Commendation for a Good Suggestion from an Employee

When the employer compliments or appreciates an employee, it increases the employee’s confidence level and makes them feel appreciated. It is important that the employees are praised for good performance and if they do anything that adds value to the company it should be acknowledged as an employee who is appreciated always puts in more effort and works with more dedication in the future.

Praise makes them realize that their work is seen, and their efforts are valued which motivates them to do better. The office atmosphere and team relations also improve when team members feel that the work they do is prized.

These factors directly affect employees’ satisfaction with the job which in turn affects their productivity. Hence, it is always a good idea to commend an employee for a job well done. Praising one employee encourages other employees to work hard too.

A commendation letter is a formal letter written to praise an employee for their contributions. The tone of the letter would be congratulatory and positive but formal. keep the length of the letter short but, it is important that you clearly mention the reason why you are appreciating the employee so that they know what your expectations are and how they can further improve their performance.

The language used should be straightforward and positive. Edit the letter thoroughly to remove unnecessary details and proofread it before sending.

Save -1:

I want to appreciate you for the wonderful suggestion you gave during the staff meeting held on [date] to tackle the problem of students’ nonseriousness before exams. This is a huge issue for the school as bad results affect the school’s reputation as well as the teacher’s GPA which is taken to be a direct measure of their teaching ability.

It is also a fact that no matter how good a teacher is if the students do not put in the required effort, they can never get a good result. The student’s bad performance in the first term exam forced us to call a brainstorming session on how to tackle this issue.

As teachers interact daily with the students and know them very well, they are the best guides on how to deal with their non-serious attitude. Your suggestion to invite the parents for a meeting and present the problem to them and make them a partner in this process was excellent.

Further discussions on your suggestion resulted in the making of a WhatsApp group and on that group, the daily attendance and the classwork and homework were updated along with the results of surprise tests.

The parents were to ensure that their child did all the work assigned for the day and was regular in school. Now a month has passed since these changes were implemented and we are proud to say that they have made a huge difference in the student’s attitude and performance as proved by their monthly test results.

We want to compliment you on this excellent suggestion. No institution can run smoothly without the positive contribution and personal interest of its staff. Parents, teachers, and students must work together as a team to ensure that the students stay focused and perform well.

Your contribution is really appreciated. A good idea given with good intentions and with the knowledge of the background of the situation has immense power as proved by this event. Thank you for taking such a keen interest and for sharing such a good idea. Keep up the good work!!

Save -2:

I am writing to commend you for your excellent suggestion during the meeting held on [date]. Due to Covid and the subsequent lockdowns, the project completion got delayed. The client was not willing to acknowledge that this delay was not due to our negligence but due to various factors beyond our control and they wanted us to pay a hefty fine for late completion.

The delay was inevitable due to the unavailability of labor during the lockdowns and then due to the late delivery of the raw materials due to the lockdown in [city name] from where the raw materials were being sourced.

You suggested that the client should send their own team, who would then go over all the progress from the start and judge independently whether the fine was justified or not. This suggestion was welcomed by both parties and the client agreed to send a team to analyze and assess the situation.

We are confident that their findings would support our claim, as we have honestly gone above and beyond our ability to get the project completed in time but due to the pandemic, it was nearly impossible.

We are very proud of the fact that you presented such a good suggestion spontaneously. The ability to think in a crisis or emergency is a very rare quality and to stay calm when the other party is being unreasonable and convince them of your point of view is the sign of a great leader.

Therefore, we see great leadership qualities in you. We want to commend you and inform you that your efforts are valued and we appreciate your hard work and dedication.

Three Months’ Probation Completed Letter to Employee

Often companies hire employees on probation. This probation period may last from 3 months to a year. During this period the employee’s performance is monitored and evaluated. If at the completion of this period, the employer feels that the employee is suitable for the company and is appropriate for the position for which hiring is being done, the company signs a contract with the employee.

The need for a probation period arises from the fact that even the most thorough interview cannot guarantee that the employee is appropriate for the job but during the probation period it is easy to evaluate and monitor the employee’s work habits and temperament.

Whether or not they can work in a team effectively and whether they have the required skill set for the job or not. When the probation period is over the employer informs the employee, if they have been selected or not.

In the letter the employer would first congratulate the employee on the completion of the probation period and then it will go on to explain briefly what points were noticed during the evaluation. It would list the employee’s strengths and weaknesses, and, in the end, it would be announced if the company wants to hire the employee or not.

It is a formal letter, and it will be written in the standard format of a formal letter. Even if the employee is not hired, the letter should be ended on a positive note wishing the employee the best for the future and congratulating them on the successful completion of the probation.

Save -1:

I (name), (designation) from (department name) am writing to congratulate you on the successful completion of your probation. Your three months probation started on (date). Your performance over this period has been exemplary. You were evaluated based on your team leader’s assessment report and your score on the basic training test. We are glad to inform you, that you have come second on the merit list.

Another criterion for evaluation was your ability to work in a team. You have proved that you are a good team player along with having the required skill set for the job. It is due to this reason that the company has decided to offer you a contract.

You would be hired as (designation) in the department (department name). You would be working under Mr. (name). He is a great mentor and has trained a lot of newcomers. We are sure that with your hard work and his guidance, you will learn a lot and would be able to explore your full potential.

In the end, I would like to congratulate you once again on your selection and hope that you make the best of this opportunity. We have very high hopes from you and I am sure you will prove us right.

Welcome to the team.

Save -2:

I (name), (designation) from (department name) am writing to inform you that your three months probation, which started on (date) has been completed. During this time, you worked on our software development platform. Mr. (name) was your team leader and project supervisor. Based on his assessment report and your performance in the (basic training test) you have come on the sixth place on the merit list.

We would like to congratulate you on your score on the basic training test taken at the end of your probation. It shows your expertise in this field and your aptitude. We appreciate the hard work you have put in and the dedication with which you have completed your probation but as you know that currently, we only have five vacancies to fill so we would not be offering you a place at the moment.

However, if any of the first five selected employees decide not to join, their place would be offered to you. Also, we would keep you on our list and as soon as some vacancy opens, you would be contacted.

We want to wish you all the best in your future endeavors. We are sure that with your talent and hard work, you have a very bright future in front of you.

See also:

Mortgage Authorization Letter

A mortgage is a legal agreement that enables a person to get a loan from a bank on interest while giving the bank the title of the debtor’s property in return. The title is shifted back to the debtor upon complete payment of the debt. It is a very common money lending procedure.

In order to apply for the mortgage, a proposal letter is written listing the details of the property the debtor wishes to mortgage against. It also includes the names and contact details of the people who know the person applying for a mortgage and are willing to act as his guarantors. The debtor has to give his credit details proving that he has a stable source of income and would be able to pay the loan back.

A mortgage authorization letter is written when the debtor wants to allow a trusted third party to have access to their mortgage loan repayment information and options. Sometimes when people get married or enter a business partnership they want to share their mortgage with their spouse/business partner.

Another scenario may be when they feel that they will not be able to repay their loans due to some financial crisis or health issue, they may bring in a third party who can buy their mortgage and pay the remaining amount.

As these are formal letters addressing a financial issue, they must be written very carefully and in a formal tone. The letter should not be unnecessarily long nor should the letter include unnecessary information but all relevant details must be included.

It must clearly state who is being authorized with what and for how long. As these are addressing a financial situation, they need to be proofread very carefully.

Spelling or grammatical mistakes would leave a very bad impression. The information shared must be accurate and all the receipts and any other proofs or important documents should also be attached.

Save -1

I took out a mortgage from your bank on [date] for starting home construction. As you know from my record that I have been regular in my repayments and have already paid the due amount but due to a recent development I feel that it is important that I share my mortgage with my son.

Recently I have been diagnosed with [disease name]. Due to the severity of my symptoms, my doctor has advised me to go for [name] surgery. After the surgery, the doctors would decide on a further course of action. I am told that I have a very high chance of making a full recovery but I do not want to take a chance.

I do not want my disease to delay the repayment schedule, so I am going to share my mortgage with my son. You are hereby authorized to share all details of my mortgage with him as he will be handling all financial issues from now onwards till I get better. I am sharing his contact details below.

I want to assure you that you will not face any inconvenience or delay in the repayments as he is a very responsible person and I am sure that everything will keep running smoothly. If you have any queries, please feel free to contact me any time before [date] as that is the date of admission to the hospital.

Save -2

I took out some loan from your bank against my house as security on [date]. I have already made three repayments and as you know from my record I have been regular in my repayments. However, I recently got married and I want to include my wife [name]’s in my mortgage. I authorize you to share my payment details and any other information related to my mortgage with her.

I assure you that you would not face any issue with repayments in fact, as now we would be sharing the installment amount we intend to repay the loan sooner. I am sharing the details of my mortgage account for your convenience.

Looking forward to your cooperation.

See also: