Complaint Letter to Principal about Teacher’s Immoral Behavior

A teacher needs to act sensibly as students often tend to follow in the footsteps of their teachers.  They often like to be like their teacher because they look up to him as the most perfect personality in the world. Sometimes, the behavior of the teacher is so disturbing for the student and compels the student to write a complaint instead of following the teacher.

We all make mistakes, and we all deserve to be forgiven because no one is perfect in this world. Sometimes, some people around us behave so awkwardly that we cannot digest their behavior. Similarly, when our teacher’s conduct is not professional and we feel that it is a bit disturbing for us, we can let the principal of the school know about it.

In this letter, the teacher’s conduct is criticized in a sensible way to make the concerned authorities know how the instructor is causing inconvenience to his/her students.

Important points to remember

There are different ways to write a complaint. However, one should ensure that no matter which way they choose, it should always be the right way according to the situation. In addition to it, it should be able to make the student reap fruitful results. For instance, in some cases, the student might want the school to change the teacher. The complaint addressing the right issues can help them obtain the desired results. Keep the following points in mind and draft a letter that has a purpose to fulfill.

Show respect for the teacher:

No matter how offended you are because of your teacher, you should never disrespect him/her. If you don’t show respect, the reader might feel that your lack of respect made you write the complaint.

Criticize the conduct of the teacher:

Since you are writing to let the principal know about his employee, you should make sure that you remain focused on the conduct of the teacher and do not attack his personality.

Elaborate briefly:

Saying that the teacher’s behavior is bad or immoral is rather subjective and will be hard for the reader to understand what specifically you are referring to. So, if you claim that the attitude of your instructor is so bad, elaborate on how and what made you say that.

What you want:

In the end, you can mention what you want the principal to do or what actions you expect him to take. If you want the principal to talk to the teacher and ask him to not act immorally, mention this in the letter.

The sample letter given below is an example of a letter to protest upon seeing the immoral and gross behavior of the professor or teacher in the classroom professionally.

Sample complaint letter

Subject: Complaint letter against Mrs.’s [X] bad attitude

Respected Sir/Madam,

With humble submission, I am regretfully informing you about the immoral attitude of Mr. ABC who is my teacher of mathematics in grade 7, section C.

Mr. ABC often starts the class late from the scheduled time and he does not seem to be serious about his job. He is often seen cracking obscene jokes which are not appropriate for students of our age. His indecent behavior in the classroom has become very shameful and it is very disturbing for all of us to see him behaving awkwardly.

Mr. ABC is my teacher and I respect him a lot. However, as a teacher, his attitude is supposed to be the epitome of grace and respect. I have also noticed that he often comes to class drunk, especially when he comes back after the lunch break. Due to the attitude of Mr. ABC, I am unable to understand the concepts he delivers.

Therefore, I would like to conduct a probe and look into the bad behavior of the teacher so that no one in the class gets disturbed by his rude and reckless behavior.

See also:

Complaint Letter to Principal about School Canteen

We often feel the need to write to the principal to inform him/her about the condition of any part of the school. The higher authorities in the school can take notice after receiving the complaint and they can take steps to improve the quality.

A complaint against the cafeteria is taken down when someone feels that people in the canteen are not working honestly. When the food of the canteen is unhygienic, it puts the health of every person visiting the canteen at stake. After you have felt that the canteen of the school needs improvement and the staff needs to be reprimanded, you should be brave enough to address your concerns in the form of a complaint letter.

When you realize that many people visit the shop and devour the food which is not being prepared to keep the hygiene principles in consideration, you should do a favor to all those people and write a letter to address the issue. Unhygienic food can lead to lots of problems such as food poisoning and in some cases, it can be fatal. To prevent such worst things from happening, the issue should be communicated to key stakeholders.

If you are someone who wants to protest on getting poorly prepared food or on the sale of overly priced food, you must know how to do it efficiently. Read the tips given below:

Give your introduction:

While you criticize the canteen, you must give your introduction so that the principal can know that you are someone who is an activity engaged with the school and its canteen. Mostly, people pay no attention to the protest letter written by someone outside the school. Therefore, it is better to write a letter when you are a student or a faculty member of the same school.

Tell the purpose:

Mention the purpose at the start of the letter to make it easy for the reader to understand the context of the letter while reading it. The purpose should be communicated in a precise way so that it does not give dual meaning to it.

Specify the issue:

Although you have mentioned the purpose of the letter, now it is time for you to be specific and tell the principal clearly about the areas in which he needs to bring improvements. if you have found more than one issue, mention them one by one.

Close the letter effectively:

In the end, tell the principal what you expect him/her to do after reading this letter. Also, ask him to visit the canteen and conduct a probe into the complaint.

The sample letter given below includes a complaint against the canteen of the school.

Save letter

My name is [NAME]. I am a student of grade [X], section [X]. My roll number is [X].

I am writing this letter to bring the canteen of the school to your attention. The cafeteria of the school is in very condition and after giving one visit, one can easily say that the canteen is so pathetic. The food being sold in the canteen is so unhygienic. The fried food is prepared in used and low-quality oil which is extremely harmful to our health. In addition to it, I happened to buy food from the canteen which was served to me on dirty plates.

The prices of food sold in the canteen have also hiked up but the quality is not being improved. In addition to it, the menu has very limited items in it.

If you want to talk to me about the condition of the canteen, you can be in the office to see me. Furthermore, I would like to ask you to give a visit to the canteen and see everything I told you with your eyes.

Letter to Disagree with Student Suspension

Save -1

I am John Lawrence, father of Betty who has been a student of 8th grade in your ABC School. This letter aims to be written regarding the disagreement on the decision of suspending Betty from school for no solid reasons.

I received a letter from her school yesterday about her suspension. It was mentioned in the notification that she remains absent from the school and skips her classes frequently.

I really got astonished after reading this statement and seeing her name on the absentee list. The reality is the opposite to it, I had been sending her to school daily for the past two months and she did not remain absent even for a single day. You can get it substantiated from the school’s attendance tracking record.

As far as being absent and skipping classes is concerned, my daughter told me that she never did so. You can ask her classmates to confirm this.

I am worried about who provided this false information to you. Being his father, this is a matter of great concern for me. Therefore, I have written this letter to speak in detail about this matter to you.

The accusations made against her have no solid grounds and I request you to find a solution by pondering over the matter. I am sure that this notification has been sent to me mistakenly or that someone tried to create this misunderstanding intentionally.

As this letter was sent to me by the principal, therefore I want you to give me a chance to clear my stance and doubts. I want to meet you in this regard on Friday and I am hopeful from your tough routine you will find some time for me.


Hello Mr. Steward, hope you find this letter in the best of health. I had tried to reach you through email and your phone number but I was not responded to. Later I decided to send you this letter as I had not overheard from you regarding the severe ongoing matter for a few days.

I need to inform you that your daughter Darcy will attend school postponement for the next five weeks. She was charged for the bullying and tyrannizing her classmates vengefully and heartlessly.

I am really concerned about this matter as when I called out in my office to investigate the matter she laughed hysterically and did not discuss anything with me at all. This behavior of Darcy cannot be accepted at all and is a red flag for me. I do not know through which problem Darcy is going through but the situation is very critical.

Please mark the date in your calendar that from 12th March, 20XX to 15th April, 20XX, Darcy will remain under suspension. She will resume her postponement from 17th April to 22nd April. Darcy has been one of my brilliant and intelligent students of mine and I could not expect this behavior from her at all.

I totally disagree about her suspension but to bring her to the right track was the need of the hour. I would like to have a meeting with you in this regard, so please come to meet me as soon as possible.

See also: