Mortgage Thank you Letter

A mortgage is a legal agreement in which the debtor keeps the title of the property in their name until the debts are not paid back. The bank employees who help you secure the mortgage put in a lot of effort and once a person gets his mortgage proposal approved, it is common that they write a thank you letter to the person who has facilitated them. It is a long procedure involving a long documentation process including attaching proof of income, pay slips, etc. The broker’s help and guidance make it easier to secure the mortgage.

Appreciating the efforts of an employee always encourages them to perform even better. Appreciation makes them feel recognized and they feel that their efforts are valued which motivates them to do better. Showing your gratitude also warms up the relationship between the client and the service provider and they take a personal interest in your case. Writing a thank you letter is the most common way to show your appreciation for a business or a service provider.

A thank you letter is a formal letter that is addressed to the broker who has facilitated you. It should be kept brief and precise. Avoid unnecessary information. Show your genuine gratitude for the help you were given. Proofread the letter thoroughly before sending it so that there are no errors in it. documents of financial nature need more thorough editing than normal business letters. It is a formal business letter but the tone should be cordial.

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I want to express my gratitude for all the help you extended in securing my mortgage. I realize that my case was not a simple one and it is due to your personal interest that I was able to get this mortgage and for that, I would be forever grateful to you. I had heard of your firm’s reputation for facilitating their customers and making the mortgage process smooth.

Now I have experienced this first hand and I agree with others that you have made a tedious process much simpler and if I had gone anywhere else this process would have taken much longer. Also, the different options available were too confusing for me and I could not decide which was the best-suited plan, it was only through your help that I was able to select a plan that suited me both in terms of interest rate and installment amount.

Your guidance and assistance in this regard have been invaluable. You perfectly understood my situation and found me a lender whose interest rate and other terms suit me well. I am very grateful to you for all your efforts and want to thank you for being so cooperative and on top of everything having such a reasonable commission. I look forward to a mutually beneficial working relationship.

Thanks again for your assistance and guidance.

Mortgage thankyou letter

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I want to thank you for your tireless efforts and dedication which you helped me complete my mortgage application. Without your guidance, it would have been very difficult for me to know which documents to attach and to complete the documentation in time. Without it, it would have been impossible to secure the mortgage.

Your professionalism and dedication are reflected every step of the way. The lender you selected and the interest rate you got me, were not possible without extensive market research. I realize that it is out of respect and a good past experience with you, that the lender has offered such a reasonable interest rate to me. I would like to assure you that I would pay all the installments on time and you would not face any problems in this regard.

Your help in getting this loan approved means a lot to me as we urgently required this amount for getting our house renovated which is currently in very bad shape. I appreciate your efforts and am sure to recommend you to my friends and family if they require any mortgage services.

Looking forward to a good working relationship.

Mortgage thankyou letter

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