Termination Appeal Response Letters

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Dear Ms. Mason, I hope this letter finds you in good health and peace. I am writing this letter to inform you about the new ventures I have joined recently. I have been a sincere employee in your construction firm since 2004 now, and I do not hesitate to admit that this job has been an excellent learning experience for me over the years, where I made new friends at the workplace and gained a great deal of professional experience as well as got expertise in my work.

Even though the time I worked here was tremendous and the company was doing well over par in the construction consignments in the whole of Birmingham, I am aware of the falling financial state and debts which the company has gotten into. Last month, we got the collective notice that our monthly payment would be half of the amount we were being paid.

I understand that the company is heading toward a crisis, but I have my personal reservations about staying for a longer time in this company. This is because just 6 months ago I had my baby and being a single mother, all the expenses of his are on me, which makes it difficult for me to continue the job here as a chief project manager with such a low salary.

Had these problems not been there, I would have never decided to take such a selfish step to leave my company in the hour of crisis, but I am troubled with financial issues myself.

I, hence request you to kindly terminate my appointment here at Xen Constructions from the coming week so that I take my time to find a job somewhere else with a package that better suits my financial needs at the moment. I shall be thankful to you for this. Thanking you.

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I hope you are in the best of your health. The purpose of writing this letter is to let you know about the personal issues I have been facing with the punctuality with this job. I have been an honest and sincere employee at Bells Wedding Planners since 20XX as the interior décor head of the décor team. Initially, it had only 4 of us to work on the wedding planning but slowly the reputation of this company, with our collective hard work, got better and now it is Nottingham’s leading wedding planning company.

I have had a great experience working with you, as your style of managing the company has been a bit informal which made us comfortable with the creative decor that was required.

Unfortunately, I feel like I will have to quit the job because of my personal and domestic responsibilities toward my old and ill mother who has been in a coma for almost a month now. She got herself fallen in the bathroom while taking a shower and had a cerebral internal injury which made her go into a coma.

I am hence, worried about her health and going through emotionally challenging times which will certainly hamper my creative skills at work. I was getting my mother treated in the St. Joseph Hospital here in Nottingham since she had the issue but the doctor has referred me to Holy Cross Hospital in London for better treatment and a speedy recovery out of the coma.

Hence, I humbly request you to kindly terminate my appointment with the company, as I am going to shift to London for the sake of my mother’s treatment and God only knows how many months my mother will take to get back to normal now.

She is old and feeble, which is why her recovery rate seems very slow. I hope you understand what I am going through and why I have to take such a step. I hope you find a better décor artist who helps your company grow faster over time. Thanking you.

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