Missing Work Excuse Letter to Boss

Employees are the individuals who lay the foundation of a business/company/organization or any other form of workplace.  Employees are hired by employers for reaching a specific set of goals in a particular period. Although these employees are paid for their efforts and are also awarded benefits and services based on their performances, many workplaces follow a set of rules and policies for treating their employees in a proper manner.

While setting up a business or an organization, different departments are made that work in connection with each other to achieve similar goals. These departments are led by employees and deal with clients by providing services and products.

Policies benefiting employees are devised by the HR department of the organization to make sure that employees are treated as individuals on payroll and not as slaves. These policies are read by employees while signing contracts with the workplace. Internationally, many laws are for conserving the rights of employees in the workplace so that they are not exploited in the name of money.

Employees are entitled to enjoy a few luxuries of vacations or paid leave for a purpose which may include attending weddings, urgent work, or calling in sick. Every employer is supposed to provide a few paid leaves to each employee in case of emergency. These leaves can also be used by employees for resting for a few days at home.

It is important to write a letter to your boss about missing work due to any reason. This letter is formal and concise. It should explain the reason for missing out on work. Some of the tips that should be considered while writing a letter to the boss are given below,

  • Use proper salutations for addressing the boss.
  • It is a formal document; therefore, writing should be formal, and appropriate font size and style should be chosen.
  • Keep the letter relevant and concise to put a good impression. Do not provide excess information as it will make the letter lengthy.
  • Always use letterhead for writing letters.
  • Do not use hand-written letters instead print letters on official letterhead.
  • If necessary, provide additional documents to reason your missing work excuse.
  • Provide proper designation and department information to avoid inconvenience for the boss.


Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I, Adam Gilbert, have been an active and integral part of the marketing department for 4 years. I joined the department as a fresh graduate to gain some experience. I met excellent mentors here who not only helped me in my projects but also guided me regarding my career. It is because of their kindness and my hard work that I was able to secure the position of manager at your company.

I have always given my 100% to my job and never considered it a burden. I only miss work in case of an emergency otherwise I don’t take leaves. I was unable to join the office and work for 2 weeks due to a severe case of food poisoning.

Unfortunately, 2 weeks ago I dined out with my family at a famous restaurant and the next day we were all very ill and unable to move. It was difficult to manage everything at home as everyone was suffering and nobody could take care of us or provide us with food.

I couldn’t inform the office about my absence which is very wrong on my part because many projects needed my attention. I wouldn’t have made such a mistake of missing work without formal notice so that the department could manage without me, but I was in no condition to think about my job and work. I am extremely sorry for the inconvenience you suffered because of delayed projects. I will make it up to you in the future.

I am well and healthy now; therefore, I have joined the office. I have already started working on previous projects along with new ones to compensate for the loss of our clients. I hope you understand my situation and will allow me to continue work.

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