Notice for not Wearing Safety Shoes

It is obligatory to wear safety footwear in settings where there’s a danger of the worker’s feet getting damaged or hurt by rolling objects or fear of sharp objects present on the floor, which can pierce through shoes. The government has made federal agencies that enforce rules and regulations to ensure workplace safety.

Wearing Personal Protective Equipment on the worksites is also addressed in these operating procedures. If these rules and regulations are violated, heavy fines may be imposed on the company, in addition to lost work hours and employee dissatisfaction.

Hence companies try their utmost to make their employees abide by these rules and regulations. They do that by issuing the employees with Personal Protective Equipment and regularly monitoring their usage to ensure that no one comes to the worksite without wearing it.

If an employee is found guilty of non-compliance, they may be issued a notice or a warning letter depending on the severity, gravity, or frequency of the act. The following points should be kept in mind when writing a letter in such a situation:

  1. Address the person with their name to make them feel accountable.
  2. The tone should be firm and clear.
  3. Start the letter by stating the facts of the issue at hand, along with the date of noncompliance (dates in case of multiple instances)
  4. Clearly inform the employee about the consequences of non-compliance both for them and for the company.
  5. Clarify that this letter should be considered a notice and a repetition of the said offense would result in termination of the employee.
  6. End the letter on a hopeful note saying that you look forward to seeing them act more responsibly in the future and you hope that you have conveyed the gravity of the situation to them.
  7. Check the letter before sending, it for grammatical and spelling mistakes as they would undermine the seriousness of the situation.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. (name)

This letter is being written to notify you that you have been found to be in non-compliance with laws concerning the wearing of protective equipment on the worksite. As you know that the worksite is littered with sharp nails and other objects which may pierce the sole of regular shoes and hurt your toes and feet. This would not only result in personal injury and hurt but also bring a bad name to the company along with heavy fines.

The company policy is very clear about such situations. Our employees’ safety is our prime concern, and we cannot take such negligence, lightly as it would encourage others to follow suit and can result in a much bigger incident.

However, looking at your past performance and the fact that you have violated this rule for the first time, the management has decided not to impose a fine on you but consider this letter notice and in case of a repetition of the same mistake, you will find your contract terminated.

Looking forward to an improved and more responsible behavior on the worksite.

Save -2:

Dear Dr. (name)

It has come to the notice of the hospital’s management that on (date) you entered the post-operative care unit without wearing any protective foot equipment and without covering your shoes. 

As you know that post-operative care is a very sensitive area and the patients are extremely prone to getting infected, immediately after their surgeries have been done. So, it is important that the area is kept sterile. You are a doctor and should not need a reminder of the sensitivity and importance of this issue.

Consider this a notice and ensure that this behavior does not get repeated or else you will be banned from entering the operation theatre and post-operative care unit for a month and the gap that this would cause in your training would be your own fault.

In addition, a fine of amount (amount) would be imposed. We wish that you understand the gravity and the seriousness of this situation, as infections picked up after surgeries are very hard to combat and can prove to be deadly for the patient. Immense care is required to ensure the patient’s safety and this type of negligent behavior cannot be ignored or taken lightly.

Looking forward to more responsible behavior in the future.

See also: