Apology Letter for Late Submission of Assignment

Apology letters are written in a variety of situations. Their purpose is to ask for forgiveness for a mistake or error you may have committed deliberately or otherwise. It is always a good idea to apologize for realizing your mistake. The best apology is one that is timely and sincere so never delay writing an apology letter unnecessarily.

Also, be genuine in expressing your feelings. It does not have to be a long letter instead just tell why you are apologizing and why the incident happened. It is a good idea to follow up with what you have learned from this mistake. Reassure the recipient that you will not repeat this mistake and they will not have any complaints from you in the future.

When students are assigned a task, they are usually given a deadline to submit it. Some professors do not even accept an assignment if it is not submitted on time. Others deduct marks for a late submission.

If such a situation arises, the student should write the professor an apology letter and try to give a reason for being late. They should begin by apologizing and then explain the circumstances that led to being late. They should end the letter by assuring the professor that this would not happen again.

A similar situation may arise in a workplace when an employee gets late in submitting an assignment given to them. They should also explain why they got late and ask for their boss’s forgiveness. The tone of the letter should be polite and apologetic. The letter should be checked for grammatical and spelling errors, and it should be edited thoroughly before sending.

Letter Formats & Templates

Notice for not Wearing Safety Shoes

It is obligatory to wear safety footwear in settings where there’s a danger of the worker’s feet getting damaged or hurt by rolling objects or fear of sharp objects present on the floor, which can pierce through shoes. The government has made federal agencies that enforce rules and regulations to ensure workplace safety.

Wearing Personal Protective Equipment on the worksites is also addressed in these operating procedures. If these rules and regulations are violated, heavy fines may be imposed on the company, in addition to lost work hours and employee dissatisfaction.

Hence companies try their utmost to make their employees abide by these rules and regulations. They do that by issuing the employees with Personal Protective Equipment and regularly monitoring their usage to ensure that no one comes to the worksite without wearing it.

If an employee is found guilty of non-compliance, they may be issued a notice or a warning letter depending on the severity, gravity, or frequency of the act. The following points should be kept in mind when writing a letter in such a situation:

  1. Address the person with their name to make them feel accountable.
  2. The tone should be firm and clear.
  3. Start the letter by stating the facts of the issue at hand, along with the date of noncompliance (dates in case of multiple instances)
  4. Clearly inform the employee about the consequences of non-compliance both for them and for the company.
  5. Clarify that this letter should be considered a notice and a repetition of the said offense would result in termination of the employee.
  6. End the letter on a hopeful note saying that you look forward to seeing them act more responsibly in the future and you hope that you have conveyed the gravity of the situation to them.
  7. Check the letter before sending, it for grammatical and spelling mistakes as they would undermine the seriousness of the situation.

Save -1:

Dear Mr. (name)

This letter is being written to notify you that you have been found to be in non-compliance with laws concerning the wearing of protective equipment on the worksite. As you know that the worksite is littered with sharp nails and other objects which may pierce the sole of regular shoes and hurt your toes and feet. This would not only result in personal injury and hurt but also bring a bad name to the company along with heavy fines.

The company policy is very clear about such situations. Our employees’ safety is our prime concern, and we cannot take such negligence, lightly as it would encourage others to follow suit and can result in a much bigger incident.

However, looking at your past performance and the fact that you have violated this rule for the first time, the management has decided not to impose a fine on you but consider this letter notice and in case of a repetition of the same mistake, you will find your contract terminated.

Looking forward to an improved and more responsible behavior on the worksite.

Save -2:

Dear Dr. (name)

It has come to the notice of the hospital’s management that on (date) you entered the post-operative care unit without wearing any protective foot equipment and without covering your shoes. 

As you know that post-operative care is a very sensitive area and the patients are extremely prone to getting infected, immediately after their surgeries have been done. So, it is important that the area is kept sterile. You are a doctor and should not need a reminder of the sensitivity and importance of this issue.

Consider this a notice and ensure that this behavior does not get repeated or else you will be banned from entering the operation theatre and post-operative care unit for a month and the gap that this would cause in your training would be your own fault.

In addition, a fine of amount (amount) would be imposed. We wish that you understand the gravity and the seriousness of this situation, as infections picked up after surgeries are very hard to combat and can prove to be deadly for the patient. Immense care is required to ensure the patient’s safety and this type of negligent behavior cannot be ignored or taken lightly.

Looking forward to more responsible behavior in the future.

See also:

Complaint Letter about Expired Milk

Complaint letters are written in a variety of situations. They are a very effective means of communicating your dissatisfaction with merchandise or a service, to the concerned authorities and this is the first step to fixing any problem.

Complaint letters can be written by individuals or businesses. Similarly, the recipients can be individuals or businesses. Regardless of the issue at hand, the complaint letter should always be written in a polite and non-accusing tone as the basic purpose is not to accuse or offend anyone but to find a solution to the problem.

The letter should be written in a formal tone to highlight the gravity of the situation and it should list all the facts preferably with evidence in chronological sequence to avoid any ambiguity.

Save -1

Subject: Complaint about Expired Milk Delivered on [DATE]

Respected Sir,

I [name] am serving as [designation] in the management department of [name] Mega Mart. I am writing to you in reference to the batch of tetra pack milk we received from you on [date]. You have been our primary supplier of dairy products for [number] of years and we have a dedicated customer base for your products and we have never received a complaint in the past. As you know that we receive a fresh batch from you every Monday and every batch is identified by a unique identification number.

The issue we are currently facing is that in the past one week, we have received multiple complaints that your brand’s milk that the customers bought from us, was expired. The customers had brought back the milk cartons for evidence and upon inspection, their claims were verified. We have traced the problem back to the batch delivered on [date]. Almost all the cartons in that batch have been received back with complaints of being expired.

We cannot identify the issue as at our end the cold chain was maintained and proper SOP was followed in handling the milk. Also, the milk from other brands is perfectly well so the problem must have originated at your end.

As you are well aware that according to our Mart’s policy we offer a complete refund to the customers in such a situation and according to our contract with you, you are bound to refund the amount back to us after confirming the claim. We are attaching a copy of the complaint forms filled by the customers to get a refund.

Please look into this issue at the earliest and refund the amount due to us or we can deduct it from the future payments, whatever suits you. We are open to suggestions and welcome any other way of refund such as installments etc.

Looking forward to a positive and expeditious response from you.

Save -2

Subject: Complaint about expired milk on [DATE]

Dear Manager,

I am writing you to complain about the expired milk I purchased from your store on [date]. Until [date] I had enjoyed coming to your departmental store for grocery and other services. Unfortunately, my last visit didn’t go well. With a lot of displeasure, I demand you take the necessary measures to solve my problem.

I am a resident of [XYZ] colony. On the aforementioned date, I came to your store and ordered a large pack of Dairy gold milk pack which is famous for supplying high-quality dairy products across the country. I want to inform you that my child became seriously ill after consuming the milk I bought from your store.

My wife fed some milk to the child. A couple of hours later, he started vomiting. I took him to a nearby hospital and came to know that he suffered from severe food poisoning as a result of consuming expired milk. I spent 500 US$ on my child’s gastric treatment and medicine (copies of bills are attached). After completing the prescribed procedures, I returned home and checked the expiry date printed on the tetra pack. It turned out to be expired!

This situation caused me a lot of anxiety at that time. I always check every product for its expiry date. The irony of fate was that I could not do so that day due to a hurry. Anyhow, it was your duty to check the stuff for its expiry date and replace it with a fresh and new one. My child is my life and he had to face severe gastric problem due to your staff’s negligence.

As an indemnity, you are liable to pay me 500 US$ in lieu of hospital expenses. Alternatively, I shall be forced to take this matter I consumer court where indemnity will become manifolds. To avoid frustration and to show me your gesture of interest in my problem, you are required to comply with my directions till the 10th of this month.

I hope you will take the necessary steps in this regard as soon as possible.

See also:

Warning Letter to Employee for Unprofessional Behavior with Customer

Warning letters are issued by high management or administration of an organization or any other workplace to keep their employees in check. Warning letters are issued when employees misbehave or threaten one another or their customers. Every workplace has certain rules regarding the issuance of these letters. These workplaces hire employees for getting their job done and in return, pay employees for their efforts and award them with additional bonuses and benefits to keep their loyalties intact for their workplace.

The international community of employees makes sure that employees are treated well at their workplace regardless of their region, rank, and cast. These communities ask employers to provide basic rights to employees so that they can protect themselves in hours of need. Employees are allowed to speak against injustice and professional misconduct.

Similarly, employers follow policies that protect themselves and their businesses. These policies also include topics such as customer care. Customers are the backbone of every business therefore they are treated with utter respect. Every business tries to make its customers happy because businesses flourish through words of mouth. Employers do not tolerate the unprofessional behavior of an employee with any customer regardless of the issue.

Employers can give warning letters to employees to warn them about the serious consequences of such behavior with customers. Employers have the authority to terminate the contract tract of employees without any warning letter.

Some key features of a warning letter are given below,

  • Warning letters are formal letters therefore proper salutations are used for addressing the receiver.
  • These letters are short and relevant to focus on the problem at hand.
  • Warning letters describe the cause of the letter in detail to help the receiver understand the situation.
  • The tone of the warning letter is polite to assist employees in changing their behavior.
  • It reminds employees about the serious consequences that they might suffer if the action is repeated.


It is to bring it to your attention that you have been issued this warning letter upon receiving a complaint from one of our valued customers. You joined this company 3 years ago and your record has been exceptional. I have always had high hopes for you, and I believed that you will go a long way forward if you continue like this.

To my surprise, I received a complaint yesterday from one of our most valued customers. It stated that you showed unprofessional behavior to the client when they came to exchange an article, they have purchased a few days ago. It was difficult for me to believe that this situation happened, so I investigated this matter myself in different ways. I asked all the employees working at that time and asked them about what they saw.

Additionally, I also checked CCTV footage of the event to understand this matter more clearly. Unfortunately, all fingers are pointed toward you telling you you are the actual culprit. A customer wanted to exchange the article they had not used but removed labels and price tag. I know we do not entertain such requests, but the matter could have been resolved politely but your anger kicked in and you misbehaved with those customers.

I have a zero-tolerance policy against unprofessional behavior with customers and hand out the termination letter to such employees but looking at your track record, I have issued a warning letter only. If such a situation happens again then you will be receiving a termination letter and will also be facing serious consequences.

Unprofessional conduct not only loses clients but also puts a bad impression on other employees. Customers are going to update all social media forums about your conduct which will lead to reduced sales and low business value. Moreover, news on social media impacts thousands so it has severe adverse effects on the business.

I will not tolerate this unprofessional attitude again; therefore, you are advised to manage your anger issues and apologize to the customers personally. You should request customers for their forgiveness and assure them that this scene will never be repeated.

See also: