Letters for Outstanding Payment Settlement

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With due respect, it is stated that being a Chief Executive Officer of the HNS Real Estate Consultancy, I needed to communicate the financial settlements with you that were pending since the month of June this year. As you are well aware of the methods and requirements of our company, we face a constant need to refurbish our office branches that are spread across the state.

As a regular customer of your company, we always end up with successful deals when HNS Consultancy needs to renew the interiors like floorings, wall paints, curtains, etc.

However, due to the recent times of Covid-19, like many other companies, HNS Consultancy has also faced a lot of setbacks and went bankrupt in recent months.

The company has gone through a severe loss and the company was just about to close if the board of directors had not arranged a huge loan from the Allied Irish Bank. Steadily, the company is back to normal in the last month since the wave of Covid-19 has been slowed down to any extent.

The clients feel free to come to us and get their personalized property plans and investment ideas for real estate. The accounts have been opened again and the accounts manager just told me about the huge amount of unsettled outstanding payments of as much as 5000 UK Pound Sterling.

Hence, now that the company has started doing financially well, the directors have ordered me to clear the unsettled outstanding payments that we did not pay yet.

I will send my personal assistant with the head office branch general manager with the transaction instructions to your account. It will be cleared as soon as tomorrow. I thank you for being patient with us regarding the delayed payment procedure. I look forward to more successful deals between the companies.

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It is stated with due regard and respect, that I am a general manager of Honda Automobiles, the UK since 2006. This letter has been written to you in order to settle the outstanding payment that had been due from your side for the past 4 months.

Since the hotel’s owner, Mr. Gordon Rose signed the official services contract with Honda Automobiles service station, it has been a matter of pleasure and pride for us to serve one of the most popular and luxurious riverside hotels in the UK. Our services were always provided on time for the hotel’s VIP escort system and protocol management.

Having said all this, it has also been taken into account that despite being one of the most prestigious hotels in the UK, the past 4 months’ bill has not been cleared yet for the staff cars and escorting mobiles for the welcome of your VIP guests from around the kingdom and world.

There were sent 6 Black Honda City cars with various issues with their engines to our service station for repair and overall service on 10th July this year.

The cars were fixed within a short time span of 2 days as the workers prioritized this work for the sake of heavy contract and to avoid the hotel management being disappointed. Even then, the payment of the services was not cleared till now.

Hence, I kindly request you to get the bill cleared by the end of this month, otherwise, the owner of the Honda Automobiles has ordered to terminate the contract for future dealings with Tulip Riverside Hotel.

However, I sincerely hope that such a situation is not reached anyway. Looking forward to the payment clearance procedures and future years of professional dealings.

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