Thanking Teacher for Writing a Recommendation Letter

Showing gratitude is always a good idea. It has multiple benefits both for the person being praised and the person receiving the praise. Being praised always encourages people to do better. They feel that their work is seen, and their efforts are valued. Similarly, when someone helps you out in any way, it is a good idea to thank them.

Today, it is not easy for anyone to take out time and put in the effort to help someone else, if anyone does that they should be appreciated, and you should convey your gratitude in the form of a letter.

A thank you letter should not be delayed unnecessarily but sent on time and it should be kept short and precise. You should give the reason for writing the thank you letter. Be genuine in your praise and let the other person know what their gesture means to you.

A recommendation letter is often a requirement for inclusion in a scholarship program while applying for a job or joining a research program. These are written by someone who is well respected in their field and who is an authority in the matter. A recommendation letter by a teacher is required when you are applying for a scholarship program or joining an institution for further studies.

The recommendation of the teachers or mentors who have guided and taught you has a lot of weightage and it is bound to get you an advantage over other applicants. So, when a teacher writes a positive recommendation letter for you, you should thank them by writing a thank you letter.

In this letter, you clearly tell them what you’re thanking them for and what their recommendation letter meant to you. Be genuine in your praise and generous in acknowledging their role.


As you know that I had applied for a scholarship program for MS in (university) in (country name) and besides other documents, the selection procedure required a recommendation letter from a teacher or a mentor.

As you have taught me electronics for four years in my BE program and know how passionate I am regarding further studies in this field, I felt that you are the most appropriate person to request a recommendation letter from.

As you are a well-respected name in this field and your research papers are read and admired by many across the world, having a recommendation letter by you really meant a lot as it was bound to make a huge difference.

Sir, I am glad to report that I secured the scholarship, and I would be leaving for (country name) on (date). I want to thank you with all my heart for the glowing recommendation letter, you wrote me. I fully realize that without this recommendation letter my chances would have been slim as the best talent from the world in this field was applying for the scholarship program.

Having a mentor like you, who is considered an expert in this field, write such glowing remarks about me has given me a lot of confidence and I will try my best to live up to your expectations.

Hoping to make you proud and looking forward to your blessings in the future too.


I have been your student for the last four years. You know my passion for IC design and development which is why I requested you to write me a recommendation letter when an opening in the college R&D was announced. I want to join the nanoTech IC Design program.

I am extremely thankful to you for writing me the glowing recommendation letter. It made it possible for me to secure the place.

I promise to work very hard and put in my best. I aim to make you proud and thank you for all the trust you have put in me. Your kind words and trust in my ability have motivated me immensely.

If I have your continued guidance and mentorship, I am sure our team can make a breakthrough in this area of research which will bring accolades to not just our team but our university and our country too. There is great scope of work here and I am excited to start this new assignment.

I would like to express my gratitude one more time and assure you that I will not let you down.

Looking forward to your continued advice and counsel.

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Commendation Letter for a Teacher

Teachers play a very important role in our society. They do not just teach the curriculum but prepare the students for real life. They teach them manners and life skills like negotiating, understanding other people’s points of view, and how to convey their points respectfully, without argument or conflict. Teachers are the backbone of a healthy society. A society that has good teachers produces good leaders and good citizens. Progress is not possible without the positive role of a teacher.

Appreciating the work that the teachers do is important because it encourages them to do better. Also, it is important because the teacher’s hard work often goes unnoticed and unappreciated.

If the students or the parents appreciate the teachers by writing a thank you note or by verbally praising them, it goes a long way in motivating the teachers. Teaching is a tiring job, and it requires a lot of hard work and long hours. A little appreciation goes a long way in encouraging a teacher. It makes them feel that their efforts are seen, and their work is valued.

Sometimes some students need extra encouragement or help from the teacher to understand a subject or to have a command over some topic with which they are struggling in such cases, the parents should take out the time to thank the teacher personally for all the extra effort they have put in.

A commendation letter is one way to thank the teacher for their efforts with your child. The letter need not be very long.

In fact, it should be precise and to the point, but you should mention exactly why you’re thanking the teacher. For example, ‘for your guidance and help in learning to read’ Or ‘For encouraging my daughter to overcome her fear of public speaking. Be genuine in your praise and do not delay the appreciation letter unnecessarily. The letter should be edited and proofread thoroughly before sending.


My daughter joined your class in (month name). due to my husband’s transfer from another city, she was behind the class on her coursework. I remember that in our first meeting you had assured me that you would help her overcome the gap and there wouldn’t be an issue. Since the first term exams were just two months away so I was worried about my daughter and how she would cover the missed work.

