Salary Proposal Letter Template

Whoever works knows the importance of the salary that they get. Sometimes, when an employee feels that they are not getting the salary they deserve, they will be discouraged to work. They may request the employer to increase the salary. This should be done in a formal way like with a salary proposal letter.

A salary proposal letter tends to be a letter written by the employee. It is addressed to an employer and is a request by the employee for a salary raise. The employee will persuade the employer to increase the salary through reasoning and evidence stating why they should get a raise.

When making a salary proposal letter, the employee will be making the procedure formal for asking for a pay increase. It will be formally channeled across the organization and can be kept in its record. If the employee writes a letter they will be able to properly process as well as evaluate the request. It shows the employees’ professionality.

If you need to make a salary proposal letter, you should draft it carefully as it will give an impression of you to the employer. The following tips can be considered when writing the letter:

  • The letter should be typed rather than written by hand. You can type it in Microsoft Word. The font must be a professional one like Times New Roman or Arial. The size should be 12 or 14.
  • The date that the letter has been written should be provided.
  • Give the name and designation of the employee. State their address.
  • The reader can be addressed with “Dear” and their name.
  • Give your name and say that you are requesting an evaluation of your present salary. You need to explain why you should get the raise. In the next paragraph, you can tell how you have been a good employee with a good track record. You can tell how you have been helping the company out. End by expressing your gratitude to the reader for taking the time to read and consider your request.
  • You want to show your professionality with this letter so make sure that there are no spelling and grammar errors in it. If these are present, the letter will not be taken seriously.

A salary proposal letter should be written in a convincing tone. It is a formal letter that is requesting the employer to increase your salary. You need to give reasons why you deserve this pay rise. The above tips can be kept in mind when making the letter.

Save the letter

I, (state your name) am writing this letter hoping to forward a formal request for a pay rise. I have been working in this company (name of the company) since (tell when you started working here). My career has been able to evolve during this time. I have remained with the company in tough times as well.

I regard myself as a cooperative employee and have fulfilled the responsibilities put on me. I have tried to provide my services in the most efficient way possible. This can be seen by my track record and even yearly evaluation reports. I feel like I deserve at least (tell what percentage increase you hope to get) in my annual salary amount.

I have been serving as a (tell your position in the company) for (tell how many years this has been for). (Write why you deserve a pay rise, it may be due to the fact that you have been doing extra work, for instance; you can provide figures of the salary of people who are in your post in another company).

I will be grateful if you can entertain my request. You can contact me at (give your number) if you need to discuss anything. I am open to negotiation.

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