued which motivates them to do better. The office atmosphere and team relations also improve when team members feel that the work they do is prized.

These factors directly affect employees’ satisfaction with the job which in turn affects their productivity. Hence, it is always a good idea to commend an employee for a job well done. Praising one employee encourages other employees to work hard too.

A commendation letter is a formal letter written to praise an employee for their contributions. The tone of the letter would be congratulatory and positive but formal. keep the length of the letter short but, it is important that you clearly mention the reason why you are appreciating the employee so that they know what your expectations are and how they can further improve their performance.

The language used should be straightforward and positive. Edit the letter thoroughly to remove unnecessary details and proofread it before sending.

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I want to appreciate you for the wonderful suggestion you gave during the staff meeting held on [date] to tackle the problem of students’ nonseriousness before exams. This is a huge issue for the school as bad results affect the school’s reputation as well as the teacher’s GPA which is taken to be a direct measure of their teaching ability.

It is also a fact that no matter how good a teacher is if the students do not put in the required effort, they can never get a good result. The student’s bad performance in the first term exam forced us to call a brainstorming session on how to tackle this issue.

As teachers interact daily with the students and know them very well, they are the best guides on how to deal with their non-serious attitude. Your suggestion to invite the parents for a meeting and present the problem to them and make them a partner in this process was excellent.

Further discussions on your suggestion resulted in the making of a WhatsApp group and on that group, the daily attendance and the classwork and homework were updated along with the results of surprise tests.

The parents were to ensure that their child did all the work assigned for the day and was regular in school. Now a month has passed since these changes were implemented and we are proud to say that they have made a huge difference in the student’s attitude and performance as proved by their monthly test results.

We want to compliment you on this excellent suggestion. No institution can run smoothly without the positive contribution and personal interest of its staff. Parents, teachers, and students must work together as a team to ensure that the students stay focused and perform well.

Your contribution is really appreciated. A good idea given with good intentions and with the knowledge of the background of the situation has immense power as proved by this event. Thank you for taking such a keen interest and for sharing such a good idea. Keep up the good work!!

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I am writing to commend you for your excellent suggestion during the meeting held on [date]. Due to Covid and the subsequent lockdowns, the project completion got delayed. The client was not willing to acknowledge that this delay was not due to our negligence but due to various factors beyond our control and they wanted us to pay a hefty fine for late completion.

The delay was inevitable due to the unavailability of labor during the lockdowns and then due to the late delivery of the raw materials due to the lockdown in [city name] from where the raw materials were being sourced.

You suggested that the client should send their own team, who would then go over all the progress from the start and judge independently whether the fine was justified or not. This suggestion was welcomed by both parties and the client agreed to send a team to analyze and assess the situation.

We are confident that their findings would support our claim, as we have honestly gone above and beyond our ability to get the project completed in time but due to the pandemic, it was nearly impossible.

We are very proud of the fact that you presented such a good suggestion spontaneously. The ability to think in a crisis or emergency is a very rare quality and to stay calm when the other party is being unreasonable and convince them of your point of view is the sign of a great leader.

Therefore, we see great leadership qualities in you. We want to commend you and inform you that your efforts are valued and we appreciate your hard work and dedication.

Three Months’ Probation Completed Letter to Employee

Often companies hire employees on probation. This probation period may last from 3 months to a year. During this period the employee’s performance is monitored and evaluated. If at the completion of this period, the employer feels that the employee is suitable for the company and is appropriate for the position for which hiring is being done, the company signs a contract with the employee.

The need for a probation period arises from the fact that even the most thorough interview cannot guarantee that the employee is appropriate for the job but during the probation period it is easy to evaluate and monitor the employee’s work habits and temperament.

Whether or not they can work in a team effectively and whether they have the required skill set for the job or not. When the probation period is over the employer informs the employee, if they have been selected or not.

In the letter the employer would first congratulate the employee on the completion of the probation period and then it will go on to explain briefly what points were noticed during the evaluation. It would list the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, and, in the end, it would be announced if the company wants to hire the employee or not.

It is a formal letter, and it will be written in the standard format of a formal letter. Even if the employee is not hired, the letter should be ended on a positive note wishing the employee the best for the future and congratulating them on the successful completion of the probation.

Save -1:

I (name), (designation) from (department name) am writing to congratulate you on the successful completion of your probation. Your three months probation started on (date). Your performance over this period has been exemplary. You were evaluated based on your team leader’s assessment report and your score on the basic training test. We are glad to inform you, that you have come second on the merit list.

Another criterion for evaluation was your ability to work in a team. You have proved that you are a good team player along with having the required skill set for the job. It is due to this reason that the company has decided to offer you a contract.

You would be hired as (designation) in the department (department name). You would be working under Mr. (name). He is a great mentor and has trained a lot of newcomers. We are sure that with your hard work and his guidance, you will learn a lot and would be able to explore your full potential.

In the end, I would like to congratulate you once again on your selection and hope that you make the best of this opportunity. We have very high hopes from you and I am sure you will prove us right.

Welcome to the team.

Save -2:

I (name), (designation) from (department name) am writing to inform you that your three months probation, which started on (date) has been completed. During this time, you worked on our software development platform. Mr. (name) was your team leader and project supervisor. Based on his assessment report and your performance in the (basic training test) you have come on the sixth place on the merit list.

We would like to congratulate you on your score on the basic training test taken at the end of your probation. It shows your expertise in this field and your aptitude. We appreciate the hard work you have put in and the dedication with which you have completed your probation but as you know that currently, we only have five vacancies to fill so we would not be offering you a place at the moment.

However, if any of the first five selected employees decide not to join, their place would be offered to you. Also, we would keep you on our list and as soon as some vacancy opens, you would be contacted.

We want to wish you all the best in your future endeavors. We are sure that with your talent and hard work, you have a very bright future in front of you.

See also:

Warning Letter against Defamation

Having a good atmosphere in the workplace is very important because it directly affects the job satisfaction level of the employees and hence their productivity. If the office environment becomes negative, it affects the employee’s mental and physical health. Backbiting, biased attitudes, racism and defamation are all factors which affect the workplace environment.

When someone deliberately tries to harm another employee’s reputation by spreading rumours and lies about him/her, it is called defamation and it is a crime punishable by law.

Defamation is dealt with very firmly and strictly in work environments. This is because it can damage a person’s reputation and affect their mental health negatively. Ranging from depression to even being suicidal, it may have a very strong impact on the person being targeted. It is very important to nip this evil in the bud and deal with the perpetrators very harshly so that no one dares to think of this to deal with opponents or competition in the office.

Usually, when an employee is found guilty of this behaviour, a warning letter is issued which informs the culprit that they must stop the defamation immediately and in case of noncompliance they would be fired. Any proof of the employee’s involvement must be mentioned and evidence should be attached so that there is no ambiguity.

It is a formal letter and would be written in a firm and serious tone. The language used must show the displeasure of the management and the consequences of non-compliance must be stated very clearly. Before sending the letter it should be edited very carefully because any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors left in the work would undermine the letter’s authority.

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Subject: Warning against defamation of [ABC]

This letter is being written to convey the extreme displeasure of the management over the rumours you have been spreading about Ms. [name]. This is an extremely unprofessional and unethical attitude and we have zero tolerance for such behaviour.

It has come to our notice that you have been badmouthing her, ever since she was promoted to [designation]. Ms[name] is a very responsible and competent employee and she was promoted due to her exceptional overall performance and particularly her role in the [name] project.

Our company prides itself on being inclusive and tolerant. We aim to make our workplaces safe spaces for women and minorities where they can work comfortably and polish their talents and explore their full potential without fear of judgement or any bias or negativity.

Your actions stand in direct contradiction to this policy. It is very disappointing that a person of your calibre can fall so low in professional jealousy.

Please consider this your first and last warning and stop this despicable slander campaign or your contract would be terminated with immediate effect.

Looking forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely.

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Save -2:

Subject: Warning for defamation of [XYZ]

It has come to our knowledge that you have been spreading rumours about the [name] community who work in our [department name] and that it is not an isolated incident but a well-planned campaign aiming to harass them into leaving their jobs.

This is extremely despicable and dangerous behaviour as you are inciting hate against the said community which can escalate to violence at any time. The consequences of spreading rumours and hate-mongering are very grave and they can result in some very dangerous incidents as we have witnessed in other factories and workplaces.

[community name] is very hardworking and competent people which is the only criteria by which we judge people in this factory. The prosperity of a factory depends on harmony and a peaceful environment. If the workers feel threatened or unsafe, they can never give their best.

Also, the mental and physical health of our employees is very important to us and your activities are causing tension and extreme stress. We pride ourselves on being inclusive and tolerant. Your behaviour has shocked us and it has no place in our company.

Please be warned and stop this campaign immediately. If one more instance of gossip-mongering is reported or if we find a single inflammatory poster on the factory premises, your contract will be terminated with immediate effect and legal proceedings will be initiated against you.

We hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and mend your ways. Looking forward to improved behaviour.

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See also:

Complimentary Letter to Employee who Handled Difficult Situation

Complementing an employee on good performance encourages and motivates them to perform better.  It boosts their self-esteem and raises their morale. Genuine appreciation can do wonders for an employee’s confidence level. A person who feels valued would always give more and work harder.

It would also serve as a morale booster for other employees and motivate them to put in their best. It would affect the office atmosphere positively and reduce the communication gap between the employees and the administration as the employees would feel that their input is heard and their work is valued so they become more open in sharing their ideas and more relaxed with each other.

When writing a complimentary letter, the language must be very positive and pleasant. Since it is a formal letter it would be written in a formal language and it should be kept precise and should not be too long.

After greeting the employee, you should write the reason which has earned them this appreciation. The praise should be genuine and the employee should know why they are being praised as encouraging good behavior is very important.

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Subject: Complimentary for handling a difficult situation

I am writing this letter to appreciate the tact and skill you showed in handling the awkward situation which came up during the client meeting on [date]. When the client showed up for the progress meeting and due to power failure and some issue with the generators, there was no electricity and no way to give them the formal presentation prepared by your team. It was a very embarrassing situation for all of us.

But you made the best out of it by thinking out of the box and taking the client to the site and showing them the progress on the ground. You did it so smoothly and smartly that they did not even figure out that it was not pre-planned.

We have received a letter from them complimenting your innovative method and the freshness of your approach. We value it even more because we know that you thought of it on your feet and there was no preplanning involved.

Innovative thinking is the key to progress and it is always appreciated and encouraged in our company. This is what makes us stand apart from our competition and the credit goes to our talented team.

We are proud to say that you are an asset to the company and this incident along with past contributions to the project are proof of that.

Keep up the good work.

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Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Appreciation for handling a difficult situation

We want to appreciate you for the way you handled the situation on [date] when you along with five other members got stuck in the elevator during the earthquake. You did not lose your calm and instead helped others to stay calm and not panic.

You contacted the emergency services and guided them accurately to your location. Then you proceeded to help the people who were stuck with you, get out of the elevator safely and without getting terrified. All of them are full of praise for you and extremely grateful to you for stepping into a leadership position and guiding them to safety.

It is not easy to keep one’s wits around in a time like this and even sensible people lose their calm it is also true that panicking in emergencies like these causes more harm than good. Life is full of good and bad times.

Staying unflappable is a rare and very precious habit. It is the habit of the most successful people because when you stay calm under pressure, you are able to think clearly about what steps to take, and thinking in a logical manner enables you to overcome the problem. If you panic, it makes an already difficult situation more difficult.

As a token of our appreciation for your handling of this awkward situation, the company is awarding you with a bonus. You are a very valued employee and your contributions are acknowledged and appreciated. keep up the good work!!

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See also:

Warning Letter for Leaving Work Premises without Permission

Leaving work premises without permission is a serious offense and comes under the category of grave misconduct. It does not matter how early the employee left, even if it was a little before the off-time it is considered very improper. In many private sector companies, the employer holds the right to fire an employee for leaving work without prior permission.

However, most companies do not fire an employee for a one-time offense instead they may call the employee for an explanation or issue a warning letter. Warning letters are formal letters written to employees to reprimand them for some misconduct or offense.

They come with the condition that if the employee does not change his attitude or stop whatever behavior became the reason for the warning letter, serious disciplinary action would be taken against them.

These are formal letters written in the proper format of professional letters. They start with the sender’s name and address followed by the date and the recipient’s name and address and then after greeting the receiver, the subject is given. Then the sender explains the reason for issuing the warning.

If there are any dates or evidence, they are listed clearly and in detail. These letters are also for the record and go in the employee file which is another reason why the sender needs to be elaborate and thorough.

After this, the sender explains the consequences of unchanged behavior and ends the letter on a positive note by saying that they are hopeful that the employee would take heed and improve their behavior.

The letters have the signatures of the person on whose authority, the warning is being issued.

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Subject: Warning for leaving work premises without permission on [DATE]

It has come to our notice that on [date], you left the office without permission. The reason that your absence was noted almost immediately was due to a call from the Head office who needed your input on something related to the project on which our branch is collaborating with them. When they could not get in touch with you on your workstation they contacted your supervisor, who inquired about your whereabouts and discovered that you were not present in the office.

The Entry card swipe record and an inquiry from your colleagues showed that you had arrived on time in the morning but left before the off-time without informing anyone. Your team leader and the department head had no clue about your whereabouts.

Needless to say that this entire episode was very embarrassing for us and left a very bad impression on the Head office about our office discipline and work ethics. Your carelessness has led all of us into a very awkward position and made the head office question our branch’s efficiency and office decorum.

Even if there was an emergency, you should have informed someone before leaving and if your boss was unavailable when you had to leave, you should have left a note for him. This goes against our office culture, and we strongly condemn this practice.

The company policy is very clear in this regard, and we have zero tolerance for such reckless and irresponsible attitudes. Be warned that this attitude would not be tolerated and in case of a repetition of this offense, serious disciplinary action would be taken against you. We hope that you understand the seriousness of this transgression and change your ways for the better.

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Subject: Warning for leaving the workplace without permission of the manager

It has been reported that you left the school early on [date]. The students of grade eight, who had a class with you, were looking all over the campus for you and when they did not find you, they started roaming the school, making noises, and started getting into fights.

Their rowdiness caught the attention of the vice-principal Mrs. [name], who called them into her office and upon inquiry, it was discovered that you had left the campus without informing anyone. This is an extremely unethical and unprofessional attitude.

Parents, after sending the kids to school are satisfied that they would be safe in our hands. In turn, the school dispenses this responsibility to the teachers. The students are the teacher’s responsibility in the time during which the teacher is assigned to take their class.

Leaving them unattended is a serious breach of this trust. Also, the students look at their teachers as role models, If the teachers act so irresponsibly what would the students learn? The students when left unsupervised get extremely rowdy and if a student had got hurt in your absence, you would have been held responsible for that.

I am extremely disappointed by the carelessness that you have shown. I had much higher expectations from a teacher of your stature and experience. Even if there was an emergency, you could have informed the vice principal or a fellow teacher at the very least.

Please be warned that this is the first and the last time we are overlooking a transgression like this. If another such instance arises, your employment would be terminated as per the employment contract you signed at the time of hiring.

I really hope that you realize the gravity of your actions and the seriousness of the offense. Looking forward to a change in your behavior.

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See also:

Warning Letter for Misuse of Company Vehicle

Often companies give certain perks to their employees to reward them for good performance. Some perks are permanently attached to certain posts to make the post attractive enough so that the best talent in the market comes and joins your firm instead of your competitors.

These perks may include a company vehicle given to the employee for personal use, it may include company mobile or laptop. Then there are certain privileges like office commute that are provided by the company. Some companies give out free internet and mobile packages.

All of these perks are given with the assumption that they would be used conscientiously. If the employee is found to be guilty of misuse they are given a warning. Continued misuse results in disciplinary action against the employee.

Warning letters are written in a variety of situations and their aim is to caution the employee about the consequences of their actions and to reprimand them. They are written by an HR official in a formal and firm tone. They explain the issue at hand clearly and ask for an explanation. Also calling for an immediate change of behavior and informing about the consequences if the practice is not changed.

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Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: warning letter for misuse of company vehicle during [XYZ]

You were appointed as [designation] on [ date] and one of the perks of this post is a company vehicle which is given to you for your personal use. There is a ceiling on the fuel that would be provided by the company, any additional fuel used and the vehicle’s maintenance is the employee’s responsibility.

In addition, the vehicle is to be reviewed by the company to confirm that it is not being misused and is being maintained properly.

It was during these routine check-ups that it was discovered that you are not maintaining the vehicle properly and it is in really bad condition. The seats are ripped and stained. The AC vents have been damaged and the doors are scratched. The front bumper has dents. You were given the car in very good condition and this is not acceptable at all. It is a highly unethical and irresponsible attitude and we expected better from a professional like you.

The expenses incurred in getting the car repaired would be deducted from your pay over a period of two months. Due to this incident, your vehicle checking would now be monthly. In case of a repetition of this behavior, disciplinary action would be taken against you.

Looking forward to more responsible behavior from now onwards.

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Save -2:

Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Warning letter for misuse of a company vehicle on [XYZ]

We offer our employees different benefits in reward for good performance. You were given a commuting facility and an official vehicle for traveling on official commitments. These perks are given in good faith with the assumption that they would be used responsibly and carefully.

However, we have been informed by the finance department that you have been using the vehicle very irresponsibly and you cross your monthly ceiling on fuel consumption and then send claims for more fuel.

Also, this vehicle is for official use strictly however there have been complaints that you have been using it for personal use which is highly unethical and inappropriate. As you are well aware that all company vehicles are installed with dashboard cameras which allow us to monitor and track the movement of the vehicle. The installation of these cameras and tracking software was communicated to you in written form still such recklessness is very disappointing.

This letter is to warn you against the ill use of the company vehicle as this is a perk that comes with the post and when you are promoted or leave this post, it would be passed on to the next employee. Be reasonable in its use and pay for the fuel bills (above the ceiling) yourself as they would not be footed by the company.

We hope that you realize the gravity of the matter and try to change for the better and that we do not have to take disciplinary action against you. In extreme cases, this may result in withdrawing this privilege as per the contract.

Looking forward to your consideration and understanding.

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See also:

Query Letter for Misconduct

Every company operates under some rules and regulations. These rules and regulations govern the everyday running of the office, the interaction of the employees, and power and work distribution. These SOPs also address how to proceed in case of a conflict or disagreement.

Whenever something goes wrong the team leaders first investigate the incident and then report it to HR who proceed with the investigations and decide what needs to be done. The employee is given a chance to defend themselves and give an explanation. A letter written to the employee asking them to give an explanation is called a query letter.

The letter is written by someone in authority so the tone is formal and serious. It is important to convey the gravity of the situation to the employee and inform them about the consequences of their actions. However, it is important to give them a chance to explain their position and that is exactly what a query letter is about. It not only informs the employee about the displeasure of the management but also asks them to explain their actions.

Usually, a time frame is given within which the employee has to respond to the query letter. these letters may be written in a variety of situations such as, in response to an employee’s tardiness or extended lunch bread, irregular attendance, a confidentiality breach, or unprofessional attitude.

In short, any situation in which the employee’s performance is not up to the mark or due to some act of theirs, the office atmosphere is getting affected, they can be called for an explanation.

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Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Query Letter for misconduct at [XYZ]

I [name], [designation] from the HR department am writing to inquire about a complaint we have received regarding your slackness at work. you have been a valued employee for the last [number] years and your performance over this period has been exemplary.

However, it has been reported by your team leader Mr. [name], that recently you have become very tardy and it is affecting your work. You frequently extend your lunch breaks to twice the allocated time. Despite frequent reminders, you still have not shown any improvement in this regard.

On [date] there was an important progress meeting with the client. Your team kept waiting but you did not arrive even an hour after the lunch break was over. This is very unethical and unprofessional and left a very bad impression on the clients and embarrassed your team.

The company policy is very clear in this regard, there is to be no tolerance of such carelessness. All the team works in tandem and the absence of one member slows everyone down client meetings are very important and no carelessness can be tolerated in this regard.

This letter is being written to inform you that you have to give an explanation for your absence from the meeting by [date] in written form. If the administration is not satisfied with your explanation, disciplinary action would be initiated against you.

We hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and respond appropriately and in time. looking forward to more responsible behavior from your side in the future.

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Dear Mr. [name]

Subject: Query Letter for misconduct during [ZBZ]

I [name], [designation] from the [department name] am writing to you regarding a very serious matter which has been brought to our notice. [company name] is an old and trusted client of ours and we have been handling their account for the last [number] years. Recently there has been a serious breach of information regarding their account which has caused them a considerable loss and they have contacted us to identify the source of the leak.

Since on our end, you handled the account and were privy to the confidential information, you are being called for a written explanation. This is a very serious matter as it puts in question our company’s reliability and trustworthiness in safekeeping our client’s information.

It has the potential to seriously hurt our business. We hope that you understand the gravity of the situation and respond at the earliest with sound defense.

Looking forward to your timely response.

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See also:

Eid Greeting Letter to Staff

Research has shown that businesses that respect their employee’s religion and celebrate and support them on their religious holidays benefit from this practice because this results in employee satisfaction which improves the turnover and loyal employees always work harder and with more commitment and dedication.

Eid is a religious festival celebrated by Muslims all over the world. It comes after a month of fasting and is celebrated with religious zeal and fervor. Wishing your Muslim staff members on this joyous occasion would make them feel valued and would give a clear message to all the other employees that any type of religious business would not be tolerated in the workplace.

Usually, an Eid greeting letter is written by the management to wish all staff members on this blissful occasion. The following points should be kept in mind when writing this letter.

  1. Since the letter is addressed to all the staff members, it should have a greeting like ‘Dear All’ or ‘Dear Staff’.
  2. The tone of the letter should be formal but festive and merry.
  3. The letter does not have to belong. In fact, it is better that you keep it short and concise.
  4. The tone and words used should be sincere and reflect the sender’s good wishes.
  5. After wishing the staff, you should announce any Eid vacations you are giving. State the dates and days clearly to avoid any ambiguity.
  6. If you are giving your employees a bonus, mention that in the letter.
  7. Clarify, if some of the staff members would stay on call during the holiday. Also, give out the contact details of the person who should be contacted in case of any queries.
  8. End the letter by greeting the staff one more time and wishing them a blessed Eid.

Always proofread and edit the letter thoroughly before sending, as spelling and grammatical mistakes undermine the letter’s authority.

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Dear All,

On behalf of the senior management of the [name] bank, I want to wish you a very Happy Eid. We hope that your Eid is full of bliss and contentment and you enjoy it with your family in health and happiness.

We want to take this occasion to thank you for your dedication. Serving [number] plus people every day while fasting is not a simple task. Public dealing requires patience as it enables us to avoid conflict and undue stress in the workplace.

Also only by being patient you can deliver your message effectively and understand the client’s problem/requirement. As a means to convey our gratitude for putting in the long hours, we would like to announce a bonus of [amount] % in the salary of all our staff. The Bank would remain closed from [date] to [date].

May Allah bless you with love, laughter, and light. Wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Eid.

Yours sincerely.

Save -2:

Dear All,

The management of [name] hospital wishes all our doctors, paramedical and support staff, a very Happy Eid. On this auspicious occasion, may your homes be blessed by love and warmth and the divine light of faith. We want to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued hard work and dedication.

You save lives every day and ease the pain of many others. You heal not just with the medicines you give but with your kind words which give hope to the patients.

No matter what capacity you are serving in, your contributions matter. It takes everyone’s effort and contribution to run things smoothly. The work you do is not just a job but we believe that it is an act of worship.

Especially in this pandemic, the courage, hard work, and compassion shown by all of you are truly commendable. To show our appreciation, we have decided to give everyone a bonus of [amount] %. We hope that this Eid is a very joyous and happy occasion and you enjoy it to the fullest.

From [date] to [date], only the emergency department would be operational. The remaining staff would be on leave. However, the consultants would stay on call in rotation. The roster for rotation has been shared with the departments.

If you wish to exchange your duty days or have any other concerns in this regard. Please get in touch with Mr. [name] in the HR Department.

Wishing a blessed and exuberant Eid to you and your dear ones.

Yours Sincerely.

See also:

Warning Letter to Employee for Stealing Money

All businesses have a standard SOP predefined to handle different situations which may arise. These include pleasant as well as unpleasant situations. Just as good performance is rewarded with bonuses and promotions; bad behavior like cheating, stealing or any other negative action is punished by penalties.

These may include fines, cancellation of bonuses, postponement of promotion, or at the very minimum a warning.  Warning letters may be written in a variety of situations these are commonly written for offenses that are not big enough to deserve termination nor minor enough to be ignored.

Warning letters are issued by the Human Resource Department after a thorough investigation into the charges leveled against the employee. Any evidence for or against the employee is presented to the disciplinary hearing committee. The employee is also given a chance to defend himself/herself. The following points should be kept in mind while writing a warning letter:

  • The warning letter must be issued in private.
  • The employee must be clearly informed why the warning letter is being issued.
  • The employee must be informed about the consequences of repeating the behavior on which the warning is being issued.
  • The tone must be very formal and firm.
  • The warning letter must be issued timely. It should not be delayed unnecessarily.
  • Edit the letter thoroughly and proofread it before sending it. There should be no grammatical or spelling mistakes, as that would undermine the authority of the letter.
  • After handing over the warning letter to the employee, take the employee’s signature on the letter and keep a copy for office record.
  • The date of the offense for which the warning is being issued and the date on which the warning letter is being issued should all be clearly mentioned.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. (name)

I (name), (designation) from the HR Department am writing this letter to warn you that you’ve been found guilty of stealing money from the cash register of the departmental store. This is highly unethical and dishonorable behavior, and it will not be tolerated. If you repeat this offense, you will be terminated without further notice and without any severance pay as per the employment contract.

This warning letter has been issued after a thorough investigation into the charges leveled against you. The HR department has obtained CCTV footage of you stealing the money from the departmental store’s cash register after the closing time. We have decided to let you go with a warning only because it is a one-time offense, and you have an excellent record of honest work spanning over (number) years. We value the loyalty you have shown over the years, but this type of behavior will not be tolerated again.

We hope that you will take this second chance seriously and would not repeat this offense.

Looking forward to a positive change.

Yours sincerely.

Save -2:

I am writing this letter to warn you because you’ve been caught stealing the company’s money. It is your duty to keep a record of the cash which comes from different branches of the restaurant and deposit them in the bank before the day’s end. However, you have been found guilty of stealing money from this daily cash flow which you were trusted with.

This is a very serious offense and a very unethical and highly dishonorable practice. We did not expect such a thing from a professional of your caliber. You have served us for 10 long years and during all this time, we found you to be an honest, hardworking, and loyal employee which is why the management has decided to overlook this mistake and give you a second chance.

But be cautioned that this is the first and the last time we are overlooking such an offense and any repetition of this behavior would force us to terminate you without notice. Also, termination on such charges would deprive you of any severance pay or benefits as clearly stated in your employment contract clause number (number).

We are sure that you would understand the gravity of the situation and would not give us a reason to terminate you.

Looking forward to improved behavior on your side.

Yours sincerely,



See also: