Inquiry Letter for Mortgage

Inquiry letters, as the name indicates, are written to inquire about something from the lender or provider. These letters are written by potential customers to a service provider to gather detailed information about the subject of interest. Inquiries can be a formal business letter, or they can also be sent in the form of mail. Before writing inquiries, it is made sure that no other source of information i.e., website, can fill in the blanks except for the company itself.

Inquiry letters can be written for several purposes. They can be written by corporate firms to new businesses in 9rder to inquire about their products and their related features. They are sent to individuals to inquire about a specific event and the reason for their behavior to settle a dispute.

A mortgage is defined as the agreement between an individual and a moneylender to buy or finance a home when the individual does not have the money upfront. Individuals take loans from banks or other individuals for making or financing a home. This loan is returned in installments along with profit. Terms and conditions of mortgage are determined by both parties, and they should stick to them otherwise they might face hold of their property and severe legal actions as imposed by the lender.

An inquiry letter for a mortgage is written by the individual to inquire about the mortgage and its related information in detail. The buyer requests the lender to explain all requirements about the loan and other essential details. The information may include installments, criteria of selection, major red flags during selection, etc.

Some tips that should be followed while writing an inquiry letter for a mortgage are given below,

  • Use a formal tone and write a to-the-point letter explaining all details.
  • Keep the letter relevant and do not make it too long to put a good first impression.
  • Although hand-printed letters are preferred but use a letterhead printed document or an email.
  • Use proper and formal salutations for addressing lenders.
  • Mention the correct address and contact information for easy access.
  • Describe briefly your job and credit history.
  • Share your essential documents with the lender so that no time is wasted on gathering documents.
  • Show patience as these matters take a lot of time.
  • If an inquiry appears, try to reason it proof rather than being upset about it.
  • Do not use any floral patterns on letterhead to keep it professional.


Subject: Inquiry letter for mortgage

Respected Sir,

It is respectfully stated that I, Dexter Reed, have been working as an assistant at XYZ company for 5 years. I have worked hard to get to the place where I am today. I know, my position at the company is not prominent but I am sure that it will not remain the same. I aspire to do great things and reach a certain position. But for now, this job provides for me and my family, so I respect it a lot.

5 years ago, my father died in a car accident, and I was burdened with the upbringing of my family. Due to certain circumstances, we had to sell our house and move to a rental. It has been fine but seeing a big chunk of my salary is used as rent hurts a lot therefore, I want to have a house of my own.

I saw advertisements for your policy to provide loans to youngsters for financing their dreams. I have looked at a few 4-bedroom apartments and would finalize one of them. I would request you to provide details of the mortgage, installments, time frame, and other essential details that are required for the loan.

I have already attached a file of my credit history, salary statement from the company, and bank slips of my online freelancing job to help you in narrowing down the list. I am always available at the provided contact information if you have any queries. I would be extremely grateful if you provide me with details of the mortgage and consider me for it.

See also:

Complaint Letter to School Administration about Infrastructure

The infrastructure of a school plays a big role in providing a favorable environment to students who spend a reasonable amount of time in the school to fulfilling the objective of learning. Due to this, the infrastructure should always be the priority of the school. Unfortunately, some schools don’t care about the physical structures and facilities that are provided to students and staff members. Doing so, they fail to deliver effective teachings to the students.

It is a formal letter in which the sender of the letter protests due to unavailability or lack of sufficient resources in the institute. This letter draws concerns about the entire structure and the system of the school.

Who writes the criticism letter about the system of the school?

In general, there is no restriction as to who can write this letter or who cannot. In most cases, students of the school write this complaint when they fail to get the necessary facilities in the school. The faculty members also suffer when the system of the institute is not according to their expectations therefore, they also write often to address their issues and concerns.

Parents or guardians of kids also write to the school authorities when they notice that their child does not have sufficient resources in the school that other schools do provide. The stakeholders of the school need to know who has come up with the complaint.

Who can be written this letter?

The authorities of the school are often sent the complaint because they have the authority to get things corrected. Usually, the principal of the school is referred to whenever there is any issue regarding the infrastructure.

If the school is one of the franchises of the big system, the authorities of that system are sent the complaint so that they can intervene in the working of the school and take necessary measures to ensure that children are studying in a suitable environment without facing any problem.

When to write?

A complaint letter is a kind of feedback and schools generally give a lot of importance to such complaints as they allow them to improve their services. However, the complaint should be written at an appropriate time. When you feel that the system of the school has deteriorated and it needs immediate attention, you must write a complaint. The complaint can also be written when you learn that students in the educational institute are suffering due to a lack of sufficient facilities.

What should be included?

The main elements of this complaint letter are:

Introduction to the letter:

The reader should not be confused when he starts reading the letter. Therefore, he should be informed at the very start that this letter is to protest not having good infrastructure in the institute.

Description of the complaint:

Another component of the letter describes the complaint briefly. It must tell what made you feel like writing this letter. You can mention the problems with the physical structure of the school and many other issues that you think are required to be addressed.

Discuss what needs to be done:

In this part of the letter, you should describe what the reader should do to improve the system. You can simply ask the authorities to pay attention to the school and take steps to bring improvements.

Sample complaint letter:

Subject: Complaint letter about the infrastructure

Respected Sir/Madam,

I am writing this letter to draw your attention to the poor infrastructure of the school. The building of the school is too old and worn out and it needs immediate repairing. I have been teaching in this school for more than 4 years and I have been noticing that the condition of the school is getting worse with each passing day. The students are also unable to access clean drinking water in the school.

I would like to request you to come and inspect the entire building of the school so that you can see how much funds are needed to repair the school.

See also:

Quotation Letter for Construction Work

A quotation is referred to as a specific offer for the sale of any product or service. It is generally defined as the price of a given article. Quotation letters are written by suppliers or service providers to potential customers upon inquiry about their products.

When people are interested in any product or service but are not aware of its price and features, then they write to the provider for details.

Providers or suppliers write quotation letters in hopes of making business and state all information to the buyer. These letters can be written to potential buyers without their inquiry. In this situation, providers use letters as a marketing strategy for providing information about their services and products.

Quotation letters provide all information about any product or service. It includes the price of the product, mode of payment, terms, and conditions of execution and delivery, and other minor details about the product and its purchase.

Quotation letters for construction work state the service asked by the customer and provide the amount of service, time frame, the requirement of labor and materials, etc. Contractors provide all details to the customers so that they are aware of all the situation.

Some tips that should be followed while writing a quotation letter are given below,

  • The letter should be formal, and it should be address customers with proper salutations to show professionalism.
  • It should be relevant and not too long to make sure a good first impression.
  • Provide detailed postal addresses and contact information to help customers for making contact, if they want any information.
  • Appreciate customers’ interest in your work and assure them that you would do a good job.
  • Tell customers how your services will prove beneficial to them.
  • List all services provided to customers to help them decide what other services they may want.
  • All the prices should be mentioned clearly to make sure that the buyer understands.
  • Define all terms and conditions in detail as labor work might take longer than usual if any mishap occurs.
  • Discuss the mode of payment and how it should be given.
  • Quotation letters can be used as a marketing strategy for attracting customers in addition to writing as a response to an inquiry.

Sample Letter

It is respectfully stated that I, Patrick Dempsey, have been running my business of construction company for 5 years. I have trained hundreds of laborers during this time and honed their skills to perfection.  With a huge team of labor, I have completed numerous megaprojects of shopping malls and office buildings. Because all laborers are trained by me, therefore they provide similar and exceptional service.

I, recently received your letter asking about some of the services provided by my company. Firstly, I appreciate your inclination towards my company for your construction work. I assure you that you would not be disappointed after seeing what my team can do.

Your letters tell me that you want to make a swimming pool in your backyard to remain cool in summer. You want to install a heat and cool plant to change the temperature of water according to your liking. I studied the dimensions you provide but I would have to see the ground myself.

Steps and prices for complete installation of a temperature-controlled swimming pool are given below,

  1. Digging up the ground with shovels and cranes.
  2. Cementing the pool for making a grey structure.
  3. Lining the pool with tiles to make it hard and complete.
  4. Installation of temperature controlling device.
  5. Installation of machinery for cleaning and emptying the pool.

Prices of

Required raw materials. $800

Labors cost. $2000

Temperature controlling device. $700

Machinery for emptying the pool. $500.

Total cost: $4000

Terms and conditions of construction work are given below,

  • The raw material will be purchased by my team and any previous material will not be used.
  • One year warranty would be given to this project.
  • The time frame for pool construction is 2 months but it may take longer due to weather conditions.
  • No money would be refunded in any scenario.

See also:

Quotation Letter for Supply of Goods

A quotation is known as a specific offer for sale. A quotation letter is a formal letter written in response to a query or quotation format letter by a potential buyer. Many customers write to the supplier of products or services to enquire about their prices. Before availing of any facility, customers make sure that they have enough money to spend.

In response to the letter of a potential customer, suppliers or providers write a quotation letter stating the number of articles or services, their price, terms, and conditions of buying, mode of transportation, exchange or refund policy, and other valuable detail which would be asked by the customer. All these details allow customers to put all facts before them and make a purchase.

A quotation letter for supplying goods can be written by any supplier of goods. Goods can be a number of articles and various suppliers can provide them. Most buyers are interested in handmade goods such as furniture, home decor, decorative articles, jewelry, clothes, and much more. These goods may also include toys, machines, sportswear, or sports goods. This range has no limit.

Some of the tips that should be followed while writing a quotation letter are given below,

  • The letter should be written in a formal tone to show professionalism.
  • Address buyers with proper salutations to make a good first impression.
  • Handmade letters are good but the printed letters on the letterhead of the business are more appreciated.
  • Make sure to provide the postal address, contact information, and social media handles of the business.
  • List each item along-with prices and variety available.
  • Make sure that letter is not too long, and that the information provided is relevant.
  • Quotation letters can be written as a marketing strategy, without any inquiry from the buyer.
  • The letter must be written to the point with conciseness and a complete tone.
  • It should appreciate buyers for their interest in the goods.
  • Do mention any sales or discounts that may happen in the future.
  • Explain to buyers how these goods will make a positive difference in their daily routine.

Sample Letter

It is respectfully stated that I, Rick Martin, have been successfully running a business providing furniture for 5 years. Before starting this business, I worked as a carpenter acquiring knowledge and experience in the same field. Working as a carpenter has allowed me to see this business from a different perspective and it has contributed a lot to making my business successful.

Recently, I received a letter from your agency in which inquired about the quotation of certain goods. I am very delighted to see your inclination toward my business. The articles you are interested in are all made up of high-quality wood and their carvings are done with hands.

We have hired a bunch of skilled artisans who can create masterpieces from wood by using their carving techniques. These are the highest bought articles and customers are still interested in them. Handmade articles always surpass ready-made articles.

From your letter, I understood that you also want regular desks and chairs for office use in addition to the handmade articles. We assure you that you will receive high-quality products. We take pride in making our customers happy and satisfied. Prices of the inquired articles are given below,

  1. Handmade Chess boards $500 each
  2. Polished Wooden Desks $100 each
  3. Comfy black chairs with carvings $150 each
  4. Wooden ply computer table $200 each
  5. Wooden storage cabinets $400 each
  6. Faux Wooden panels for wall $50 each

These are all the articles you mentioned in your letter. For all our walk-in customers, we accept full cash only and our team themselves help in assembling furniture at its destination. Customers from different cities are asked to pay 40% amount of the furniture while the rest 60% is paid after they have received the shipment.

We have never faced any issues of damaged or faulty articles but in case anything happens we have a very flexible exchange policy.

In case you want to move ahead and purchase, just contact us at the provided number. We will be anxiously waiting to hear from you.

See also:

Complaint Letter for Salary Deduction

Companies and businesses hire employees for performing tasks and achieving goals set by the employer. Many multinational companies hire hundreds of employees working in different countries to reach their goals. Higher management overlooks all these employees and makes sure they are performing well.

Employees working in any field are not only given salaries in exchange for their work but they are awarded for their efforts and enjoy various benefits and services. Every business has set up a separate department for employees which is known as HR.

HR is responsible for devising policies for the betterment of employees. They provide ideas, make policies, implement rules, keep a check on irregularities, and much more.

In addition, HR also receives and reviews complaint letters of employees and answers them accordingly. HR at any organization is also supervised by higher management but they are given rights to carry out some action. If complaints letters are not justified by them, employees forward those letters to other authorities.

Why complaint?

Complaints may arise due to various issues such as objectionable behavior of another employee, warning letters, and issues related to salary. All employers are responsible for entertaining all complaints of employees.

These letters are concise and formal. Employees provide all the details in a single ago to avoid any inconvenience for the reader. Formal language is used by employees and the complaint is presented respectfully. After submission of the letter, employees wait patiently for a response or any other action.

Some key points that should be considered while drafting a letter are given below,

  • Printed letters have more impact on the receiver as compared to handwritten letters.
  • Use the letterhead of the company for printing letters to make them official and professional.
  • Use a professional title for addressing seniors or higher authority to keep the matter peaceful.
  • Address the issue in simple words and provide details.
  • Attach all proofs with the letter to avoid any inconvenience.
  • Do not mention any warnings or time limits in the letter.
  • Use professional font size, style, and color for printing.


It is respectfully stated that I, Patrick Adams, have been associated with XYZ company for 5 years. After completing graduation, I joined as an intern to gain some experience. I became very good at my work and was offered the job of assistant manager.

Over the years, knowledge and experience have only been invested and contributed a lot to upgrading me in my rank. I have always been a fan of employee policies that are practiced at the company. Employees are given benefits and awarded generously for their efforts. There never has been a complaint against higher authorities.

I am writing this letter to lure your attention to a serious matter that I have been facing for several months. Employees are always paid on a specific date; therefore, I receive my salary on time but in the past few months there have been unknown deductions.

For 2 months, I didn’t do anything and considered it a glitch or mistake but when it continued for the 3rd month, I contacted HR to resolve this issue or justify these deductions.

According to HR, I have taken several leaves without prior notice, which is not true as I only took two authorized leaves a few months back. I informed management about my absence and the reason behind it. I replied to HR, but they are not entertaining my complaint as a priority therefore, I am writing to you to kindly look into this matter and resolve or ask HR to check their records about my absence.

I belong to a middle-class family and these deductions have disturbed my budget. I’m in debt of a few thousand which will continue to increase if these deductions continue.

Kindly provide me the reason for the deduction so I can know if it happened by mistake or system issue, then kindly provide all the amount that has been deducted in the previous few months. I hope you will consider my issue a priority and help me through this problem.

See also:

Letter to Change a Job Role

What is a letter to change a job role?

This is a type of request letter in which the employee makes a request to his boss for changing in his job role. The basic objective of writing this letter is to convince the reader that you should be switched to a different job role.

For an organization, it is not easy to implement changes like changing the position of the job of a person since it requires bringing many more changes which often becomes a complex process. Therefore, organizations generally don’t like bringing such changes.

However, if a person has a genuine reason and explains that reason in the letter written to his supervisor, he can get the approval of his request. Sometimes, this letter doesn’t require a change in the job but only in a role that is difficult for a person to handle.

When to write a job change letter?

Some common situations in which this letter can be written are:

  1. When you come to know that you are not a right fit for the position you have been appointed to.
  2. When you think that the job responsibilities that you are expected to perform don’t meet your level it also means that they are too difficult for you to handle.
  3. When you know that your qualification doesn’t match the work you are required to do on the current job posting and you want to work as per your qualification.
  4. When you want to get exposure to working in a different area because of some reason.
  5. When an employee feels that his performance in the current position is deteriorating and he is unable to deliver, he can ask for a change.

There can be many other reasons to write this request letter. Every person has a right to put forward this request. But the request should be convincing so that actions in response to our request letter can be expected.

Guidelines for writing to get the job role changed:

You must be in the position to write a request in an effective way so that you can persuade the reader. Read some guidelines given below:

Give your introduction:

When you are requesting your boss, give him your introduction so that he can know what position you are currently working in and where you want to go. This way it will be easy for him to compare both posts and reach a decision.

Make a request:

Then, make a formal request and ask the reader to change your position. Now, there are many ways to make this request. If you know which position you want to work on, mention the name of that position too, and ask your manager to change your profile from this to that.

In some cases, you simply tell your boss that you don’t want to work on the post on which you are currently working.

Come up with the reason:

Provide the reason as to why you want a change in the position. The reason should also be persuasive and it should make the reader feel that you need a change.

Close the letter:

In the end, let the reader know what you are expecting from him and show gratitude for being helpful and cooperative.

The sample letter given below can be useful for you to understand how a request can be made.

Sample letter:

I am Mr. ABC working in your company in the position of a customer representative. I have been working in this position for one year.

I am writing to formally request you to change my position as I am no longer interested in working in this position. The reason for making this request is that I want to work now in a different job role. I believe that I will be more productive if I work in the position of my interest.

Please consider my application for a change in the position. I will be highly thankful to you. Thank you so much for your cooperation.

See also:

Failure to Perform Job Duties Letter to Employee

This is a type of letter that an employer writes to his employee when he notices that the performance of the employee is deteriorating every single day. The basic purpose of writing this letter is to inform the worker that his performance is being monitored and it has been seen that he is not interested in his work anymore. In most cases, the employer reprimands the employee or warns him so that he can focus on his work without any unnecessary distraction.

Why it is important to write?

It is not possible for an employer to ignore the negligence of the employee at work invariably. The employee will continue to ignore his job unless he comes to know that he is under observation. This letter is a type of feedback for an employee.

After reading this, he can easily guess if he can expect the company to give him a promotion or any raise in the pay scale. The employee also tries to improve his performance because it is very easy for him to anticipate the consequences of not being a watchful person.

Who should write this letter?

The person who has been tasked with the responsibility to keep an eye on the work of the employee should write this letter to the employee. The employee should also know which person has the authority to write this letter so that he can take it seriously.

How to write on failure to perform job duties well?

It is very important to write a letter in such a way that the employee can feel the seriousness of the matter. Sometimes the employee does not realize that there is something wrong with his performance and therefore when he receives this letter, he gets a kind of realization. So, write your letter to make the employee feel that he needs to improve his performance. Follow the guidelines mentioned below:

Write politely:

Employers have the authority to talk to employees rudely when they don’t perform well. However, it is never recommended to do.  Tell the employee that his performance is not meeting the requirements of the company and therefore, he is required to improve it.

Give examples to support your point:

If you think that the employee might argue with you on this, you can give some points that support your argument that the employee’s performance is declining. Make him know that he is under surveillance and his teammates and clients are complaining that the project is progressing too slowly because the employee is unable to work at the same pace as his teammates.

Tell him he needs improvements:

Without wasting time in writing more in this letter about the downturn in the performance, let the employee know that he needs to boost his productivity. Offer your assistance in resolving any issue the employee is dealing with at the workplace. If it is a warning letter, mention it in the letter. Let the employee about the consequences of not improving his performance. Read below the sample letter to understand it in a better way.

Sample letter:

For the past few weeks, I have been noticing there is a decline in your performance. Your work quality is not as per the standard set by the organization. My manager has also confirmed what I have been noticing. There are many such projects in which you are lagging because of slow work progress and your teammates are also complaining about it.

In the light of the issues the company has been seeing with your performance, we have decided to take this matter to a next level and talk to you about it. I think that I am left with no other choice other than to issue you a written warning.

The company expects you to improve your performance at work and prove that you are an asset to the company. I hope that in response to this letter, you will improve your productivity.  If you want to discuss this matter in more detail, feel free to contact me.

See also:

Letter to Reduce Hours at Work

This is a formal letter in which you request your boss to reduce your number of working hours. This happens because of many reasons. People write the request letter to ask for decreasing working hours in different ways depending on the situation in which they are writing this letter.

This letter is deemed a professional way to communicate a request to your manager.  You should try to gather enough information regarding the procedure that must be followed to convey the message. 

People request a reduction in their time of work because of many reasons. One of the most common reasons is that they want to balance their personal and work life which has become difficult for them because of long work routines. Some people also want to work less because of their health issues. In some cases, people try to pursue their passion by working less and focusing more on their goals. 

What are the benefits?

There are many advantages to writing this letter to the manager. Some of these advantages are:

  1. People can focus more on their personal life when they get a reduction in working hours. When you don’t have to spend a long time in the office, they can get ample time to stay with their family. In addition, they can also spend time focusing on their health. This way, they can improve their life. 
  2. People become more social when they have to be away from work and live more around their family and friends. 
  3. People get the opportunities to get rid of the unnecessary burden they have to shoulder at the workplace just because their manager believes that they spend a long time in the office and they should utilize every minute of their time serving the company. 

Main points to remember:

Following are some basic points that should be kept in mind:

Discuss the reason why you need decreased working hours:

Some people don’t get the approval of their request and have to work in the same routine because they fail to tell why they need this to happen. When the manager is not convinced about reducing the number of hours, it will never approve the request. Therefore, never forget to mention the reason. Also, make sure that the reason you give makes sense to the reader.

Discuss how you will cooperate:

When the employee requests to spend less time in the office, he should prove that he will remain cooperative and loyal to the company. The willingness of the employee to cooperate with the company should be demonstrated in the letter. 

Sample letter:

I am Mr. ABC, working in the sales department of the company for 10 years. I am writing this letter to make a humble request to you to reduce my work hours. I am compelled to ask for this favor because of the new addition to my family. I have been blessed with a baby girl recently and I believe that my family needs more time of mind. I think that I must pay more attention to my wife and my daughter. 

As of now, I am working 50 hours a week. However, I want a reduction in working hours by up to 20 hours. I trust my abilities and believe that I can easily manage my work responsibilities in 30 working hours also without disturbing anyone. I assure you that the reduction will not impact the company at any level. In addition to it, there are also some extra duties that I have been fulfilling and now I want all these responsibilities to be delegated to others. 

I am so thankful to you for providing me with enough opportunities to work and grow. Thank you for your time. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. We can meet and discuss how a new schedule can be created and implemented. I am looking forward to hearing from you. 

Termination Appeal Response Letters

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Dear Ms. Mason, I hope this letter finds you in good health and peace. I am writing this letter to inform you about the new ventures I have joined recently. I have been a sincere employee in your construction firm since 2004 now, and I do not hesitate to admit that this job has been an excellent learning experience for me over the years, where I made new friends at the workplace and gained a great deal of professional experience as well as got expertise in my work.

Even though the time I worked here was tremendous and the company was doing well over par in the construction consignments in the whole of Birmingham, I am aware of the falling financial state and debts which the company has gotten into. Last month, we got the collective notice that our monthly payment would be half of the amount we were being paid.

I understand that the company is heading toward a crisis, but I have my personal reservations about staying for a longer time in this company. This is because just 6 months ago I had my baby and being a single mother, all the expenses of his are on me, which makes it difficult for me to continue the job here as a chief project manager with such a low salary.

Had these problems not been there, I would have never decided to take such a selfish step to leave my company in the hour of crisis, but I am troubled with financial issues myself.

I, hence request you to kindly terminate my appointment here at Xen Constructions from the coming week so that I take my time to find a job somewhere else with a package that better suits my financial needs at the moment. I shall be thankful to you for this. Thanking you.

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I hope you are in the best of your health. The purpose of writing this letter is to let you know about the personal issues I have been facing with the punctuality with this job. I have been an honest and sincere employee at Bells Wedding Planners since 20XX as the interior décor head of the décor team. Initially, it had only 4 of us to work on the wedding planning but slowly the reputation of this company, with our collective hard work, got better and now it is Nottingham’s leading wedding planning company.

I have had a great experience working with you, as your style of managing the company has been a bit informal which made us comfortable with the creative decor that was required.

Unfortunately, I feel like I will have to quit the job because of my personal and domestic responsibilities toward my old and ill mother who has been in a coma for almost a month now. She got herself fallen in the bathroom while taking a shower and had a cerebral internal injury which made her go into a coma.

I am hence, worried about her health and going through emotionally challenging times which will certainly hamper my creative skills at work. I was getting my mother treated in the St. Joseph Hospital here in Nottingham since she had the issue but the doctor has referred me to Holy Cross Hospital in London for better treatment and a speedy recovery out of the coma.

Hence, I humbly request you to kindly terminate my appointment with the company, as I am going to shift to London for the sake of my mother’s treatment and God only knows how many months my mother will take to get back to normal now.

She is old and feeble, which is why her recovery rate seems very slow. I hope you understand what I am going through and why I have to take such a step. I hope you find a better décor artist who helps your company grow faster over time. Thanking you.

Letters for Outstanding Payment Settlement

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With due respect, it is stated that being a Chief Executive Officer of the HNS Real Estate Consultancy, I needed to communicate the financial settlements with you that were pending since the month of June this year. As you are well aware of the methods and requirements of our company, we face a constant need to refurbish our office branches that are spread across the state.

As a regular customer of your company, we always end up with successful deals when HNS Consultancy needs to renew the interiors like floorings, wall paints, curtains, etc.

However, due to the recent times of Covid-19, like many other companies, HNS Consultancy has also faced a lot of setbacks and went bankrupt in recent months.

The company has gone through a severe loss and the company was just about to close if the board of directors had not arranged a huge loan from the Allied Irish Bank. Steadily, the company is back to normal in the last month since the wave of Covid-19 has been slowed down to any extent.

The clients feel free to come to us and get their personalized property plans and investment ideas for real estate. The accounts have been opened again and the accounts manager just told me about the huge amount of unsettled outstanding payments of as much as 5000 UK Pound Sterling.

Hence, now that the company has started doing financially well, the directors have ordered me to clear the unsettled outstanding payments that we did not pay yet.

I will send my personal assistant with the head office branch general manager with the transaction instructions to your account. It will be cleared as soon as tomorrow. I thank you for being patient with us regarding the delayed payment procedure. I look forward to more successful deals between the companies.

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It is stated with due regard and respect, that I am a general manager of Honda Automobiles, the UK since 2006. This letter has been written to you in order to settle the outstanding payment that had been due from your side for the past 4 months.

Since the hotel’s owner, Mr. Gordon Rose signed the official services contract with Honda Automobiles service station, it has been a matter of pleasure and pride for us to serve one of the most popular and luxurious riverside hotels in the UK. Our services were always provided on time for the hotel’s VIP escort system and protocol management.

Having said all this, it has also been taken into account that despite being one of the most prestigious hotels in the UK, the past 4 months’ bill has not been cleared yet for the staff cars and escorting mobiles for the welcome of your VIP guests from around the kingdom and world.

There were sent 6 Black Honda City cars with various issues with their engines to our service station for repair and overall service on 10th July this year.

The cars were fixed within a short time span of 2 days as the workers prioritized this work for the sake of heavy contract and to avoid the hotel management being disappointed. Even then, the payment of the services was not cleared till now.

Hence, I kindly request you to get the bill cleared by the end of this month, otherwise, the owner of the Honda Automobiles has ordered to terminate the contract for future dealings with Tulip Riverside Hotel.

However, I sincerely hope that such a situation is not reached anyway. Looking forward to the payment clearance procedures and future years of professional dealings.