However, I am glad to say that not only did you help her complete her previous work, but you also helped in clarifying her concepts. My daughter is very happy and well settled in the new class and I feel that I must thank you for that too since she is a very shy child and very slow in making friends and not a very social person.

The way you have helped her in adjusting to the new environment and completing the work that she had missed out on, is admirable. I am grateful to you for making this transition smooth and easy for her.

I am very satisfied that she has such a helpful and nice teacher to guide her. I do not think that she would have been able to settle so smoothly into the new school, its new routine, and covered all the missing work so easily, had it not been for your help and guidance.

In the end, once again, I would like to extend my gratitude for all that you have done for her and if there is anything that you want to discuss with me regarding her progress at school, you are always welcome to contact me by call (phone number) or by email at (email address).

Looking forward to your continued guidance and help.


As the school year ends, I want to thank you for all the efforts that you have put into, helping my daughter (name) read. (Name) was diagnosed as dyslexic last year. Her previous teachers never tried to explore how to help her read while keeping her special circumstances in mind. Your guidance and help have been invaluable in helping her read.

I attribute her remarkable progress in this school year to the special techniques that you have been using to help her. I do not think that she could have made so much progress without your personal interest and the research that you have done about her condition.

Apart from reading, the confidence that you gave her and the admiration and praise that came from her classmates and other teachers as her grades started improving, is something that has impacted her greatly. I want to thank you for all the effort you have put in and all the time that you have taken out for my child, and I want to wish you all the best in all your future endeavors.

Having you as a teacher really changed my daughter’s life for the better. The child who would not go near books has practically become a bookworm. We are very grateful to you for going above and beyond the call of duty and dealing with her condition in such a loving way.

Looking forward to seeing you in the next school year.

See also:

Thank You Letter to Landlord for Cooperation

Appreciating people not only makes them feel good about themselves but motivates them to give their best. This appreciation can be shown in the form of a thank you letter. Thank-you letters are written to show gratitude either to individuals or an organization.

These may be written to employees to recognize their hard work or to a firm who have provided good services. Interestingly, they may be written to people higher in rank than you or to your employees or subordinates. Since they are written in a variety of situations their contents vary greatly but the general format to be followed is as under.


You begin by greeting the recipient. You can greet them by addressing them by their name or by using titles like ‘Dear Mr.[name]’ or ‘Dear Mrs. [name]’.

Main body:

If you are addressing someone who does not know you personally, for example when writing to a government official who has helped you in some way or a business that has provided you with a good service, give your complete introduction. In more personal settings this may not be required.

After the introduction, clearly mention the thing for which you are thanking the other person. Be specific about the details as it shows that their efforts have not gone unseen and your appreciation is sincere. It is also fine to express your appreciation without any specific incident in mind for the general performance and contribution of the recipient.

Closing statement:

In the closing statement, reiterate your gratitude and end on a positive note.

A thank you letter does not have to be long. Just convey your feelings in a sincere manner and do not go overboard. Another important point is to send the letter timely and not to delay it unnecessarily as it would lessen its impact. If you are writing a thank you letter to multiple people, for example to all your employees for achieving some target, then do not send the same letter to everyone as that would sound insincere, add some personal details to all the letters.

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Dear Mr. [name]

I want to thank you for your cooperation and all the help you gave us at the time of shifting. We had rented your house on [date] and at the time of signing the contract, you had committed to us that you would get all the required repairs done before our shifting.

Due to my mother’s health issues, we had to shift within a month as her treatment was starting in a month’s time in the nearby hospital which was the reason for selecting this neighborhood. We could not wait for two months as the contractor suggested.

We are very grateful to you for your help in this regard, the way you arranged everything to be completed within a month and went through all the hassle of finding a contractor who was willing to work at double the speed and personally supervising everything.

We fully realize that completing everything in such a short time frame must have cost you double the usual amount.

In the end, we want to thank you for all your efforts and we want you to know that we are truly thankful for all that you have done we promise to keep this place in excellent condition and work on its upkeep.

Looking forward to your support in the future too.

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Dear Mr. [name]

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and your cooperation. I have been living in this house for four years and I have always paid the rent on time but this year due to losing my job, I could not pay the rent for two months.

I would never forget your compassion and the way you understood my problem and gave me an extension on the outstanding rent payment. It really meant a lot to me and my family. Sir, I am glad to report that I have found a job and from the advance I received, I can now pay the rent for the past two months. I am attaching the cheque for the outstanding amount.

In the end, I would like to thank you once again for your benevolence and consideration. It is due to people like you that one’s faith in humanity is restored. May God bless you for your kindness.

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