Re-hire Letter after Termination

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Respected Sir, I had been working as a web designer in your institute and worked there for almost ten years. I along with Mr. Robinson and his teammates have this owner create a webpage for the organization. It resulted so successfully that it is the fastest website today.

When the company shifted its main branch to New Jersey then I was eliminated from my position, and I ended up being fired. I have divergent and mesmerizing skills that make me a competent individual and I am fully prepared to work for any position that is dealt with on the web. It is my humble request to you now to rehire me for my previous position in your organization.

I know well that there might be someone else dealing with my position and I am ready to work in any department in which I would be adjustable easily. Based on my previous experience and qualification I am hopeful that this time too I will execute the remarkable performance.

Moreover, during this period I did not remain free, I enrolled myself in getting some diplomas and certifications from XYZ Group of Companies, and to upgrade my abilities and I orchestrated boot camps. I make this thing certain that I am adept in accountancy and coding.

I can be of great help to organizations when it comes to operating web systems and coding and I can deal with hackers too. I make a sincere request to you to please consider my request. You can answer me back through email. I will wait for your response.


Dear Sir, I hope you have been doing great. As you know that after being terminated from your organization, I started working in ABC Organization as an assistant director. After working here for almost three months I am regretting my decision of joining this company as I am adjustable to the work environment that is being provided here and the staff is not cooperative at all.

Therefore, I am writing this letter to ask about the possibility to join your office again in the previous position and I had been holding this position for the past nine years.

I humbly apologize for my previous attitude based on which I was terminated. I want to join again in your organization, and I make this thing certain that I will remain fully committed to the organization and will carry out my responsibilities well.

In the meanwhile, I gained experience in account management operation and Word Press. I guarantee you that these skills would be of great to ABC Organization as it has broadened its online dealing. I know that the post for which I was working before might have been filled but I request you to adjust me to any other position in which I will be a good fit.

I am highly anticipated to you for your kind consideration, and I am looking forward to getting positive feedback from you.  I will remain available for a conversation to your satisfaction. I can be contacted via email [EMAIL]. Thank you.


Hope you and your family have been doing well. I was a previous employee in your organization, and I worked as an accountant manager for more than eight years. During my tenure in your organization, my better half got some contagious disease and I had to take sudden leaves without informing based on which I got terminated.

I am regretful that I did not make tracks in good conditions, and I was submerged with vexation about my better half. If you provide me a chance to work again for you that I make certain that I will my best to fulfill my work responsibilities and will not repeat previous actions anymore.

In the meanwhile, I was at home, I enrolled myself in an online programming course and I assure you that I have gotten enough skills and I can be a good fit for your organization. I know that my previous job position has been filled but I am ready to work in any other department dealing with data processing and Word Press.

I am thankful to you for your kind consideration, and you contact me via email or phone number. I will remain available at any time for conversation and to chew over my request. Thanks in advance.

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