Letter to Thankyou Boss for Probation

When new employees are hired, they are often put on probation. This means that they are hired on a trial basis and after observing their performance for the probationary period, they would either be let go or a contract would be signed with them. This observation period may last three months, six months, or a year. From the employer’s point of view, it is easy to terminate people hired on probation instead of the long and tedious process required by HR for the termination of a contractual employee.

Employees may be terminated if they are not punctual or act irresponsibly. Incompetence or lack of the skills required for the job can also result in termination.

For a person looking for work for the first time like a fresh graduate or a person coming back into the workforce after a long break, getting a job on probation is an attractive option as it gives them an opportunity to show their skills and earn a place in the organization.

The job market is saturated and finding a place in a good reputable company that offers a good package is very difficult so a person who finds themselves in this position may want to thank the employer for considering them for the job.

Writing a thank you letter is a good way to show your gratitude. It would be written in the format of a typical business letter starting with the sender and receiver’s contact information and date, followed by the greetings and subject line.

After that, the main body of the letter is written, in which the sender expresses their gratitude. The letter would be concluded with a wish to be very productive and come up to the employer’s expectations. In the end, the writer would put their signatures.

The following points should be kept in mind when writing a thank you letter.

  1. This is a professional letter so keep the tone formal and polite.
  2. Keep the letter brief and to the point.
  3. Be genuine and honest in your gratitude.
  4. Check the letter for grammatical mistakes before sending it.

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Subject:  Thank you letter for Probation at [XYZ]

I want to thank you for considering my job application and selecting me as a junior research officer on probation. I realize that due to the huge gap in my work experience, my selection was not a straightforward decision and you are putting a lot of trust in me.

I want to assure you that you will not regret this decision. I have always been a hard-working person and with my complete dedication and commitment to work, I will prove to you that your decision to hire me, was correct.

IC design and implementation have always been a field very close to my heart and to work in this field practically, in state-of-the-art laboratories is like a dream come true. I am particularly interested in the [equipment name] and wish to learn the maximum during my training period.

I am excited to learn under the mentorship of Mr. [name], whose research in this area has been recognized the world over. I am sure that this would be a really great learning experience and I intend to utilize it to increase my knowledge and enhance my skills.

In the end, I would like to thank you once again and assure you that I would try my best not to let you down. Instead, prove myself to be profitable for the company.

Letter to Thankyou Boss for Probation

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Subject:  Thank you letter for Probation at [ABC]

I am writing to express my gratitude for hiring me on probation in [department name]. As a fresh graduate, it is a wonderful opportunity and I intend to give it my best. I am looking forward to the Basic Training course, my performance in this course would prove my commitment and dedication to the job.

As the trainers are seniors who have vast experience in this field, everyone joining the Basic Training course is getting a once in a lifetime opportunity and whether we are selected after the probation period or not, the experiences and the coaching, we would get during the training are invaluable and I am thankful to you for giving me this chance.

Looking forward to a very interesting and educating experience.

Letter to thank you boss for probation

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