No Gossip at Work Policy Letter

Businesses and organizations are run by hundreds of employees working tirelessly to achieve goals set by their employers. These employees are hired by management for completing distinguished tasks. The rank and designation of every employee are decided based on their knowledge and experience.

In addition to doing work for getting paid every month, employees are made to follow rules and policies devised by higher administration. These policies differ from one workplace to another based on the requirements of the employer but mostly these policies are practiced while keeping an amicable internal environment at the office.

Employees are individuals with different backgrounds, cultures, education, and upbringing. Their views, reactions, and priorities are varied which can become a cause for dispute. Usually, many employees work within the same office and are sprayed by furniture only. They are disturbed by the presence of someone, loud voices, laughter, mobile tones, and much more.

It is important to have a good and calm working environment as it enhances the concentration and productivity of an employee. Many offices have made policies of no gossip in the workplace to avoid unfortunate situations. These policies are taken religiously otherwise employees must face serious consequences.

Gossip is defined as the process of spreading correct or false information about a person in a closed or open group. Spreading rumors, and putting false allegations also comes under the umbrella of gossip. It is considered unprofessional and unethical, but employees still take part in office gossip which can destroy careers.

Writing a letter to the director of the company for issuing a no gossip at work policy is the first step taken in this direction. It has a high chance of getting approval because employers prefer a no gossip workplace to increase the working potential of employees.

Some tips for writing a no gossip at work policy letter are given below,

  • Address director or higher authority with proper and respectful salutations.
  • Keep the letter relevant and do not make it lengthy by providing excessive information.
  • The letter should be formal and concise in its structure
  • Provide correct contact information to follow back easily.
  • Do not take the names of any employees involved in gossiping.
  • Highlight the importance of this policy and give a few examples

Sample Letter

Subject: Issuance of no gossip policy at work

Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I have been an active employee of this company for 8 years. I joined this company as an intern and later secured a permanent position and got promoted to the rank of manager. I have always admired the working environment at our offices because all my colleagues are senior and are always busy with work. During their free time, they manage to have lunch or talk politics.

I am writing this letter to lure your attention to a very critical matter. If the situation remains unresolved, it may lead to a hostile environment at the office. Recently, a fresh bunch of interns have joined the office and are assigned to different employees based on their choices and subjects.

These interns enjoy their lunchtime together at the cafeteria. They were gossiping about their mentor’s personal and professional life with each other. This gossiping may lead to a dispute between employees because interns share to earn points from their mentors. I request you to issue a notice of the no gossip at work policy before things get out of hand and disrupt a peaceful workable environment.

Many other companies have no gossip rules in their terms and conditions of joining. Suspension and increased workload leading to termination should be the consequences if anyone fails to practice policy. It would be a good step forward to teach these interns a lesson and will allow them to behave at their workplace. This gossip cannot only cause dispute but also creates a negative environment causing each employee to get offended. Communication and interaction among employees are diminished.

I hope you will consider the urgency of this matter and will take steps to rectify the problem at its first stage. I will be waiting for your response anxiously.

See also: