Greeting Letter to Business Partner

What is a greeting letter to a business partner?

It is a type of formal letter that people write to their business associates when they show their willingness to work with them. There is a lot of trust needed when two people or businesses decide to work with each other. Although the business can be run even without sending greetings, it is considered a kind and friendly gesture to say hello to your partner and makes them feel that you are glad that they are your partner.

Whenever we start a new relationship with someone in the business world, it is our responsibility to represent ourselves in such a way that we sound professional and practical. The letter to send greetings is the best way to cultivate the best and strong professional relationship with your associate. Through this letter, you also find an opportunity to communicate necessary conditions or instructions to the recipient that are important for him to know after being a part of the partnership. 

How to write a welcome letter that stands out?

In the professional world, it is of great importance that you communicate with your partners. Owing to this, letters and emails written for any purpose are preferably written with extreme care and attention. Let us see a step by step guide to writing a welcome letter to greet our partner:

Add the header

No letter is complete without the header. However, some people believe that if they are writing on letterhead, they don’t need a header. It is a misconception and the header must be included at the beginning of the letter. The header includes the recipient’s as well as the sender’s details.

Welcome the partner:

When you start the body of the letter after writing the header, start it with the welcome statement. Your welcome should be warm and enthusiastic enough to make the recipient believe that you are happy being a part of the business partnership. For being more precise, mention the name of the company being welcomed and your company of which they have become a partner. 

Use professional closing:

It is very important to take note of how you choose to close this letter. Some people add some instructions to follow; some people ask the recipient to show up in the meeting while some simply show gratitude and close the letter. No matter how you end this letter, make sure that the reader is conveyed a positive message and impression of you and your business when he finishes reading and keeps it aside. 

A sample greeting letter written to a business associate has been given below that you can read and follow:

Sample letter: 

Subject: Accept greetings

Dear Mr. Johnson,

We are so happy and satisfied to welcome you to our company as our new business partner. We are blown away by your smartness and the insight that put into your business to achieve fruitful results. We believe that your experience will help our company succeed in the future and therefore, we have chosen you to be our respectable associate. 

We would like to welcome you and your entire team of experts on behalf of the entire company.

We are very anxious to meet with you and discuss all the matters with you on 20th December 20XX. Please let us know about your availability. 

You are requested to contact the manager of the company who will brief you about the rules and procedures being followed in our organization. Also, please bring your original id card along with other documents on the first day. 

We hope that you will be glad to meet our team. Please don’t hesitate to share your innovative ideas with us. 

We welcome you once again to our organization and we are hopeful that our partnership will go a long way. In addition to it, your contribution to leading our company to a path to success will always be appreciated. 

If you have a query, feel free to contact us at (mention your phone number). 

Application for Closing Bank Account due to Health

Banks and financial institutes follow a proper way to open and close bank accounts. They have to manage accounts of thousands of people and therefore, they cannot close an account by just receiving a verbal request from the customer. They need the customer to write the application which is a formal letter in which a request is made from the customer to close the bank account. The bank keeps this application in its record because it might need it later.

This is a formal request made by the account holder in which he respectfully asks the management of the bank to close the account. The customer also mentions the reason for his deteriorating health that does not allow him to visit the bank and operate his account. Sometimes, the bank wants to know the reason so that the account can be closed through the proper channel considering that reason.

The steps given below can be helpful for you if you are struggling writing the application:

Formally ask for account closure:

Applications are briefer and to the point than letters. You are required to be as formal as you can. So, when you request to close the request, use a formal tone and choice of words to draft the application.

When you apply for account closure, mention clearly that you don’t have any issues and you are willing to take this action.

Specify that your health is the reason:

After you have applied for the account closure, don’t assume that the bank is not interested in knowing why you want to take this action. The banks are very much interested in knowing because they don’t want to lose their customer. Therefore, state the reason formally. Since this is an application, you don’t need to give details of your health or treatment. The application should never be too long.

Give all the details of the bank account to be closed:

You will have to mention your account details so that the bank can spot your account and close it. The better approach is to use bullet points to mention details. Make sure that you don’t forget to mention any important detail that the bank might need for closing the account.

Ask the bank to pay you the money left in that account:

If you have some money in that account, request the bank to deposit that into another account of yours that you are actively using currently, and then close the letter appropriately.

Below is given a sample application that will help you draft your application of yours.

Sample application:

You are requested to close my bank account (mention account number) in (mention the branch number). I am writing this request because I am not in a position to operate my account due to my health. I often have to travel to another city for medical check-ups. Therefore, I have decided to move from here permanently.  With reference to my account in your branch, I am willing to close my account because I don’t need it anymore.

Following are my bank account details:

  1. Name
  2. Account number
  3. Name of the bank
  4. Branch code
  5. Debit card number and type

I am returning my check and debit card with this letter. I would like to request to make arrangements for closing my account. In addition to it, please pay me the money that I deposited in my account to the account details of which are given below:

  1. Name of the account holder
  2. Branch code
  3. Name of the bank
  4. Account number

If you need to know anything else with regard to this request, you can write back to me or call me at 424-235524 and feel free to contact me.

Auto Loan Settlement Letter

Debt settlement is a process in which the different loan granting agencies settle on a percentage of the loan instead of the full amount. The loan settlement takes when it becomes crystal clear to the creditor that he will not be able to receive the full amount he owes because the borrower is not in the position to pay back the full amount and he can only pay the partial amount.

The creditor can think of getting the partial amount since getting something is better than nothing. This type of settlement also applies to auto loans.

It is a letter in which the creditor communicates his willingness for settlement.  There is a rule in different states that allow people to settle even for auto-related debt. Make sure that when you write this letter, you are clear and concise. In some cases, the debtor also writes this letter to let the reader know what he can pay and how he wants to settle.

Some basic steps that can be taken to write a professional letter are:

Start with giving the background information:

When you start this letter, let the creditor know that you have been going through an intense financial crisis and this was the reason, you have not paid the auto loan for a long time. Make it clear to the reader that you have some financial setbacks that have held you back from paying the loan.

Mention your current financial situation:

Tell the reader what your account balance is. Also, specify how much you are supposed to be paying. You need to explain this in such a way that it gets clear to the debtor that you are not going to pay the auto loan and therefore you need to settle down.

Write what you can pay:

Also, tell the reader how much you can easily pay and when.  If you have mentioned the clear amount, make sure that you don’t forget to tell whether it includes taxes amount and late payment fee so that the reader can know if you are going to pay them separately or not. 

End the letter:

As you are moving forward towards the end of the letter, here is the time to ask the reader to contact you if he agrees with your settlement plan. Provide your contact details and specify that you will be thankful to him for being generous.

The sample letter given below will help you write a settlement letter to the creditor to let him know that you cannot pay the full amount but the partial amount.

Sample letter:

My account has been placed with your company which is related to auto financing. Due to some financial crisis, I was going through, I was unable to pay the debt. Therefore, I was out of touch with your company. I now want to settle this debt with your company.

The account number of the account associated with this vehicle loan is [X]. The total balance on this account is 3000$. This time, I am really eager to settle down with you so that I can get rid of this debt.

Since I am not in the position to settle for the full amount, I am ready to offer an amount of 1000$ for settlement on this loan. This amount is 60% of the total amount that I was supposed to pay. In addition, I have added the interest and late fees to it also.

I am ready to pay this amount as soon as possible through my credit card. If you are ready to accept this offer, I would proceed with the complete procedure to get rid of the debt. Please contact me on my office phone number if you are ready to accept the offer.

I am looking forward to your response with the willingness to settle down with me on this matter as soon as possible. I shall be highly obliged for your quick response.

Complaint Letter to Principal about School Canteen

We often feel the need to write to the principal to inform him/her about the condition of any part of the school. The higher authorities in the school can take notice after receiving the complaint and they can take steps to improve the quality.

A complaint against the cafeteria is taken down when someone feels that people in the canteen are not working honestly. When the food of the canteen is unhygienic, it puts the health of every person visiting the canteen at stake. After you have felt that the canteen of the school needs improvement and the staff needs to be reprimanded, you should be brave enough to address your concerns in the form of a complaint letter.

When you realize that many people visit the shop and devour the food which is not being prepared to keep the hygiene principles in consideration, you should do a favor to all those people and write a letter to address the issue. Unhygienic food can lead to lots of problems such as food poisoning and in some cases, it can be fatal. To prevent such worst things from happening, the issue should be communicated to key stakeholders.

If you are someone who wants to protest on getting poorly prepared food or on the sale of overly priced food, you must know how to do it efficiently. Read the tips given below:

Give your introduction:

While you criticize the canteen, you must give your introduction so that the principal can know that you are someone who is an activity engaged with the school and its canteen. Mostly, people pay no attention to the protest letter written by someone outside the school. Therefore, it is better to write a letter when you are a student or a faculty member of the same school.

Tell the purpose:

Mention the purpose at the start of the letter to make it easy for the reader to understand the context of the letter while reading it. The purpose should be communicated in a precise way so that it does not give dual meaning to it.

Specify the issue:

Although you have mentioned the purpose of the letter, now it is time for you to be specific and tell the principal clearly about the areas in which he needs to bring improvements. if you have found more than one issue, mention them one by one.

Close the letter effectively:

In the end, tell the principal what you expect him/her to do after reading this letter. Also, ask him to visit the canteen and conduct a probe into the complaint.

The sample letter given below includes a complaint against the canteen of the school.

Save letter

My name is [NAME]. I am a student of grade [X], section [X]. My roll number is [X].

I am writing this letter to bring the canteen of the school to your attention. The cafeteria of the school is in very condition and after giving one visit, one can easily say that the canteen is so pathetic. The food being sold in the canteen is so unhygienic. The fried food is prepared in used and low-quality oil which is extremely harmful to our health. In addition to it, I happened to buy food from the canteen which was served to me on dirty plates.

The prices of food sold in the canteen have also hiked up but the quality is not being improved. In addition to it, the menu has very limited items in it.

If you want to talk to me about the condition of the canteen, you can be in the office to see me. Furthermore, I would like to ask you to give a visit to the canteen and see everything I told you with your eyes.

Salary Proposal Letter Template

Whoever works knows the importance of the salary that they get. Sometimes, when an employee feels that they are not getting the salary they deserve, they will be discouraged to work. They may request the employer to increase the salary. This should be done in a formal way like with a salary proposal letter.

A salary proposal letter tends to be a letter written by the employee. It is addressed to an employer and is a request by the employee for a salary raise. The employee will persuade the employer to increase the salary through reasoning and evidence stating why they should get a raise.

When making a salary proposal letter, the employee will be making the procedure formal for asking for a pay increase. It will be formally channeled across the organization and can be kept in its record. If the employee writes a letter they will be able to properly process as well as evaluate the request. It shows the employees’ professionality.

If you need to make a salary proposal letter, you should draft it carefully as it will give an impression of you to the employer. The following tips can be considered when writing the letter:

  • The letter should be typed rather than written by hand. You can type it in Microsoft Word. The font must be a professional one like Times New Roman or Arial. The size should be 12 or 14.
  • The date that the letter has been written should be provided.
  • Give the name and designation of the employee. State their address.
  • The reader can be addressed with “Dear” and their name.
  • Give your name and say that you are requesting an evaluation of your present salary. You need to explain why you should get the raise. In the next paragraph, you can tell how you have been a good employee with a good track record. You can tell how you have been helping the company out. End by expressing your gratitude to the reader for taking the time to read and consider your request.
  • You want to show your professionality with this letter so make sure that there are no spelling and grammar errors in it. If these are present, the letter will not be taken seriously.

A salary proposal letter should be written in a convincing tone. It is a formal letter that is requesting the employer to increase your salary. You need to give reasons why you deserve this pay rise. The above tips can be kept in mind when making the letter.

Save the letter

I, (state your name) am writing this letter hoping to forward a formal request for a pay rise. I have been working in this company (name of the company) since (tell when you started working here). My career has been able to evolve during this time. I have remained with the company in tough times as well.

I regard myself as a cooperative employee and have fulfilled the responsibilities put on me. I have tried to provide my services in the most efficient way possible. This can be seen by my track record and even yearly evaluation reports. I feel like I deserve at least (tell what percentage increase you hope to get) in my annual salary amount.

I have been serving as a (tell your position in the company) for (tell how many years this has been for). (Write why you deserve a pay rise, it may be due to the fact that you have been doing extra work, for instance; you can provide figures of the salary of people who are in your post in another company).

I will be grateful if you can entertain my request. You can contact me at (give your number) if you need to discuss anything. I am open to negotiation.

Quotation Letter for Legal Services

A quotation letter is a formal letter written by a seller or a service provider. It entails the prices of all products or services as per the customer’s demand. Customers inquire about a quotation letter from a manufacturer or service provider to quote the prices of the products so that they get an idea if the product can be afforded or not. Additionally, the manufacturer also provides details about the terms and conditions for the application of products.

Quotation letters are written in response to the quotation request by potential customers. These requests can be sent by any company or researcher or student to inquire about the cost of specific products. Quotation letters are made on letterheads to speed up the process.

Quotation letters can be used for various purposes such as,

  • It depicts professionalism and seriousness towards the business of the manufacturer.
  • Allow customers to make a budget about the expenditure for purchasing any item.
  • Provides all the prices of products so customers can decide if they are affordable or not.
  • Allow customers to know about the current availability of any product or service.
  • Helps in reimbursement during the cases of exchange or refund.

Legal services are defined as the services provided to the clients in accordance with the law. These services are provided by professionals, people who understand rules and regulations of law, to the people in need. Some services are provided free of cost while others are charged by the lawyer.

Sample letter

I hope you are enjoying good health. I appreciate your attention towards our firm to take care of your legal side of the business. In past, we have represented many businesses and companies and taken care of any issue that may arise due to our competent and professional team.

I understand your concern regarding our competency and intellect, but I assure you that you do not need to worry about any matter. All the members of my team are foreign qualified and understand laws related to business and other affairs.

The services you seek to achieve are handled by two professionals from our team as they have expertise in the field but nonetheless, the whole team will be at your disposal. We charge clients based on their service requirements as they vary from client to client. The services that you acquire will be charged $1M per month.

Additionally, our team is well-qualified to provide assistance to any individual member such as maintenance cases, bail, or any other legal matter.

We seek to take full care of your business for you and leave you free from any worries or legal matters. In case of negotiations or amendments, kindly contact us at our official mail or office. We will be waiting to receive your response to this quotation letter.

Re-hire Letter after Termination

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Respected Sir, I had been working as a web designer in your institute and worked there for almost ten years. I along with Mr. Robinson and his teammates have this owner create a webpage for the organization. It resulted so successfully that it is the fastest website today.

When the company shifted its main branch to New Jersey then I was eliminated from my position, and I ended up being fired. I have divergent and mesmerizing skills that make me a competent individual and I am fully prepared to work for any position that is dealt with on the web. It is my humble request to you now to rehire me for my previous position in your organization.

I know well that there might be someone else dealing with my position and I am ready to work in any department in which I would be adjustable easily. Based on my previous experience and qualification I am hopeful that this time too I will execute the remarkable performance.

Moreover, during this period I did not remain free, I enrolled myself in getting some diplomas and certifications from XYZ Group of Companies, and to upgrade my abilities and I orchestrated boot camps. I make this thing certain that I am adept in accountancy and coding.

I can be of great help to organizations when it comes to operating web systems and coding and I can deal with hackers too. I make a sincere request to you to please consider my request. You can answer me back through email. I will wait for your response.


Dear Sir, I hope you have been doing great. As you know that after being terminated from your organization, I started working in ABC Organization as an assistant director. After working here for almost three months I am regretting my decision of joining this company as I am adjustable to the work environment that is being provided here and the staff is not cooperative at all.

Therefore, I am writing this letter to ask about the possibility to join your office again in the previous position and I had been holding this position for the past nine years.

I humbly apologize for my previous attitude based on which I was terminated. I want to join again in your organization, and I make this thing certain that I will remain fully committed to the organization and will carry out my responsibilities well.

In the meanwhile, I gained experience in account management operation and Word Press. I guarantee you that these skills would be of great to ABC Organization as it has broadened its online dealing. I know that the post for which I was working before might have been filled but I request you to adjust me to any other position in which I will be a good fit.

I am highly anticipated to you for your kind consideration, and I am looking forward to getting positive feedback from you.  I will remain available for a conversation to your satisfaction. I can be contacted via email [EMAIL]. Thank you.


Hope you and your family have been doing well. I was a previous employee in your organization, and I worked as an accountant manager for more than eight years. During my tenure in your organization, my better half got some contagious disease and I had to take sudden leaves without informing based on which I got terminated.

I am regretful that I did not make tracks in good conditions, and I was submerged with vexation about my better half. If you provide me a chance to work again for you that I make certain that I will my best to fulfill my work responsibilities and will not repeat previous actions anymore.

In the meanwhile, I was at home, I enrolled myself in an online programming course and I assure you that I have gotten enough skills and I can be a good fit for your organization. I know that my previous job position has been filled but I am ready to work in any other department dealing with data processing and Word Press.

I am thankful to you for your kind consideration, and you contact me via email or phone number. I will remain available at any time for conversation and to chew over my request. Thanks in advance.

See also:

Letter to Disagree with Student Suspension

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I am John Lawrence, father of Betty who has been a student of 8th grade in your ABC School. This letter aims to be written regarding the disagreement on the decision of suspending Betty from school for no solid reasons.

I received a letter from her school yesterday about her suspension. It was mentioned in the notification that she remains absent from the school and skips her classes frequently.

I really got astonished after reading this statement and seeing her name on the absentee list. The reality is the opposite to it, I had been sending her to school daily for the past two months and she did not remain absent even for a single day. You can get it substantiated from the school’s attendance tracking record.

As far as being absent and skipping classes is concerned, my daughter told me that she never did so. You can ask her classmates to confirm this.

I am worried about who provided this false information to you. Being his father, this is a matter of great concern for me. Therefore, I have written this letter to speak in detail about this matter to you.

The accusations made against her have no solid grounds and I request you to find a solution by pondering over the matter. I am sure that this notification has been sent to me mistakenly or that someone tried to create this misunderstanding intentionally.

As this letter was sent to me by the principal, therefore I want you to give me a chance to clear my stance and doubts. I want to meet you in this regard on Friday and I am hopeful from your tough routine you will find some time for me.


Hello Mr. Steward, hope you find this letter in the best of health. I had tried to reach you through email and your phone number but I was not responded to. Later I decided to send you this letter as I had not overheard from you regarding the severe ongoing matter for a few days.

I need to inform you that your daughter Darcy will attend school postponement for the next five weeks. She was charged for the bullying and tyrannizing her classmates vengefully and heartlessly.

I am really concerned about this matter as when I called out in my office to investigate the matter she laughed hysterically and did not discuss anything with me at all. This behavior of Darcy cannot be accepted at all and is a red flag for me. I do not know through which problem Darcy is going through but the situation is very critical.

Please mark the date in your calendar that from 12th March, 20XX to 15th April, 20XX, Darcy will remain under suspension. She will resume her postponement from 17th April to 22nd April. Darcy has been one of my brilliant and intelligent students of mine and I could not expect this behavior from her at all.

I totally disagree about her suspension but to bring her to the right track was the need of the hour. I would like to have a meeting with you in this regard, so please come to meet me as soon as possible.

See also:

Request Letter for Material Collection

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I am Sidney Carton, managing director in XYZ Organization, and writing in the name of Matilda Steward, a finance manager in ABC Enterprise. We have good experience of working along with each other for more than twenty years related to the shipment of materials, production, and fabrication of products.

This request letter is being written to ask for materials entailed to make you certain that we have prosecuted with remittance and pre-ordered merchandise of ABC material needed for our factory outlet in Michigan.

This request letter for material collection is being written to request you to ship us order no 123456 for roughhewn brunette conductors for motor engines and motorcars. We will also provide you with all the detail related to the bank statement for your kind information which has been affixed along with this letter needed for materials.

The deadline for materials shipment has passed. We humbly ask for your arbitration to order the material to arrive in our factory as soon as possible as stipulated in the order. Moreover, can you make confirm this order’s receiving and let me know about additional shipment costs of this product.

Kindly let me know too if either the installation or spreadsheet charges are included in the final price or not. Looking forward to getting a swift response from you!


I am Shankar Ralph and have been working as an assistant director in your organization for the past five years. This letter is being written on account of all office staff to ask for cartridges that are required on an immediate basis in the office.

I want to bring to your kind attention that as per your orders the company has shifted its office to New Jersey. Lots of office impedimenta have been lost and most of the gadgets have been impaired during all this.

Moreover, to hire new staff, there is a need to buy new laptops and computers. We have to face a lot of difficulties to carry out official tasks as the new hires have been adjusted with some senior staff members for sharing equipment.

Moreover, to train newly appointed staff, there is also a need for multimedia, projectors and soft board and we require it on immediate basis. We are direly in need of this as soon as possible to make certain the smooth operating of the office to carry out a healthy environment.

To ensure a trouble-free environment and get rid of the element of the hassle it is a humble request to you to give kind consideration to my request as soon as possible.

I have attached the list of all the basic tools and materials that are needed to carry out official tasks. It will be very difficult for us to work on a daily basis if we are not provided with all the basic equipment.

I hope you will give kind consideration to my request and will do something in this regard. I will be very thankful to you for this.

See also:

Apology Letter for being Late in the Meeting

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This letter solely aims to ask for forgiveness for coming late to the meeting. I realize that you had repositioned the meeting schedule only to get frustrated at the end. Ever since the meeting date had been set, I was looking forward to pondering over new ideas and making new strategic plans.

I had thought that the meeting will start at 11:30 am as usually it starts at this time, so I engaged myself in preparing another presentation that was very next day. When I reached the meeting hall, I came to know that it was going to end. I really got embarrassed for what I did as in my career it was for the very first time that this thing happened.

I realized that I have missed a great opportunity that kept vital importance in my career progression. I hope to present all the points in the next meeting. I can understand that you will be frustrated for not having my information in the meeting.

I am very cautious now and from now the first thing I will do in the morning is to check the calendar. I request you to forgive me. I was really excited to have a meeting with you. I ask your forgiveness for being absent-minded.


I am Ralph Dorson and have been giving my services to your organization for the past few years. I am writing this letter to seek an apology from you for coming late to the meeting that was held on Friday.

I was not expecting this unprofessional attitude from me but it all happened unintentionally. I do admit my mistake that I must have confirmed meeting timings a day before.

Mr. ABC, one of our senior employees in the organization came to my office exactly at the meeting timings. I remained so indulged in listening to his problems that I forgot about the meeting. It could be an insulting attitude on my behalf if I did not give an ear to what he said.

Later, I realized that I have missed a great opportunity to highlight the importance of the meeting. I am hoping to present it at our next meeting. I know that your time is very valuable and you are a busy bee but I am hopeful that this omission will not put a stop to rescheduling our meeting again.

I make this certain that this will not happen next but for this time I am really sorry. Looking for positive feedback from you.

See also: