Request Letter for Replacement of Equipment

A request letter may be written in multiple situations, for example, you may need to request someone for an appointment, or you may request a contribution to your charity. Request letters are also written to ask the applicants in any academic program for their previous academic records.

Before actually writing the letter, think carefully about what you want to say. Think about all the arguments you can give to convince the recipient. Make an outline and ensure that the flow of information and argument is organic and does not feel forced or random. Decide the tone of the letter and the amount of information to be shared according to the recipient.

Try to learn a little more about the recipient so that you can shape your arguments according to them. These would vary according to your request but generally, the letter would follow this outline:

  • At the beginning of the letter, the sender would mention their complete name, address, and date, followed by the name, date, and address of the recipient.
  • Then comes the greeting part. If you know the name of the person you are writing to, greet them by their name otherwise the titles Sir/Madam, etc. can also be used. In certain situations, ‘To whom it may concern may be the most appropriate greeting. In short, the greeting part varies according to the situation.

After that, the subject of the letter is mentioned. However, this is optional and may be skipped.

  • Now comes the first paragraph of the letter. In this paragraph, you would give your complete introduction. The recipient should know who is writing the letter on behalf of which organization or if it is from an individual. The main purpose of writing the letter should also be mentioned briefly. If you have interacted with the recipient before, do give a reference to that. This would remind the addressee of any positive impression he/she might have of your organization/you.
  • After this write the main body of the letter which would clarify the reason you are writing the letter. Write down your request in clear, unambiguous words and convince the person receiving the letter why they should agree to your demands. Be consistent and thorough but do not give out unnecessary information. Stay focused on the subject of the letter and use a firm but polite and professional tone. State any relevant facts in complete detail and do not leave out any argument favorable to your demand.

In the concluding paragraph in a courteous tone by thanking the recipient for taking out the time to read your letter. If there is any important information for example if the matter is time-sensitive or any other fact that they should keep in mind when making a decision, mention it here.

This should be followed by a closing statement. ‘Sincerely’, ‘Best Regards’ etc. are good options to choose from according to the situation and recipient. End the letter with your name and signatures.

Edit the letter and proofread thoroughly for any grammatical and spelling mistakes before sending it. Ensure that nothing important has been left out and at the same time no extra information has been added. The entire letter should follow a clear train of thought focused on convincing the recipient to accept your request.


I am writing on behalf of [name] gymnasium in reference to the replacement of the damaged equipment we received on [date]. We have been your clients since [year] and have always found the quality of your products and your customer service to be excellent which is why we entered into a contract with you and selected you as our primary supplier and it is safe to say that we have never been disappointed. Your professionalism, quality of service, and after-sales support have been excellent.

Last week we placed an order for two elliptical machines model number[number] and one set of weights. We received the delivery today but the dials on the machines were damaged which was pointed out to your delivery team on the spot who guided us to send this request in writing.

According to our contract, you are obliged to replace any equipment damaged during delivery within one week. So we would like to request you to replace these damaged elliptical machines within this timeframe.

Thank you for taking the time to read the letter. We are looking forward to a positive and speedy response from your side.

See also:

Letter of Introduction for Research Project

What is a letter of introduction for a research project?

It is a formal letter in which the sender has to write his introduction. It is important to remember that this letter always targets a particular research project.

What is the purpose?

The main objective of this letter is to let the recipient of the letter know that you are the best fit for the research project that has been stated him. Giving an introduction ensures that you have proved that you have enough knowledge that will support you when you start working on the research project.

In some cases, you are asked to write the introduction because you have initially shown interest in the project and the targeted person wants to know about it. Sometimes, you write your introduction on your own because you felt that giving your introduction can help you convince the reader into choosing you for the project you are targeting. No matter you a solicited letter or unsolicited, make sure that it serves the purpose.

What information should be provided?

If you are not sure about the kind of information that you need to add to this letter, you can read the purpose of the letter. This will make it clear to you what you should write.  Make sure that the following information is mentioned in the letter.

Your introduction:

Give your details including your name, your contact details, the position you are working on, the duration of your job experience and some other relevant details that you think can impact the reader’s decision.

Your academic background:

It is very important to let the reader know about your academic background. In this part of the letter, you will tell him about your qualification, the university at which you completed your degree, and your grades (if necessary). 

Your research background:

This is the most important part of the letter because here you give your background in the research area. The reader wants to know about your experience in the research area he is initiating the project. If you have any sort of experience regarding this, you should hesitate to share that.

When you write about your history in research, make sure that you have the targeted project in mind. Even if your area of research is slightly different from the project, you can tailor your introduction to the needs of the recipient.

Main points to remember:

  1. Your introduction should not include irrelevant details that reader finds hard to read
  2. Your letter should circulate to the research project you are writing your introduction for. If you go off the track, you will lose the charm no matter how strong your profile is.
  3. Enlist the projects you have worked on in the past and mention them as your achievements

The sample letter given below is an introduction letter that will tell you how you can write your introduction

Sample letter:

I am Mr. Adams working in the IT department for three years. I am interested in the research project your company has initiated in the area of machine learning. I have completed my MS in software engineering with a research background in machine learning. I believe that I can be a very competent researcher and my contribution will be different from the research you initiated.

I have worked for 5 years in various research positions at ABC University. I have also worked as a research assistant of Prof. Johnsons, one of the leading names in the IT industry due to his publications.

On the technical side, I have gained technical experience working in the area of software engineering with the aid of using various python related tools. I am adept at programming languages. I have also worked in a collaborative environment. Hence, I have plenty of knowledge to meet the overall research goals of the industry. I believe that my presence in your research group will make a difference.

If you want to know anything else about me, feel free to contact me. I am looking forward to a positive response from your side.

See also:

Explanation Letter for not Hitting the Target

Organizations and businesses function by setting monthly or yearly, goals and targets for different departments. These goals are subdivided and assigned to different team leaders, who work towards achieving them with their teams.

If these targets are not met in time, the entire project suffers like all the modules assigned to different teams are interconnected and a delay in one causes a delay in the overall project. Similarly, if a team fails to hit a target set by the employer, it causes a setback to the plan of the organization.

When such a situation arises, the team leader is often asked to write an explanation letter. The purpose of the explanation letter is to describe what went wrong and what was the team leader’s role in fixing the situation and finally and most importantly what they have learned from the incident. They can also suggest ways to improve the situation.

Since these letters are written to the employer or some higher authority the tone should be formal and matter of fact. Do not add any unnecessary details or information. Keep it short and precise but at the same time do not miss out on any important point. Be honest about your fault and suggest practical ways to remedy the situation.

The exact contents of the letter may vary but the general outline is as under:

  1. Greetings: The letter would start by greeting the recipient. As in this case, you know the person you are giving an explanation to, so you can address them directly by name or by their designation.
  2. Introduction: Start the letter by introducing yourself. Apart from your name, mention your department name, the name of your team, and your designation. Then mention the incident you are writing about.
  3. Background: Explain all the details. When was the project assigned to you? What exactly was the project? When was the due date? Mention your team members by name and designation. Mention who was assigned what part of the project and finally explain what went wrong. Be honest and ruthless in your explanation. Without bias or favoritism, give an honest overview. Do not try to lessen your fault or blame someone else for your part. Remember ‘Honesty is the best policy.’
  4. Solution: If there is anything you can do to solve the problem, offer to do that, and sincerely apologize, fully admitting that your slackness or negligence, or a mistake has caused loss or embarrassment to the company.
  5. Ending Statement: End the letter on a positive note showing enthusiasm that by following your suggested solution, the problem would be resolved, or its negative impact would be reduced. Convey your apology once again and assure the boss that this would not happen again.
  6. Salutations: Write down your complete name, designation, and department name. Another important detail is the date which must not be left out.


I (name) am (designation) of (department name). I am writing to explain why the sales were not up to the assigned target. Sir we were assigned the task to raise the sales of the (cold drink name) up to 20% of the previous quarter’s number. It was assumed that since summers were approaching so this would be a realistic goal.

Sir my team members which include marketing specialists and digital marketing professionals worked day and night to advertise and hence influence the consumers but somehow the result we anticipated, was not achieved and the sales only raised to 10% of the previous quarter’s amount.

Sir, I have given a lot of thought to the issue and after much discussion with my team members, I have concluded that the reason for not hitting the target is that we failed to get the message across to the correct audience. Our advertisements were targeted towards youth especially the digital media consumers are primarily youth.

A more appropriate target audience would have been the middle-aged people who can be accessed more easily by television advertisements or by organizing events like spring festivals or summer galas. This group makes up 80% of our current customer base and we can increase sales by focusing on this group.

Now that we understand this mistake, we intend to make this work in our favor. My team has planned a series of open-mike events. Taking full advantage of the pleasant and sunny weather, we would arrange these events in public parks. As these places have a huge footprint, we are hopeful that our event’s attendance would be high.

Free samples of our cold drink would be offered to the participants at the venue and there would be a stall selling them in bulk at discounted rates. We would also distribute fliers and brochures listing the natural, organic ingredients used and their advantages.

We are proposing that these low-cost events should be organized on all weekends in the next two months in different parks all over the southern region. We have very high hopes that this would help us reach a larger audience who, when given a free drink while relaxing and enjoying live music with friends or family, would respond very positively to our brand.

In the end, I would like to offer my apologies for not coming up to your expectations and request you overlook our mistake. We are hopeful that our new strategy would work wonderfully, and we will be able to deliver the required sales target.

See also:

Complaint Letter against Sweeper

Complaint letters are written to inform someone in a position of authority, who is providing you a certain service, about any dissatisfaction or inconvenience you are facing. Complaint letters can be written by individuals or businesses. They are written to address a multitude of problems.

A complaint letter may be written to address a grievance, misconduct, transgression, or bitterness against a product or service. They are important as they help you communicate with the people who can resolve the issue.

It may be written against a business that has not delivered the promised goods/products on time or delivered the wrong product altogether. It may be written against individuals who have not provided the service they charged you for.

One such situation when you may have to write a complaint letter is when a service you are being charged for, is not delivered to your satisfaction. On an individual level, this letter would be addressed to the building president.

People living together in an apartment building or residential complex often assign a president from amongst them. This is usually a senior member of the community and his/her job is to collect the service charges from all the residents and pay the gardeners, guards and sweepers hired to take care of the complex.

Any problems or issues related to any of these services, are to be reported to the president, and then they resolve the issues after listening to both the parties.

It is important that the problem is communicated clearly and timely. If there is any evidence that can help prove your point, it should be attached to the letter. The tone of a complaint letter should be firm but polite. Avoid confrontational language and state the facts clearly and with dates and evidence (if any).

The letter should not be very long and should contain strictly relevant information. You should avoid bringing up past bitterness and only raise the current issues bothering you.

The exact contents would differ based on the type of complaint letter you are writing but the general format would be as under:

  1. You would address the person you are writing to. Their name, designation, and address or company name (depending on whether it is a personal or business letter) should be clearly mentioned.
  2. You would start by greeting the person to whom you are writing the letter. Since you would know the name of the person so you can address them directly like ‘Dear Mr/ Ms. [name]’.
  3. You would introduce yourself after that. You can mention your address to identify yourself. After that describe the purpose of writing the letter. It should be stated very clearly and there should be no ambiguity in your language or thought.
  4. In the subsequent paragraphs, explain what the issue is and how is it bothering you. Give all details but do not deviate from the main topic. Do not bring up past grievances or problems unrelated to the one at hand. Stay focused and make sure that you communicate all the relevant details and do not leave anything out.
  5. After describing the problem fully, mention what you feel would be a just resolution to this issue. Be fair and reasonable in your demands.
  6. In the end, you should thank the person for taking out the time to read the letter and express your wish for a speedy resolution of the issue.
  7. Mention your name, address, and the date of writing the letter.

The letter should have no grammatical or spelling mistakes as that would reduce its seriousness and impact. A copy of the letter should be kept for future reference.

Sample Letter

I am writing this letter to register my complaint against the sweeper. I am a resident of block 8 for the last ten years and I have always paid the service charges on time. It is only fair that I get the services I am paying for. As you are well aware that the sweeper is paid to pick up the trash, we put it outside the door daily and wash the stairs at least twice a week.

He has always been lazy in washing the stairs but now he has stopped picking up the trash daily, too. He usually comes on alternate days. The trash stays in the passageway all night and if some stray cat ends up entering the building, it spreads the litter all over the place.

I am not quoting an isolated incident. In fact, it is increasingly becoming a norm. This is not just a source of irritation and stress for us but it is also causing us embarrassment in front of our visitors.

The situation is really getting out of hand and I want to request you to look into this issue at the earliest. Please reprimand him for this negligence and address this problem at the earliest.

See also:

Golf Tournament Announcement Letter

The purpose of an announcement letter is to inform people about any development which concerns them. It would include all the relevant information people would need considering the development. They can be written to announce a wedding or to publicize the hiring or promotion of a new employee. They can be written to launch a new product or a service or a new job opening or any upcoming event.

Letters are also written to convey news like the death or termination of an employee. Announcement letters can be classified according to their purpose or intended audience. Generally, they are categorized as Personal Announcement Letters and Professional Announcement letters.

As the names show personal announcement letters are written by individuals and professional announcement letters are written by businesses. According to the type of the announcement letter, their exact contents would vary but a general outline is as under:

The letter would begin with greeting the intended audience. In case of an announcement to the public phrases like, ‘Dear All’, ‘Dear Staff’ and ‘Dear Customers’, etc. may be used. Then you should proceed to make the actual announcement in clear and concise words. There should not be any ambiguity so that anyone who reads the letter should be clear about the purpose of writing.

At the same time do not miss out on any important information either. For example, the time, venue, and other details in case of an event announcement. Do not add any unnecessary details to avoid ambiguity. If you are announcing a negative or unpleasant development, keep the tone positive.

It is important to mention all the benefits the event would have for the recipients of the letter. In case of a spring festival, winter gala, or sports event; list all the activities and the different types of stalls that would be there. The purpose of the letter is to spread the news about the subject of your announcement and that can be done best by providing all the relevant information and making it attractive to the public/ employees/ audience of the letter.

One of the commonly held sports events is a Golf tournament. Golf is a game that brings people together in a relaxed and amiable environment to interact and enjoy. Golfing tournaments are great as fundraising events. They are also a great option for alumni reunions. Clubs may also organize these tournaments to encourage and attract new people to become golfers.

When writing a letter to announce a golf tournament, the following points should be clear:

  1. The format of the golfing event: the announcement letter should state clearly what type of golfing event is being organized whether it is Shotgun, Crossover, or standard.
  2. The scoring format should also be announced: The difficulty of the game is directly affected by the way the game is scored. It should be clearly mentioned what scoring format is used. Matchplay, Scramble, Alternate Shot, and four-ball are some of the common formats used at these tournaments. Select the one best suited to your event according to the capability of the players and the type of event you are planning.
  3. Tournament type:

There are three tournament types that pass through a course at one time.

  • The corporate event
    • The league or society
    • The competitive event

It is important that you clearly mention the type of event you are organizing to attract the correct audience. First-time golfers would not enjoy a competitive event and vice versa. Similarly, the type of event you are organizing would be based on the age group you are targeting, and it should be clearly mentioned.


I [name] am pleased to announce that our NGO ‘Sweet Life’ is organizing a Golf Competition to raise funds for the poor diabetic patients in our area. As you know that diabetes is a very expensive disease. The daily insulin injections, testing strips, and other tests; the cost keep building up and it is very difficult for people already struggling with finances to survive this disease. Our NGO is sponsoring [number] patients through our [name] project and we want to raise this number by [number] percent.

To this end, we have planned a fun-filled event on [date] for you and your families, ‘A day of Golf’. As the name suggests it is a non-competitive, relaxed day of golfing for all age groups. Our experts would be there to give any new golfers classes and guide them. All the golfing equipment would be provided by us on payment of a nominal fee of [amount]. After paying an entry fee of [amount] you can enjoy an entire day of golf with friends and family with free food and drinks.

See also:

Apology Letter for Late Registration

Registration is required in various situations for example universities require students to submit their documents and admission papers before a certain date. Similarly, job applications, and property booking offices all require registration before a certain deadline so that they can process the applications and shortlist the candidates for the next step.

If the deadline is missed, the applications received after that are not entertained. Sometimes, due to various reasons, these deadlines are missed by the applicants. When such a situation arises apology letters are written to the concerned authority.

Apology letters are written both in personal and professional capacity to apologize for the inconvenience caused. They are written to give a reason for being late and also to request that since due to the aforementioned reasons they were helpless so their application should be considered.

The tone of these letters should be polite yet formal. It should be written in a clear and concise way. Along with this letter, attach your registration application and all the required documents. Any testimonials from teachers/colleagues/ mentors (whichever are applicable) should be attached.

Generally, the contents of a letter written to apologize for late registration would have the following contents:

  1. Greeting: Formal greetings would be appropriate in this situation. The recipient can be addressed as Sir/ Madam or by their official designation.
  2. Introduction: The next step would be introducing yourself. Name and other details which can help the recipient in identifying you should be mentioned. So that there is no misunderstanding as to who is writing the letter.
  3. Explanation: This is the most important part of the letter as here you explain the reason why the registration got late. It is always a good idea, to be honest, and to acknowledge any mistakes on your part. It is very important that the tone used is apologetic and reconciliatory. Avoid confrontational or passive-aggressive language.

    Remember that you are asking for a favor and the letter should reflect that. Trying using firm but simple language. Explain your situation clearly and add any proofs you might have, of the problem which caused you to get late. Also, you should try to emphasize how important this opportunity is to you and request the authority to which you are writing, to accept your registration.
  4. Closing statement: In the end, reiterate your request for consideration and apologize for being late.
  5. Salutations: End the letter with your complete name and identifying information.


I am writing to apologize for the late registration for the scholarship program for a bachelor’s in engineering, being offered by your prestigious university. I applied for this scholarship but before submitting my documents, I was diagnosed with Covid.

I was put in isolation and was quite unwell. After ten days when I was finally covid free, I learned that the deadline had passed and I was late for the registration. As I am not a resident of this city, so I had no family or friends who could submit my documents on my behalf.

Sir, I come from a very humble background and my parents cannot afford to sponsor my professional degree. This scholarship is the only option for me to get higher education in a reputed institution like yours. I am attaching my academic record so you can see how hard I have worked and I deserve this scholarship.

I am also attaching my teacher’s testimonials along with the other documents. If you give me this opportunity, I will not disappoint you.

I would like to apologize for not registering on time and request you to consider my application. I would be extremely grateful if you consider my application.

See also:

Email for Reimburse of Internet Expenses

We often have to apply for reimbursement when we pay for the thing on our company’s behalf. The company is liable to pay us for all the expenses we bear from our pocket. This is an agreed-upon term and the employee, as well as the employer, knows that reimbursement will take place at a certain time.

What is an email for a refund of internet expenses:

When an employee bears the expenses related to the internet for office work, he is given a refund. People use the internet for various purposes and they pay for it only when they use it for their reasons. Those who use the internet for office work are paid the internet fee either by adding the fee to their salary or by giving a refund separately.

What do you mean by internet expenses?

By internet expenses, we mean the total bill we receive from the internet service provider for using the internet. They may also include the amount paid by us for getting a new connection, buying wires, modems, routers, and other tools to help us bring the internet in running condition.

Why it is important to write the email when a refund is required?

Most companies have the policy to repay their employees as soon as they inform the company about the expenses. Considering this, we can easily understand the importance of writing an email.

How do write the email for applying for a refund?

It is important to know how to write the email effectively so that fruitful results can be reaped. Follow the tips given below:

Explain why you need a refund:

At the beginning of the email, inform the reader that you need a refund. After reading this statement, the reader might be thinking about why and how this has happened. So, don’t wait for the reader to ask you this question and thoroughly explain that you have tolerated the expenses of the internet for office work. 

Mention the amount to be reimbursed:

Since the purpose of this email is to get a refund, make sure that you provide the right amount to be refunded. Mention the currency in which you have spent money and require a refund. For being more precise, mention the date on which you spent the money.

Discuss the receipt:

In the professional world, you can’t get it if you don’t have any proof such as a receipt or invoice. Therefore, whenever you apply for a refund and write an email to your employer, don’t forget to enclose a receipt or invoice with it. 

Also, inform your boss you have attached the invoice so that he doesn’t miss viewing it. 

Explain when and how you need repayment:

To get the amount to be repaid to you, make sure that you have provided sufficient information to the recipient. This will result in speeding up the process of reimbursement. Provide your account number and other details about where you want to receive the refund.

Close the email by thanking the reader:

Regardless of why you are writing this email, make.

Sample email:

I am writing this email to let you know that I have spent 500 USD on the internet. I was asked to work from home for the whole month of September because of the prevailing conditions of pandemics across the world. The total bill I received after working for the office for the whole month is 500$. Therefore, I am seeking reimbursement for this amount. 

I am attaching a copy of the bill with this email as proof that I have made the payment for the internet that I used for office work. Kindly have a look at this bill and reimburse the amount mentioned on it. 

Please send the reimbursed amount to my salary account. 

See also:

Warning Letter to Employee for Unprofessional Behavior with Customer

Warning letters are issued by high management or administration of an organization or any other workplace to keep their employees in check. Warning letters are issued when employees misbehave or threaten one another or their customers. Every workplace has certain rules regarding the issuance of these letters. These workplaces hire employees for getting their job done and in return, pay employees for their efforts and award them with additional bonuses and benefits to keep their loyalties intact for their workplace.

The international community of employees makes sure that employees are treated well at their workplace regardless of their region, rank, and cast. These communities ask employers to provide basic rights to employees so that they can protect themselves in hours of need. Employees are allowed to speak against injustice and professional misconduct.

Similarly, employers follow policies that protect themselves and their businesses. These policies also include topics such as customer care. Customers are the backbone of every business therefore they are treated with utter respect. Every business tries to make its customers happy because businesses flourish through words of mouth. Employers do not tolerate the unprofessional behavior of an employee with any customer regardless of the issue.

Employers can give warning letters to employees to warn them about the serious consequences of such behavior with customers. Employers have the authority to terminate the contract tract of employees without any warning letter.

Some key features of a warning letter are given below,

  • Warning letters are formal letters therefore proper salutations are used for addressing the receiver.
  • These letters are short and relevant to focus on the problem at hand.
  • Warning letters describe the cause of the letter in detail to help the receiver understand the situation.
  • The tone of the warning letter is polite to assist employees in changing their behavior.
  • It reminds employees about the serious consequences that they might suffer if the action is repeated.


It is to bring it to your attention that you have been issued this warning letter upon receiving a complaint from one of our valued customers. You joined this company 3 years ago and your record has been exceptional. I have always had high hopes for you, and I believed that you will go a long way forward if you continue like this.

To my surprise, I received a complaint yesterday from one of our most valued customers. It stated that you showed unprofessional behavior to the client when they came to exchange an article, they have purchased a few days ago. It was difficult for me to believe that this situation happened, so I investigated this matter myself in different ways. I asked all the employees working at that time and asked them about what they saw.

Additionally, I also checked CCTV footage of the event to understand this matter more clearly. Unfortunately, all fingers are pointed toward you telling you you are the actual culprit. A customer wanted to exchange the article they had not used but removed labels and price tag. I know we do not entertain such requests, but the matter could have been resolved politely but your anger kicked in and you misbehaved with those customers.

I have a zero-tolerance policy against unprofessional behavior with customers and hand out the termination letter to such employees but looking at your track record, I have issued a warning letter only. If such a situation happens again then you will be receiving a termination letter and will also be facing serious consequences.

Unprofessional conduct not only loses clients but also puts a bad impression on other employees. Customers are going to update all social media forums about your conduct which will lead to reduced sales and low business value. Moreover, news on social media impacts thousands so it has severe adverse effects on the business.

I will not tolerate this unprofessional attitude again; therefore, you are advised to manage your anger issues and apologize to the customers personally. You should request customers for their forgiveness and assure them that this scene will never be repeated.

See also:

Address Change Notification Letter

Many of the services we need in day-to-day life are delivered at our homes, for example, a mineral water company requires your address for the weekly water delivery. Children’s schools require the address to deliver the fee challans, results, and other documents related to their studies.

Banks require the current address of the customers for delivering bank statements and other important documents. Similarly, newspapers and other online subscriptions which arrive monthly/weekly all require the correct home address to make the deliveries timely.

Similarly, in business, it is important that all the contacts be it the customers or the suppliers, should have an accurate address to avoid any confusion or loss. Hence, it is important that whether you shift your home or business all your contacts should have the new address in time.

An easy way to ensure that everyone gets to know about this change is by writing a formal letter. The letter announcing the change of address should have a formal tone and it should clearly state the last date up to which you are using the last address and the date after which the new address is to be used. It should include the complete new address along with complete street addresses and the area zip code.

The language used should be formal and clear. Do not give out unnecessary or unrelated information. Keep it short and concise while communicating all the relevant details. Use neither slang nor very flowery language. Another important point to remember is how to address the letter.

The letter should be addressed to the proper authority who can ensure that the delivery address is changed timely. In the case of businesses, a change of address notification should be sent on the company letterhead so that it is taken seriously and given due importance. The address on the letterhead should also be changed accordingly.

The exact contents of the letter would differ slightly depending on whether it is being written by an individual or a business but generally, the following pattern would be followed.

  1. Greeting: As mentioned before, the letter should be addressed to the appropriate person who is responsible to keep a track of the customer’s address in the respective company’s records. You can greet the other person using the formal title like ‘Respected General Manager’ or they can be addressed by their name for example ‘Dear Mr.[name]’.
  2. Introduction: The next step would be the writer’s introduction. It must be stated clearly who is writing the letter. It should also be clarified; what services the writer was taking from the recipient. Also, the old address at which the deliveries were being made should be mentioned. In the case of businesses, the employee writing the letter should also mention their department name.
  3. Main body: After this, the new address is given. The address should be complete and there should be no ambiguities. For example, if there are multiple street names mention both. Or if there is any famous landmark which can be used for finding the address quickly, it should be mentioned for example ‘ABC road next to the XYZ market’. The address should include the phone number so that if the mailman/ delivery man cannot find the address they can call and inquire about the exact whereabouts. It should also include the date of shifting or the date after which the new address would become effective.
  4. Closing statement: The letter should end on a positive note giving a contact number to resolve any queries.
  5. Salutations: In the end, the name of the sender should be written.

A sample letter

Subject: Address change notification for [X[

Dear Mr. [name]

I [name] am a resident of [address] and we get our drinking water from your company. Our account reference number is [number].  I am writing to inform you that we are shifting our home and would like to continue getting water from you at the new address.

Our new address is as under:

House no: [number],
Street [name],
[Area name]
[city name]
[phone number]

Looking forward to continued business with you.

See also:

Payment Request Letter to Government Office

The government offices often take services from private firms. These include a wide variety of areas including interior decoration services for government offices, construction services, office furniture and equipment procurement, catering services, etc. Mostly some initial payment is made with the remaining amount to be paid after the completion of the project.

The rates, time frame of payment, and other details are already settled between the two parties. Sometimes even after the completion of the projects, some payment is outstanding. To recover this outstanding payment, sometimes a payment request letter is written. These are also called outstanding payment recovery letters.

The purpose of these letters is to communicate the amount still due, decide upon a payment plan and decide its terms. The exact contents of the letter would vary from case to case but a general outline would be like this:

  1. Greeting: The letter would begin with a greeting. Since it is being written to a government official it would be addressed to the official title.
  2. Introduction: Next the writer should give his/ her introduction which should include their name and designation and the company name on whose behalf they are writing.
  3. Background information:  In clear and concise terms, the issue would be described by giving all the basic facts of the matter. The following information must be mentioned in the letter to ensure maximum clarity:

    >The date when the contract was signed
    >Date of completion of the project
    >Receipts of any payments made to date
    >Original due date decided for the outstanding payments
    >Remaining outstanding amount
  4. Repayment plan: The next step would be to describe what needs to be done now. This would include:

    >Expected timeframe for the return of the remaining payment.
    >Detailed contact information of the person to be contacted to discuss the payment plan.
    >Preferred mode of payment and account details.
  5. Closing statement: The letter should end on a positive note expressing the wish that the payment would be made soon and the issue would be resolved timely.
  6. Ending: The letter would end with the sender’s signatures and their complete details like designation, contact number, and email address.

Proofread the letter thoroughly before sending it. It is important that the letter has no grammatical or spelling mistakes as that would reduce the impact of the letter and leave a bad impression. This letter would be written on the company letterhead to give it the formal and professional look the occasion demands.

Sample Letter

Subject: Payment Request to Government Office

Respected Sir/Madam.

My name is [name] and I am the [designation] at the [company name]. I am writing to bring to your notice the matter of outstanding payment for the renovation project we did for you. Our firm was assigned the task of renovating the government guestrooms in [location]. This included painting the indoors and landscaping the garden. It also involved the procurement of new furniture and décor items.

An initial payment of [amount] was made. The remaining amount was to be paid within two months after the completion of the project. The project was completed and handed over on [date] but we still have not received the remaining amount. Our office contacted you on multiple occasions to clarify this issue but we did not get any satisfactory response.

Please repay the amount due to us by [date] as we have to pay our suppliers and the late payment is resulting in fines. We are attaching a copy of the contract and the receipt of the payment made till now. We are also attaching an invoice for the outstanding amount. Please investigate this matter at the earliest.

In case of any queries, please contact Mr. [name] from our HR department. his email address is [email address] or you can call him at [phone number].

Looking forward to a positive response from your side.

See also: